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Gary Bymers

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  1. I’ve been checking around and these seem to be out of stock, plus I’m using them on my Mooney engine powered Acro Sport II. Lycoming O-360 A1A, so fresh used ones are fine. If anyone has some sitting around, I sure would be greatful! And every time I’ve advertised for anything WTB, I get the scammers, so please save your breath if you are out there waiting. thanks Gary
  2. I will never buy anything without a voice to voice phone call and I did get to talk to this guy . Must have 2 different accounts. One to do the recommendation and the other to do the scam. You must know on this site if you post any “wanted to buy” post this guy will contact you. He has a noticeable Latin American accent and does know some basics about aviation. I was looking to buy a Garmin GNC300. He talked about his avionics upgrade and almost sounded believable BEWARE
  3. I do have 3 or 4. Do you have the model number?
  4. Which part are you asking about? Anything in particular or all the parts for a complete nose gear? Thanks
  5. Anyone have a GNX 300 XL or 250 laying around they would sell? The one in my J died Saturday on the way to buy an M20A! 1600 statute miles in 9 hours of flying. Love Mooneys. Gary ps beware of raymondscott0321 - quite sure he is a scammer
  6. Various wing fairings for sale $50 - $125 depending on which one trailing edge right co-pilot side $125 trailing edge right pilot side $95 most others $50 Message me, I prefer to talk by phone Gary
  7. In my experience this is the most polluted website I encounter. Too bad, because you want to believe it’s just a bunch of Mooney enthusiasts trying to help each other… no such luck
  8. I have a group of mostly early 60s Mooney parts. See the pictures, but not everything is shown. Let me know what you are looking for and I might have it. I don’t have any airworthy flexible intake “boots” or landing gear pucks. The exhaust system came from an airworthy 1962 C model that upgraded to a Powerflow system. $750 for that. The Powerflow look alike was built for my AcroSport II experimental but is too wide. Only for experimental use. $1250. It fits and is shown on a Lycoming O-360 A1A Gary
  9. I’ll take them all. Thanks Gary
  10. Please call me to discuss thanks Gary 608 334 0051
  11. Do you still have these by any chance? Just need the wingtips only. thanks Gary 6083340051
  12. I’ll take the gauges thanks Gary
  13. This nose gear truss has no tow bar damage, has been media blasted so the bare metal is visible in the last 2 pictures. I primed this truss so with minor work it would be ready for final cleaning and paint. All hardware and bushings have been removed. It does have grease fittings but it may need new ones. Mooney M20C M20E Nose Gear Truss Media Blasted With Shock Attach Fitting Will fit early Mooneys M20B M20C M20D M20G M20F M20J and probably others. I also have many early Mooney parts so see my other auctions or if you don't see it listed. Call, I may have what you are looking for. I really need to clean out my hangar so am interested in selling not listing for months and months. Thanks Gary Bymers
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