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Matt Ward

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Everything posted by Matt Ward

  1. That seems like the opposite. Technically I can connect my iPad and iPhone to the same device and click disconnect and reconnect in the device. I think what I’d want is to be able to hear both at the same time. I understand how that’s complicated: which connection does the mic transmit to? How does something like the PMA450B do this? Do you know @gsxrpilot?
  2. Is there an aviation headset on the market where I can be connected to my iPad and iPhone at the same time? I’d love to be able to get ForeFlight alerts and take phone calls without disconnecting and reconnecting Bluetooth connections.
  3. I actually ended up getting it to work. I ended up putting some contact cleaner on it but I'm not sure that matter. Deep in the settings there is a page called RCRD. Mine was set to N. When I set it to Y, the DUMP menu appeared.
  4. Update: Problem Solved! I went back today and tried one last ditch. I used contact cleaner on the port but I don't think that matter. I found a setting deep in the "FAC LIM" settings box that says "RCRD". The manual describes this as whether or not the JPI will record data or just output it in realtime to the data port. Anyways, mine was set to "N". I flipped that to "Y" and now in PRGRM I have an option for DUMP. So I can get my data off the device now. I'm using the USB Magic Box which seems to work great.
  5. The saga continues, in case anyone is following along. I tried a Tripp Lite USB Serial Adapter today, still no luck. I also put a multimeter on the plug and got a +-7 V reading, as I should, but it was very finicky. I'm not wondering if the problem is actually a bad data port. Unfortunately, JPI doesn't seem to publish that part number, so I'm trying to find out if MS knows it, here:
  6. Thanks for that. There is another thread I started where I did think it was me, It still may be, but I can't figure it out! And unfortunately JPI tech support is closed still for COVID.
  7. @LANCECASPER I guess I don't really know - I'm just trying to troubleshoot it. I've tried a mix of connections (USB to Serial adapter, USB magic box from JPI, two laptops) and no luck. I put a multimeter on the plug and while I got +-7V, it was finicky. I had to put the probe in just the right spot. I am going to try some contact cleaner but the data port was just the next item on my list.
  8. I’ll look again but it appeared to disappear in the direction of the firewall. That’s why I originally thought it was air coming in from the engine compartment.
  9. Thanks @M20Doc! Do you agree my broken black hose is #16?
  10. Definitely a COVID haircut by the wifey!
  11. Thanks for the edit @ShuRugal I’m going to fly in the am and I’ll check the rear vents and confirm with you I don’t feel air flow. Any way to confirm the defroster is working (in warm weather)? Seems like that should be unaffected if this is the rear vents.
  12. Thank you very much for the insight. It’s quite helpful to a new owner! I will get it fixed. I just like to show up at my A&P having already done the troubleshooting and with a plan. This gives me that. Many thanks.
  13. Got it, thanks. From the MM manual I couldn't tell if the air was coming in the black hose and then going on to the orange scat hoses, or, coming through the orange scat hoses and then going out the black (broken) hose. Sounds like it's the latter so it really shouldn't be an issue so long as I don't need any defrosting. Thanks for clearing that up.
  14. By the way, what controls the defroster? Is it activated by the cabin heat? My 66 E doesn’t have any switch to control a defroster.
  15. It’s still 20 percent attached so no impediment to controls. Thanks!
  16. Underneath the pilot panel, I noticed a broken hose. I think this is part 14 in the MM drawing but I can’t be sure. Does anyone know what this does and the consequences of the break? I’ve got an annual in a month and trying to figure out if it it can wait or not.
  17. Does anyone know a part number or how to get a replacement for the data port that goes with the EDM 700, shown here? I can’t find it in any JPI documentation I have. Thanks!
  18. Just found this from JPI in a random bit of documentation: "Check your downloading port on the panel. Center pin should have a negative -7v to -9v." Any idea how to do that? I do have a multimeter but I'm not sure exactly what I am testing, as in 1) what do I select on the multimeter?, 2) does it matter if I use the red or black lead on the center pin, 3) where does the other lead go - a screw on the door or something, and 4) does the JPI simply need to be on (ie, master on) to do this test?
  19. Tried that...no luck...thanks though. One minor update: I was able to get EzSave installed on Windows 10. I had to go to the Microsoft site, install DOTNETFX35.EXE manually, then run the EzSave installer and it installed ok. EzTrends won't install still but that's not my problem. It appears EzSave is the key to interfacing with the JPI. Which brings me to my bigger problem: what I thought was a Serial port was actually a VGA port.
  20. So a quick update: I found an old laptop. It's got a serial port. It's also got Windows 10 on it. So far, no luck installing either EZTrends or EZSave. It's a 32 bit machine. Anyone gotten those programs to work on Windows 10?
  21. Thanks @kortopates. One of the bits of documentation suggested the JPI go through it's start-up test, then plug in my devices, and then the DUMP menu would automatically happen. It didn't. The same docs also said on power-on, the JPI would show the current time and date which doesn't happen either. My plan is to try with a different laptop (one with serial) and see where there leads me... Any ideas on how to test if the connector plug is good? I thought about putting a multi-meter on it (somehow) but I wasn't sure of how or what I'd be looking for.
  22. So @Gert are you looking for beta testers in the us? Mine are more than twenty years old as the post title says!
  23. Hi, I have recently purchased a 1966 Mooney M20E. In it, there is a JPI EDM 700 (STC SA2586NM). The unit generally works great. I want to download the data from it, however, and I'm having a problem with that. I bought these two parts from Aircraft Spruce. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/jpiusbdownload.php https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/edmpcinterfacecable.php I went to the plane to download data today and followed the instructions in the original owner's manual along with the instructions included in the USB download box. When I turned on the master, the red light on the USB unit lights up. When I put in the USB drive, the green light on the USB unit lights up. When I hold STEP and LF together, the PROGRAM button comes on the JPI screen. I STEP through each option but DUMP never appears. It seems as though the unit isn't detecting the card (and therefore not offering the DUMP option) but I don't know if the problem is with the JPI, the JPI EDM Data Port, the USB box, the Serial Cable, or something else. The prior owner did tell me he never used the download capability so I don't know if it has ever worked or not - it at least hasn't been used in a very long time it seems! Does anyone have any ideas to help me troubleshoot this? Thanks!
  24. Do you have a 1U262-001-7 dg?
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