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Everything posted by ValkyrieRider

  1. Thanks Yetti, I did order them about a month ago. The only remarkable items were, it was used for a short time as a trainer in Georgia, had a gear up in the '80s, and a gear failure to lock down (another gear up) later in the '80s. I figured after all of the annuals and an overhaul, etc., I wouldn't be too concerned about them?
  2. UPDATE - He was able to get the logs into electronic format (may have taken them somewhere, as I was told to recommend to him). I sent them to Savvy Aviation to do the log review and look for any red flags. If no red flags, I will need a pre-buy, which if I can get it done in a timely manner, i will use Savvy to find the mechanic. However, I may need a recommendation for a mechanic. I know everyone is busy, but since you offered, if you are in the Crossville area, I would love to have you look at the plane and give an opinion. I am pretty sold on the plane, but concerned about a few things - the time it took to get the logs, the fact that he didn't copy back to the beginning, I just found out he hasn't had an Oil sample tested, etc.
  3. Thank you for the offer. I am trying to work with Savvy Aviation, but may need a recommendation for a mechanic to do a pre-buy.
  4. I could not agree more. It has become frustrating, and it is dragging out the process beyond what is necessary.
  5. gsxrpilot - good advice. I plan on calling the seller again tomorrow and make that recommendation. I would gladly pay the price, because I feel I have been messing with this for almost a month now. I expected to have the plane purchased and in Phoenix already.
  6. Thanks. You and I exchanged email messages, both about Savvy and about instruction in the San Diego area (probably about 3 - 4 weeks ago). I will try and talk with the seller again about getting the logs done by someone. As far as Savvy, i was really interested in using their services, both the initial log review and the recommendation to quality mechanics for PPI.
  7. Sabremech, Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, the seller has the logs in an electronic format that isn't readable when enlarged.
  8. I took your advice and contacted SavvyAviation after you recommended it. I have been working with Melissa at SavvyAviation, but the electronic logs that I sent to her, weren't readable once enlarged. Also, SavvyAviation must be VERY busy, because it takes a couple days before they respond to emails. She said they are busy and they have been working with their current customers?? It is becoming difficult to continue to work with the owner that doesn't know how to get quality electronic copies, and taking two to three days between each communication with Savvy. I was hoping they could give the log review to determine if there are any red flags, but it is becoming more of a frustrating task to get that done. This is why I asked for a recommendation for a real mechanic in the area that can physically look at the logs and give me advice.
  9. Paul, the current owner is having trouble getting "readable" electronic copies. He made a complete set of copies, but when I looked at them, and sent them to SAVVY Aviation, after enlarging them, they became unreadable. The owner is saying that he doesn't want to go through copying again, but said that he would deliver them to a mechanic to have them go through them.
  10. I am in need of recommendations for a mechanic that can do a review of logs in the Crossville, Tn area. Any recommendations greatly appreciated.
  11. M016576 it only took you 40 months to move to the top of the DVT list? I was told to expect about a year. I will have to talk with them today about getting on the list. I wasn't aware there were so many Mooney's on DVT, that is exciting. I am hoping to finalize a sale within the next couple weeks - narrowed down to a plane that I made an offer on in Tennessee, and I am going to look at one for sale at DVT today. Are there any Mooney meet-ups at DVT?
  12. I have looked at this ad many times when going to KDVT. I was excited to see the Mooney era that I was looking for at my home airport. I sent him an email and he didn't seem overly excited about showing it, so I didn't pursue it any further. I travel a LOT for work so have limited time at home in AZ, so knew that my schedule would be tough to meet. The fact that you state that he is a good guy and that it should be a good plane has me second guessing what I was thinking on passing so easily.
  13. To be fair, it looked nice before - but it looks GREAT now
  14. I see why you talk about her with pride ... it is deserved.
  15. I didn't see the before pictures, but the after looks great.
  16. I will need to do that, as the responsiveness of this group, and more importantly, the tremendous advice is amazing.
  17. I am so IMPRESSED with the rapid and valuable responses that this group of Mooney flyers provides. Thank you.
  18. Thank you for the advice, and my price range is adjusting as I am seeing that some of the lower cost Mooneys, and priced that way for a reason. 45K - 55K is within the range I believe will meet my needs. Just completed medical with Dr. Dykama in Scottsdale - she is a pilot (not sure what she drives), she was outstanding but will keep Dr. Crinnian in mind.
  19. Wow, I almost feel like I should be paying for this advise. THANK YOU, I understand and agree with all.
  20. Again, spot on with my thinking. I would trust my CFI, because he has a ton more experience flying, but may not know much about ownership. Thank you.
  21. SOUND advise, thank you. I will spend a little more time on the Unique Mooney issues, as well as the others, but the general consensus seems to want to pass on an airplane, that may or may not be sound, if it shows a lack of care.
  22. THANK YOU all for the very quick responses, and your valuable opinions. Some of my concerns were set aside, as I assumed, if the Johnson bar was pitting that it meant that there were moisture issues, but as was pointed out, it could just be the chrome peeling off from handling for many years. And that would tie into what TTaylor said, that it shows a general lack of pride rather than a moisture issue. the fact that they knew I was coming to look at it, and it wasn't in the best (cleanest) condition it could be in, even though their hanger is attached to their house, may give me an indication of the care or pride in ownership.
  23. I had never heard that before. I am starting to understand that and believe it though.
  24. "Trusted" is correct . I don't personally know any Mooney pilots, so the information I get is from people that are less knowledgeable than I am ... which is pretty low. Just reading this forum over the last couple months, I feel like I know some of you guys, and yes, I definitely trust your opinion over mine or other non-Mooniacs. Thanks for your information.
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