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David Klasing

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About David Klasing

  • Birthday 10/25/1962

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  • Interests
    Flying, surfing, food, wine, travel, business, polatics

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  1. Thanks for all the input. I have ruled out a Mooney based on the fact that my wife and I cannot sit side by side in one... We are both LARGE people... Thanks for all the input... I was considering buying a Rocket 252 and the use full load was only 840 pounds... Together she and I weigh 500 - time to go on a diet! Here she is... I was in LOVE... bummer https://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/30203713/1987-mooney-m20k-252tse
  2. Just completed my profile... I'm in Irvine CA and my C 182 is at KSNA Love to go flying in Mooney and happy to buy lunch!
  3. Awesome input!!! came to the right place... I weigh 250 pounds and I'm 5 foot 9 inches tall - will I fit? If I have 500 pounds of passengers in the front seats... my brother flies with me alot... will a 252 still be within weight and balance? What if I put bro all the way back on the rails?
  4. So, I have about 5 years of flying under my belt, about 500 hours, an instrument rating. My mission requirements have changed and I need a faster airplane. I"m 56 years old, in reasonably good health. I'm not god's gift to pilots... I have had my share of excitement getting to this level of being a pilot. I have read quite a bit out of this forum before reaching out to you folks... I get that this group is really sold on Mooney's. My concerns are as follows: Is a Mooney to much airplane for me? How tricky are they to land? How hard will it be to transition to? How reliable are they? How safe are they? How expensive to insure and maintain? What do I need to know I have not even asked yet? Who would you get involved for a prebuy inspection ?
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