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About Austin305Rocket

  • Birthday December 31

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    Austin, TX
  • Model
    1981 Mooney 305 Rocket

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  1. Thank you - Yes, we do have a 31 but wasn't able to find a shop manual online and couldn't find a picture like that. I do believe that spring mechanism in the likely culprit. As I mentioned, you can definitely 'feel' that the springs behind the rocker switch are compromised in some way. There's no 'bounce' when you push "up".
  2. Hey Folks, We've got a Century 31 in our Rocket and the Up/Down rocker switch is now stuck in the UP position. You can feel it on the rocker switch that it doesn't have any 'bounce' and it's permanently stuck there. We're toying with the idea of biting the bullet on a GFC500 (we already put dual GI275's in a few years ago) but would like a way to at least get the existing AP into a neutral state with that rocker switch so we can at least use it in cruise until we decide what the next steps are going to be. Right now as soon as you engage the AP it wants to climb. Our local avionics shop won't work on anything that's not digital anymore and they recommended a shop (I believe it's somewhere in TX as are we...but IIRC, it's $1000 to get them to even look at it). Our A&P has given us the green light to see if we can either 1) replace that rocker switch or 2) get it into some kind of neutral configuration and then INOP that rocker switch until we can find a replacement part or do an avionics upgrade. So, anyone 1) know where to find a replacement part for this thing? It's not the actual black plastic on the outside that's broken - it's the spring or likely plastic mechanism inside that's no longer working or any help/insight on what/how else to go about getting this old ass thing back to where at least it'll do an ALT hold. I'm having absolutely zero luck finding a PDF or online version of a service manual for this unit to see what the actual part is - if anyone has an old one of these in a box somewhere or knows someone that does, please let me know! Thanks in advance!
  3. Just curious if there's other Rocket owners out there that have had to replace the brake master cylinder? We've had an ongoing issue with ours - had a couple reseals and bleeds and we keep having the issue. It's a dangerous issue as you can see - once there's no pressure the rudder pedal actually flips over when applying brake pressure to the top of the pedal. Our mechanic came to check it out and seems there are numerous variations of the part under the same part number. He's going to try replacing the stat-o-seal again. It seems that mfg tolerances vary and so a different one 'may' fix the issue and keep us from having to spend $800-$1k on a new master cylinder. Ours is a 1982 model M20K with the Rocket conversion. Thanks in advance!
  4. Here's an idea? Contact someone and possibly get permission to park on concrete at or near the FBO in the North 40 area then wagon over our tent and gear and camp with friends over in the north 40. Is that a possibility? Anyone know who to contact at OSH to work that out?
  5. Good info. And yes, the transition from grass to pavement is what worries me the most. You get the uneven edge and the bounce and not really a good way to judge what's going to happen there. The tentative plan is to make it a day trip out there so we'll have a good idea by the time we leave what the weather is expected to do in 4-5 hours which is our flight time and obviously the existing ground conditions given any weather that's passed through.
  6. About 8 inches of clearance from the tip to the ground...so not much...
  7. Hate resurrecting a somewhat dead thread...but I'm probably one of the newer Rocket owners on the forum (I know one of my Partner's frequents here as well). I'm considering flying our 305 Rocket to OSH this year and this topic has been on my mind for sure. I like the "HEAVY" option and I'm also considering an "Mooney unable...low prop clearance need a taxiway..." if requested by ATC to divert off the runway and into the grass after landing. At that point - just shut it down if I see anything that gives me pause (hopefully being able to taxi behind someone). Perhaps even asking to slot into wherever I can close to an actual taxiway to minimize any issues getting out there if it happens to get a little soggy while we're there. I don't want to the FBO option - didn't even know that was available as it's our intent to camp with the airplane so parking there and having to lug all of our stuff somewhere else would be a real pain.
  8. Thanks. A local pilot friend and Mooney driver pointed me to the caravan. Definitely considering it.
  9. Great thread. Thinking about flying our Rocket to OSH this year. After watching arrival videos what worried me the most was tower getting planes to veer into the grass right off the runway. I guess you could do an 'unable...need a taxiway'... But depending on the taxi length to the tie down area and potential mud conditions...lots to think about...
  10. Do you have his username? Not finding anything...
  11. Curious if anyone has flown a Rocket into OSH and what their experience was with regards to taxiing and prop clearance? Looking to do it this year but that makes me nervous... particularly where I'm watching arrival videos on YouTube and tower has planes veering into the grass off the runway when able. With barely 8" to clear...makes me nervous.
  12. yes, with gdt 59 oat probe. We installed 2 x 275s and we're able to replace the entire six pack. We left the altimeter and airspeed indicator in just because... Side benefit is that we now get winds aloft info displayed on the map screen of the 430w. We have a century 31 AP. The 275s send attitude info to the AP where the g5s do not.
  13. If it's on their list, it'll work. Docs are here - including autopilot compat: https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?partNumber=010-GI275-00&tab=manuals
  14. Yup - inner and outer dial. Pretty standard. Outer dial sets heading. There is no course course dial like the old HSI's. If you watch the video you can see the 430 screen in the background a little. When the next leg is activated you'll see the course automatically change on the 275. No limitations on the 275. We're using a probably 30 year old Century 31 AP. Thanks to Garmin for making a unit this awesome and sending the attitude info to the AP so we could still use it. Again, if you had a GFC500 hooked up the 275 you'd be in heaven. Altitude pre-select...the works.
  15. Correct. The 275 ADI gives you the ability to set an aural alert for altitude and also for minimums but it doesn't communicate with the AP. So, have to press the ALT button on the AP to actually get it to stay there. Obviously, if you were using these with a GFC500 for example, you'd have all those extra bells and whistles. It's another ~$25k to go that route (so ~40k total for the GFC and dual 275's) and we weren't quite ready for that yet so that was one of the primary drivers for the 275 as it can sent the attitude info to legacy AP's where the G5 cannot.
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