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    M20K 231 '84

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  1. that is a very interesting prospective
  2. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2025/march/25/faa-rules-avgas-ban-violated-grant-assurances
  3. actually that is not the entire picture. there are more than 7 planes that Mike has collected data on and it is his story to tell. I personally know of 1 mooney who filled up the tanks and the owner asked my mechanic to dump the fuel out as soon as he saw my plane in the shop. There is also a piper owned by a CFII on the field who used G100UL and stopped as soon as it stained the wings. There is also a 140 that had a problem with the primer and went in with a rough running engine on G100UL. None of this 3 are in the 7. So all of it to say, the data presented is questionable
  4. I had to do it, it was discharging for the first several minutes then catching up and charging. My AP does a test on the fan on the alternator, something like you hold the fan and turn the prop, if the fan doesn't move then the clutch is slipping. tho I am def not an expert just writing what I was told.
  5. I'd say so, let's see how many gallons Tupelo sells next weekend.
  6. oh sorry. besides what's public I don't know much more.
  7. they only sent me march through the 11th I tried to note it on the chart but it's not super obvious. But yes I would say there are only single digit planes using it. I was talking to Terry yesterday at united, as one of my P-leads is acting out, and he was telling me he had a C140 came in with a rough running engine on G1, the primer was stuck and wouldn't close properly. the owner thought it was closed but it wasn't. That matches with Mike's finding on the primer o-rings. I think the tanks on the 140 are metal but not sure, perhaps that's why he didn't see any issues until the fuel attacked the o-rings
  8. you mean RHV? it's the same trend
  9. sales of G1 at KWVI through March 11
  10. $2300 m20K 600 hrs IFR and Multi. it really got better after I crossed 500 hrs
  11. oh man, check the obvious the alternator and coupler. Usually the coupler craps the bed and starts slipping, I replaced both and it still happens sometimes. I read that some couplers from aircraft spruce don't last very long. Mine tends to do it more on a heavy rain, then it goes away.
  12. definitely United FS at KWVI
  13. funny you say that, when I emailed mooney about this shit show one of their comments was: "I wonder if there is anything going on with the aluminum itself, I would hope they did test, but you would think they did test on the paint and sealant as well…"
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