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dominikos last won the day on October 22 2020

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About dominikos

  • Birthday February 4

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  1. A good outcome, taking the mag off, checking the timings solved the problem. the plane is happy to fly again and ready for the check ride tomorrow
  2. Any update on the findings? Found myself in the same exact situation with L mag droping to 600 rpms during mag check. The harness and plugs were checked. The mag was a replacement unit less than 100 hrs ago. The EGTs are dropping on Cyl 1&2.
  3. When I made my decision two years ago, Dynon was significantly cheaper than Garmin. I don't remember the exact numbers but roughly 20-30% difference. Basically, I had to choose between Skyview HDX vs GI275s for instruments and EMS. The prices might have come down (or went up for Dynon) since then.
  4. Hmm, have you looked at this page? https://www.dynoncertified.com/mooney-m20j-autopilot.php - Fully-coupled approaches (GPS/VNAV/LPV/GS/LOC/ILS)
  5. It’s been a long wait but it is approved now! The installation examples on Dynon page look really good. https://www.dynoncertified.com/mooney-m20j-autopilot.php
  6. Doing interior refresh for '78 M20J. The overhead air ducts have gaps between plastic and aluminum. It looks like it was sealed in the past with some black substance. Would anybody be able to recommend a replacement? I assume it needs to be something that can withstand heat and vibration and not be corrosive to aluminum. For larger gaps, I plan to use duct tape. Here is what the air ducts look like right now.
  7. Dynon comm panel is only two seats so it didn’t work. Radio does not have navigation PS has beacon marker indicator. One thing that I have that is not visible in the panel, there is FlightStream 210 which gives Foreflight integration.
  8. I liked idea of having a proper audio panel and bluetooth sound streaming. And I was planning for two navigators. I didn’t think Dynon radio would work well for me. If I only had one GNS, I would probably go with Dynon radio.
  9. I think it was roughly 3-4 weeks for me. The lead times were longer. Two things about Jesse: - he will give you upfront estimates and won’t move them - very helpful for budgeting - he will work with you on optimal setup for your needs
  10. Century only keeps wings leveled and follows the heading bug. But Mooney is very easy to trim. Once trimmed it pretty much stays that way. The HSI drifts, depends on the day. But HITS makes it very easy to make adjustments. one thing I would point out. It is very easy to overpower Century. so, in turbulent air, I hand fly the plane. It means that in IMC you are busy, especially if you need to setup a STAR or brief approach.
  11. @Will.iam, that’s what I end up doing. I have Dynon HDX, pre-wired for AP and 2nd screen. Moved my Century IIB to where the placeholder is for the 2nd screen, kept vacuum pump, HSI and AI. Century only follows the heading bug. But with HITS, it is very easy to micro correct AP heading when it drifts. here is a picture of my setup.
  12. At least they were showing a Mooney panel for J/K. And said that all engineering work was completed. there is more than 1 person on their waiting list. I asked myself to be added as well.
  13. Dynon HDX exports all flights on demand to USB stick. I bring it back home and upload the entire file. Savvy is able to extract multiple flights. It also identifies duplicates. The process is quite painless, I do it once a month or so.
  14. Let me know if you need help in picking it up. I’m in Cleveland, will be flying on Fri/Sat next week.
  15. As I said, for a new Mooney pilot, it is useful, has good content and structure. But people should be clear what they receive. It is a Mooney landing set of techniques with 2010s quality. I don’t think it aspires to be more. i do think that bold method is a good landing/takeoff course that covers a range of options/scenarios. I found both complimentary. As I got better with Mooney landings, but don’t do crosswind landings as often, I go back to the bold method bootcamps and videos. sorry, didn’t mean to be critical, just want to be clear on what to expect.
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