Hey Folks -
Me again - same subject - apologies in advance but I do need the wisdom of the forum with some urgency please. So I took delivery of my new to me 67 M20F... delivery went okay overall (12/2/18)- plane landed with a throttle linkage issue and a generator bolt issue (still awaiting the details and the BILL for that - anyway...). Do to some other delays, weather, paperwork etc - I have not been able to fly the plane, not once. The plane was towed to the repair hanger to fix the throttle and generator bolt issue. And so now - 3 weeks after delivery - I believe the tanks are leaking - the plane was topped off in prep for a flight on 12/16 - flight was a no go - returned to plane on 12/22 and tank was 2-3" low. No obvious blue streaks, no big puddle on the ground etc.
The seller of the plane has been wonderful so far. The tanks were patched on 10/16/18 - this is ~ the 3rd+ patch on the tanks. The previous delivery of the plane was delayed in fact so the seller could patch them (my previous post) at his cost. (Find not necessarily repair)
Net net - my question is this - HOW do I determine if they are truly leaking - and where from - and is this something your average A&P can do?
The seller and I (again, a really good man) are in a bit of a he-said she-said deal. I will not fly the plane or accept it until right, he feels he delivered a plane that was OK - but who knows - a slow leak could have been present during the entire delivery, yes? I feel we should split - 70/30, 60/40, etc the cost of a full strip and reseal. OR - he can just take the plane back - I'm in NC - he is in UT and says this is not an option - at all.
So - power of the FORUM - please respond - how do I track down this gremlin of an issue and how do we make this right?
THANK you all - so so - much... I really want to fly the plane!
Joe K.