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Mark Cline

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    M20M, C172RG, C152

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  1. Thank you, I appreciate the replies.
  2. Good morning, Does anyone know of a source for a M20M cowl flap motor that has a shorter wait time than six months (other than overhauling the current one)? Thanks
  3. Thanks! Please let us know what you find.
  4. Mine is a WX-950. Thanks so much.
  5. Greetings, The stormscope in my 1998 M20M has stopped working properly. The avionics shop reports that there is no longer a facility that repairs these. Has anyone else dealt with this and come up with a solution (other than buying a used one)? I have XM and ADSB weather, but I like the more immediate information that the stormscope provides. Thanks, Mark
  6. Yes, I received the NPRM for a proposed AD and thought it may be a good time to stock up. Even now the wait time is 24 weeks.
  7. Thanks! I appreciate your help!
  8. Would someone confirm that the correct turbo V-clamp part number is 40D23255-340M (for a 98 Bravo)?
  9. I placed filter orders at both Sporty's and Aircraft Spruce back in March. If memory serves me correctly, both had tentative August ship dates when I ordered. Yesterday I received this e-mail from Sporty's: "Regretfully, we have been informed by the manufacturer there are further shipping delays and it might be next year before they can begin shipping. Champion is dealing with massive supply chain issues with no real end in sight. Because of the uncertainty of the filter delivery, we are cancelling your backorder." I am OK filter wise right now, and I am hopeful that I don't receive a similar e-mail from Aircraft Spruce. Trying to stay ahead of the situation. Since gas has nearly doubled in price, I have kept the Bravo bridled back to 24/2200 when I am out flying just for the fun of it. Lower engine temps at that configuration. I think that others do oil, but not filter changes at 25 hours, then change both at 50 hours. Right now my Bravo is in the shop for 4 weeks getting its tanks resealed. When it comes out, if the filter situation has not improved I may resort to the oil but not filter change at 25 hours.
  10. Does anyone know a source of in-stock oil filters (Champion CH48110-1 or Tempest AA48110)? Thanks!
  11. Has anyone heard any updates on the gross weight increase?
  12. Follow up: Got the pump from QAA, its installed on the plane, and it is working great. The pressure had to be turned up quite a lot from the setting out of the box, but that was not a big deal. The new fuel pump made a big difference in my FF values (now much lower, and closer to the POH values). Apparently my old one was sucking in some air and affecting my FF values.
  13. If it helps anyone else out, QAA.com has them available for $1,360.
  14. It has a small amount of fuel draining out onto the ground, so its time to get this addressed sooner than later. I appreciate all of your responses, and help. I'll get on the phone today. Thanks again!
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