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    M20K Rocket
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  1. Hey Oscar, My wife is using the Clarity Aloft. She likes them as they are lightweight...
  2. I’m I8 facing the new Sheltair facility. Stop by and say hi anytime.
  3. Totally agree. It was the first thing I did after buying the J... You can see them installed in all the more recent videos.
  4. La Veta was good on the day of this flight. Winds were calm to relatively moderate and as I passed through, it was pretty easy to maintain a near constant updraft just by reading the terrain and wind direction. Yep, that's the East T's. My hangar faces out to the new SheltAir facility. Hope to run into you...
  5. My wife and I decided to get out of town a while back and headed to Sedona, AZ from Denver for the weekend. With all the Colorado wildfires, we choose a southern route along the CO front range and then turned westerly over La Veta Pass...This leg is filled with ATC interaction, a little radio relay, and then a stop in Gallup, NM. Enjoy...
  6. Thanks...we do have fun.
  7. I grew up flying in MN with my Dad, and Grandpa...(both pilots and airplane owners)... ...my Dad flew for fun and a little business. ...my Grandpa was a Naval-Marine and flew a Vought F4U-1 Corsair off the USS Bennington in WWII, and owned about a dozen different planes including a 60’s decade Mooney. A lot of flights, including the last flight I ever took with my Dad about 30 years ago was at a little airport in Brooten, MN (6D1)... ...on a recent trip back to MN for a HS renunion, we decided to go relive the airport where my Dad got me hooked on aviation (my wife flew with him too when we were in High School). Since I did it in my M20J and shot the entire flight, I thought I’d share it here. Enjoy...
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