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  1. What did the engine shop that just worked on it have to say? That would be my first call? Having another mechanic get involved a week or so later seems odd. If your shop is reputable, they should also be concerned. Good Luck!
  2. That’s amazing! The second pic looks more like a river than a lake.
  3. Sorry, lost track of this post. I’m KTCY. Tracy, CA. About 50 miles east of SFO. i have a PA28-180 now.
  4. Thanks for the info! You spent time with me last year regarding the Encore, I really appreciated your time and experience! I look forward to meeting in person some day soon. Hopefully I’ll be arriving in a Mooney!
  5. What did you decide? I see the planes still listed. I’m on a similar mission. Last year I fell for an Encore but after a lot of sole searching, realized I didn’t have the financial fortitude to spend $200k+ and all the maintenance and operating expense. Now I find myself looking at 231’s.............I’m not sure the expenses will be much different though. Pretty confused.
  6. Hello all! What an amazing day I had. I have business in MSP next week so I came today. Tim at Strategic Aircraft took time this afternoon to fly an M20k to Flying Cloud and take me for a ride! What a class act! I told him I’m further than kicking tires, but not ready to buy. He insisted and said it’s what he does! I was nothing short of AMAZED! Climb rate was shocking! We went to 9000’, he set the manifold pressure, etc and configured us for level flight and we saw 176 TAS and 183 GS burning 13.5gph! I was amazed! I know I’ve read all about these birds but what a great experience my first ride was! Thanks Tim! Your a class act! No sales pitch, just filled my head with cool info about Mooney’s. Dont know why the last pic is oriented 90 degrees off, but you get the drift!
  7. Thanks for all the help guys!
  8. Thanks for the follow up. I will reach out to you as I get closer. I think I need to sit in each and hopefully fly in each. For some reason I’m pretty amped up on the bravo. There are a couple with FIKI right now that intrigue me. This Texas plane has an amazing panel. Seems like the perfect Bravo. https://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/26966469/1990-mooney-m20m-bravo. Then there’s this little beauty! https://www.fsboauctions.net/product/1986-mooney-m20k-252-tse/ Not sure what the auction this no s all about since it seems to have been listed for 8 months. I’m not rich, but I compare these two and the bravo has more perceived value to me with the panel and FIKI. Did you wrestle with all that too when you were looking? She is not a pilot, but has many hours as Co-pilot. Interesting you should suggest it because she said she wanted to do that to help with things and as she put it “I want to make sure your doing what your supposed to be doing!” She has great taste, so I think when we decide to buy,she will be an active part of it. Ken
  9. Thanks guys! I read the entire post this morning and loved it! I will get my IFR next month and fly the Cherokee in IMC this winter. I’m in N Cal about 40 nm east of SFO so I’ll have lots of time to see how I do with IFR. Then I’ll start shopping. MRS. H is on board so I’m pretty motivated. How was the transition training? I assume you were IFR rated as well?
  10. Hello All! I’m dreaming about the 252 and mostly the Bravo with FIKI. What did you decide to buy wise guy? I really appreciated all the info. I’m a Cherokee180 owner and am scheduled to take my instrument in November. What’s the deal with the 252 on the auction site? It’s still listed today with five hours to go. Buy it now for $143,000. PS I think this is my first post on this site and look forward to learning from all of you
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