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  1. Check for PM. Also, info about his memorial service is posted on Smokehouse Pilots FB group, in case you or others might be interested. Seuk was a friend, in fact a couple of weeks ago we flew together when he gave me a lift in his M20J to pick up my M20E from maintenance.
  2. What I think OP said was that he got an excessive drop on right mag, because it was contaminated, or mildly fouled, because of overly rich mixture during ground operations, and that he had to aggressively lean during runup to burn it clean. You’re assuming timing is the only reason for anomalous mag drop, and it’s not. It’s happened to me from overly long overly rich ground runs, and a very lean runup cured it. What does that have to do with timing?
  3. Where are you located? I’m again considering taking on a partner with my ‘64 E, if you would consider a partnership.
  4. I’m afraid we’re on the wrong coast to help the OP, but this is a useful opportunity to share info. I’m 18 months into the journey, may be falling into your method but I’m thinking I’ll do the next annual with the same remote Mooney guru as the first, taking advantage of their promised cost reduction after they got their arms around the mess. Curious to know who you’re using, both remote and local. Still looking for good Mooney shops in NoVA as my remote guru is in NJ. Any recommendations will be much appreciated. ‘64 M20E based HEF.
  5. I sincerely hope you end up as happy with your M20E as I am with mine! sounds like you got a great deal, and opportunity to spend lots of money making a dream airplane. Enjoy!
  6. Enough real estate, back to aviation. I was faced with the same situation as the OP when the pre-buy for my E found the exhaust needed repair or replace. last summer. Shop (Oasis, at KBDH) recommended either replace with Powerflow or rebuild at Aerospace Welding in MSP (https://awi-ami.com/aircraft/mooney.html). I couldn’t convince myself the extra cost of the PF was justified. Went with the rebuild, for approx same price as OP was quoted. They delivered on schedule and budget quoted and I am totally satisfied.
  7. Question: if there is concern about possible damage to the nose gear would that include increased risk of mishap during landing on a ferry flight? Not just gear collapse, if anything is bent does that make LOC on rollout a concern?
  8. Thanks. Somehow I had them farther away. Also got a PM recommending Oasis, about 225 north of Des Moines. So I’ve got a couple of good possibilities already. Thanks!
  9. I’m new here so not sure if this is the right forum for this question, if not please forgive and educate me… I’m about to put a deposit on an aircraft located in Iowa and need to find a good shop to do a pre-purchase inspection within reasonable distance of Des Moines. If my research is correct the nearest MSC is a couple of hours away. That might be within range but seller would like as close as possible, and the deal is good enough that I’d rather not blow it by playing hardball about how far I want him to ferry it. So are there any recommendations for shops with good Mooney expertise in the Des Moines area, or reasonably close, please? thanks in advance!
  10. New here. Just donated, partly to support the new server. Even though that’s .015 AMU less that I have available for buying my first Mooney.
  11. I drove ninety minutes Sunday to see it on an IMAX screen. First time viewing it. totally worth it. but should I worry that during the opening flight deck scene, with Danger Zone blasting through the IMAX speakers, I was thinking “nice, but needs to be a little more intense”?
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