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  1. How deep does the water need to be to short out a Tesla? I'll bet that would total it... and I don't want to be standing in the garage when it happens!
  2. My favorite so far was the Foreflight METAR from Punta Gorda today - MVFR with winds 080@32G58! Love that! Marginal VFR... Now completely IFR with winds 100@67G107. Yikes!
  3. Getting my popcorn ready.... for the eVTOL disasters. Nothing like taking a toy multi-rotor copter, where EVERY component is a single point of failure, and then scaling it up. Yeah, that should work! Ready....
  4. ADS-B Exchange has been fun to watch the exodus from Florida!
  5. Is there a place where pilots coordinate the movement of aircraft out of the path of a hurricane? As a pilot, high and dry, I am looking to assist other pilots when their plane is threatened. Too late for Ian, but I am looking at next time....
  6. WillyG - Looks to me like you'll have your PPL and 50-100 hrs by the time you renew your insurance. That's the nice thing about the high price of your first year of student-complex insurance, you can solve it with money! Fast, efficient solutions are the best!
  7. Colorado native here. I LOVE Leadville in October. The Aspen trees will be changing colors -- beautiful! Landing will be easy, IAS will be normal, but will look fast out the window (density altitude review goes here). Focus on the take-off. Best in the morning. Best light and lean. Be VERY patient, everything will happen slowly... The mountains on both sides are over 14,000 ft. Come into the valley from the south and leave to the south. Any ridge top winds over 20kts are a red flag for downdrafts around here. Ugly to be in a 400 ft/min downdraft at 10,000'.
  8. Mike Busch has a Savvy video on this exact situation: Flakes are caught by the oil screen ( protecting the oil pump), filter stays clean! Lycoming engines have a removable screen. It's supposed to be checked every oil change. Most A&P's skip it. Thanks for sharing my your experience. We need to keep this top of mind.
  9. Hello All, I'm a longtime lurker, finally introducing myself. I just completed the worlds longest PPL training. Started in high school, briefly interrupted by, college/wife/kids/career and now complete 39 years later. I'm a Colorado native and love to spend my time outdoors. Now going to 14,000 is MUCH easier! I'm interested in gaining experience by watching others. Anyone flying out of Centennial (KAPA) or going by, let me know as I'd love to fill the right seat and see how you do it! Long distance is Ok. Particularly anyone working on IFR currency/approaches etc. I've reached out to @Denver98 and @gsxrpilot directly. Anyone else in the area? Jeff P.S. I will buy lunch!
  10. Pricing continued through March?
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