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    Cascais, Portugal
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  1. Hello all, I used to live in the UK but now in Portugal. I fly an N-registered Mooney and have booked to get an annual done in Coimbra. I am however finding it challenging to find an FAA inspector in Portugal who can sign off the annual. Would anyone have a recommendation for an inspector in Europe or the UK who might be willing to travel to Portugal? With many thanks in advance and best wishes, A.
  2. Dear Mooney flyers, Earlier this year, we had cylinder 3 detach from the crankcase in our Mooney M20E while in the air and were lucky to be near an airport in the UK and land her. Getting to the bottom of what caused this has taken many hours and we are still unable to verify the exact cause of such a significant structural failure. In the meantime, we ordered a new engine (IO 360 A) which is being delivered later this week after a long 4 month wait as Lycoming is running way behind in production. However, I am writing to seek assistance to find an exhaust part (see below) which was damaged during the incident. I'd be ever so grateful for any steer as to where I could procure the stack pipe cylinder from? Thanks ever so much. IMG_0753.MOV
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