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    KVGT Vegas
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    M20C 1974

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  1. Upgrades are in. Panel lights, G5, turn coordinator and JPI 830
  2. Interested in the gear switch, how much?
  3. So I bought electroluminescent rings to install on the other instruments. They don't fit because the instruments are too close together. What have you guys been using for panel lights other than the original old lighting system ?
  4. The Mid-Continent one I bought and want to put in is just electric. I just wanted to make sure I am permitted to do that and am not required to have a vacuum turn coordinator for any reason.
  5. It's electric and has vacuum lines hooked up to it as well. I will post a pic
  6. Next- I bought an electric turn coordinator from Mid-Continent. The one that is in there is vacuum. The PC system is long gone on my plane. Can I just replace the old turn coordinator with the new electric one ?
  7. I am digging this one back up. I bought Patto's plane and have started upgrading the panel. G5 attitude, electroluminescent bezel lights, and a JPI830 are all going in. The nav 11 vor died so that is gone and the rpm moved next to the throttle to make room for the 830. Also took out the non functioning egt gauge and replaced with a suction gauge. Its all going in as fast as they mechanic works....so maybe another week. Will post pics when its all done
  8. Thats not a g5 hsi next to the DG and the audio panels in the first picture is it ?
  9. Gns430 non waas. 14v? Looking for a super good deal and maybe an audio panel. I don't want my panel to be worth more than my plane, but I need an upgrade from the klx135a I currently have.
  10. Vegas FSDO used to assign the CFI dpe. As of a few months ago the FSDO changed policy to have the pilot contact the DPE to schedule the checkride. They also got more expensive
  11. well the DPE made the decision for me. He does not want to do it in a plane without dual brakes, so I am renting the 172
  12. I have been bringing a safety pilot with me to be my "brakeman" I am just going to practice more until I have the landings down perfect.
  13. Ok. Thanks for the help everyone. I think I just need more pattern work in the right seat to get the landings perfect.
  14. I have had my plane for about a month now and put almost 50 hours in her. 1974 C model. I just got my commercial in December and I am working on my CFI now. All of my training previous to the mooney was in a 172 and a 152. Needless to say I am in a much different airplane. I am going over the PTS for my CFI checkride that is scheduled about two weeks from now and I am thinking it might be better to rent a 172 for the checkride because of the performance take off and landing differences the airplanes have. First of all I cannot really find checklists for any the performance take offs and landing. Do they exist? I know everyone has a different method on mooneyspace forums I might not even be required to do the power off 180 and the short field, but its up to the DPE. I am still getting used to how much this plane floats, and I know I can't just push down the nose like the 172 to hit my spot. I am fine with all the maneuvers in the air and I actually prefer the stall characteristics of the mooney when compared to the cessna. Also 8s on pylons do not require as much work when I am using the mooney with the constant speed prop. Chandelles are much better in the Mooney as well. Pretty much my plane is spectacular when it comes to maneuvers. It is just hard to gauge precise landings with 50 hours in the plane. Maybe the only way to do it is with hours of traffic patterns and short approaches... What do you guys think?
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