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  1. I just ordered a Bruce's cover and some cowl inlet plugs from aircraft covers.com . The price for the canopy cover(201-style long slope windshield mod) was $520 with N number included. . They said it would ship within 3 weeks. The cover is made of sunbrella fabric and the weight is 9LBS . I told my wife i was taking some time off from flying so i could go flying she muttered something and walked away. WE (the dog and I) will be doing some trips and the airplane will need the cover for over nights.
  2. I will get you the arm length from the axles when i get out to the hangar . The reason we weighed the airplane was due to extent of work performed. When we refurbished the airplane the front got lighter . We had planed to move the battery aft but it just would not work with all the other changes . Pucks and most parts are new. The gear was removed cleaned, inspected , and painted . It is a great flying airplane but just a little aft CG.
  3. On the mooney M20c 1967 weight and balance under Oil 8 QT @ 1.875 LBS/QT it says ( Sump assumed full for all flights ) . On loading graph oil is not listed . The oil weight (15lbs)is always the same for weight and balance purposes ? The issue with our m20c (CG46.7) back seat and baggage weight is limited due to cg . Weight stayed close to same over the years but the front got lighter (alternator starter no vacuum system) and equipment was added aft.
  4. I think your empty weight is off. My CG is close to yours at 46.7 (m20c).
  5. M20C Weighed this year 1598 LBS empty weight oil included . Alternator Light weight starter no vacuum system added stec30 auto pilot and most of the mods . Aircraft 15 LBS heavier then it was in 1967. CG came in at 46.7 .
  6. Quotes from 1649 - 3249 . Last year 1098. M20c 1967 hull 90,000 with two listed pilots with a open pilot option. Both pilots have atp .
  7. insurance increase from 1000 to 1,694 .ouch did not see it coming . Aircraft m20c 90k hull. Aircraft has been refurbished with new or overhauled parts. I am low time mooney pilot but high time pilot . Other pilot has lots of mooney and total time. I added jpi930 cies fuel senders , voice alert for gear and stall. gns 650 . all led lights (landing strobes beacon and nav. both pilot mid 50s and fly around 800 hours a year. We both have atp .
  8. If you need the extra performance the E is a great choice.
  9. Growing up in the 60s and 70s was a very different time then today.. As a child I remember riding in the back seat of my dad's vw bug and listening to him praise the efficiency of the VW. He was a efficiency nut but so were most folks .People did not have a lot of extra money . Tax rates for people earning $50,000 were over 50%. The mooney's built in the 60s and 70s were all about being efficient . My dad earned his wings during WW2 and flew in the Korean and Vietnam war . Later in life he purchased a M20c . Years later my son and I purchased our M20c . If your mission is less then 400 nm 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 kids and not departing from high altitude airports its hard to beat a M20c. If you factor in acquisition cost plus operating cost it is the best deal in general aviation. With a E or J model you may get there 10 or 15 quicker but it will cost you $$$$.
  10. I added a voice alert that says check GEAR if gear is not down and locked if power is below preset value. IT was a low cost ($600) safety add on that can trap a error .She will let you know if the gear is not down. adding another safety barrier is always a good idea.
  11. A friend did it for us. we are very pleased with panel layout.
  12. Mix of old and new. I would like to add a 275 to replace my cdi.
  13. Thinking of replacing my CDI with garmin GI 275 as a MFD/CDI . Does anyone have experience with this upgrade? Number of hours to install ?
  14. Last year we did the laser mod and panel upgrade at same time . We are thrilled with all the mods . The 201 windshield looks great lowers noise on the flight deck and they say it adds some speed. If it goes any faster the paint will come off.. We are very happy with M20C with the laser mods !!!
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