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201Steve last won the day on January 16

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    KSSI - St Simons Island, GA
  • Model
    1977 M20J

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  1. I think you answered your own question. some folks on here will recommend some “Mooney value guide” that was built 3 years ago by a broker, but such as you say, it’s what someone is willing to pay given the market conditions. Value guides are good for stuff with no current comparables on the market. Since there are several, I’d take all the metrics into account (how long it’s sat, your desired sale speed,etc) and then price it plus or minus relative to the current field.
  2. This. So many people have died within a quarter mile of an airport trying to save the airplane. if I have an engine failure, I care nothing about the airplane. Whatever consequence comes, I’m fine with it so long as I’m sitting at my dinner table that night.
  3. @EricJ which part is bs? The only relevant fact is they lost money from a regulatory enforcement. Whether they could have prevented it is almost entirely irrelevant. It’s something that has to be dealt with whether on the front end or the back end no matter what in the form of time and money , and even the best of the best are going to get hit with regulatory enforcement no matter what. The rules are too cumbersome that it’s absolutely impossible to do right every single time.
  4. I mean, you said over $1,000 and you’d retire the airplane. That’s the cost of an aviation headset. Hell a starter is like $2,500 now. I would be ecstatic to repair a once-every-fifty year part on my airplane for $1,500. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to pay $149 like the version they probably sell for some tractor application but until there is regulatory reform to decrease the liability and thus increase competition (particularly for antique applications) there’s no incentive/ money to be made unless it’s at an insane margin. Blame big brother for that. LASAR just recently had to recall a ton of parts it was supplying bc big bro decided they were doing something wrong in quality control. (I forget what it was but it’s on here somewhere). You are paying for that regulatory BS in other parts runs. It is what it is. I’m not defending it, but at least you didn’t pay $1.2 million on the front end for a piston single (that does the same thing sorta), the now going rate. We are still ahead.
  5. This is prob why they didn’t want to make them
  6. @Grant_Waite has all the si’s for the change out. He’s posted it here before
  7. How do you tell airman chromosomes from droneman chromosomes? Check the cockpit
  8. lol I’ve heard a few of these about silly gossip. This is an interesting one bc of the technical nature of the material. It listens pretty goofy. “It’s got a wingspan of over 36’. Holy cow! That’s longer than a bus!” It’s too early to listen into the G1000 section. Maybe after coffee.
  9. They identify as airmen, but the chromosomes don’t lie.
  10. @Mooney-Shiner what’s the 10 second answer on black max? I just started using it curious what issue you had
  11. My guess is that it was taken down by the OP to run a lower profile on the topic. There are a lot of FAA wannabe police in the owners groups that decide on their own merits something isn’t right and should be reported. We’ve seen it happen over and over. The group tries to work for collective solutions and some idiot for no other reason than self righteousness makes it their mission to criticize and (sometimes) report. Anytime I’ve ever posted something questionably not owner Mx, I get side messages suggesting to take it down. I’m sure the same thing happened to OP.
  12. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/50234-bad-news-from-the-faa-regarding-landing-gear-actuator-gear-set/?do=findComment&comment=895017
  13. I don’t see any indication they’ve acted nefarious per se. I think more along the lines, they got tunnel vision about it. although I don’t know much
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