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    M20K 231 '84

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  1. that fuel is probably gone. but I have about 70 gallons in my plane
  2. all fuel was purchased at KWVI.
  3. Again I did not delete the thread and also changed my password as the admin suggested. so ......
  4. Quoting a response I got from AOPA: "Thanks for contacting AOPA's Pilot Information Center. We're sorry to hear that you had issues with the G100 fuel. We haven't had any reports of paint damage/removal, other than staining when the fuel was exposed to sunlight. We tested the fuel in a Baron and had some observations/issues as well; https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2024/november/pilot/unleaded-fuel-what-we-have-learned ." when you get the STC, you get a little package with the stickers as well as a pad to put on top of the fuel cap while fueling. It is marketed as refueling hygiene, I thought it was a california thing but obviously I was wrong. Attaching pics of the pad and the language around refueling hygiene. Please read. So the fuel will stain your paint unless you follow these steps. Still waiting from my IA/AP
  5. most of my tanks are original we did open up some panels to reposition the aux fuel sump valve....you can see my threads about that. The work was done in may of 2024 (this year) and I hadn't had a problem since. I may have said this before but maybe I didn't. this is a 2 part issues: 1. has the fuel gone through the sealant. or was just a coincidence. I would love to be the latter trust me 2. the damage to my paint is not age or weather related, it's definitely chemical My plan of action stands, I am not pointing any fingers, I am making sure the community is aware of my problem, we will meticulously attack the problem and keep GAMI involved. I offered to send them fuel and paint, I am just not paying for shipping. Once we have all the facts we will go from there. They have the name of the shop and I don't need to be in the middle. It's better to have one plane grounded and dealing with one squeaky wheel than 100s grounded and off we go to the races.
  6. thanks for pointing out I don't have the best painted plane on the lot....however in the 3 years I owned it and used 100LL I never experienced a problem with the paint peeling. The paint is original from 1984. this happened in the span of 1 week, 80 gallons and 3 trips. I will not be convinced the fuel has nothing to do with it. I have no problem with sending fuel samples, paint samples what ever you need. the plane is at KWVI
  7. thread is back up
  8. let's see what he/she says.
  9. reposting pics of the damage just in case
  10. I did not delete the thread.
  11. done
  12. it's ridiculous, I could have gone to AOPA, I could have emailed the airport manager, I could have reached to the FSDO, I could have posted on X and I could have posted on Linkedin (find me there)...I didn't...I emailed GAMI and let them know and message the forum to let everyone know. Now I am really going to be up in this unless that thread resurfaces
  13. I did not delete the thread.
  14. wait my thread got deleted? I have been very civil in all my posts and have reached out first thing to Gami...this is ridiculous we don't even know yet the extent of the damage or if G100 was involved. we are still in exploratory phase.
  15. the mechanic hasn't had the chance to pull my plane in. I will see what I can do.
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