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  1. You might be thinking of the clinics that Jerry Manthey used to do. He stopped doing them years ago. Very helpful information.
  2. Curt, Happy New Year. If the hold was not a hold in lieu of procedure turn (HILPT) then it won't have automatically been put into the flight plan and it won't have offered the option. When you push the hold at waypoint button, it is allowing you to build a user hold which requires you to input the hold course, inbound or outbound direction, turn direction, leg type and EFC. In the GTN Xi Series Pilots Guide you can find it in the Navigation section, I've attached the relevant page. The Cowling is still great, no problems with it at all. The only issue I every have is with the landing light cover, mine doesn't match the production one so it is hard to get. Adam User Holds.pdf
  3. Curt, If the hold at the IAF is a HILPT, then the hold will be included in the loading of the approach and depending on your direction of arrival at the IAF, it will ask if you want to hold there. When you push the TOGA button, the GFC 500 will go into GA mode which is a wings level pitch up of 7 degrees. This will accomplish the initial climb portion of the missed approach. To follow the navigation portion of the missed approach, you need to push the NAV button once you have begun the climb and cleaned up the plane for the missed. If there is a straight ahead climb to an altitude before turning, there will be an altitude waypoint so pushing NAV will not turn you too soon. Hope this helps. Adam
  4. I can't find any reference to it on the Garmin site but the latest version of the GI 275 Pilot's Guide for the new software version v3.40 which got TSO approval on 12/20/2024 https://static.garmin.com/pumac/190-02246-01_s.pdf has a reference to a GCO 14 Carbon Monoxide detector. Anyone seen any information about this? Odd that the manual references it without any announcement or product page. Also, support for the GCO 14 was not listed in the TSO list of changes. Not sure what that means if anything.
  5. I'm sorry your work took so long but when I had my panel completely redone by Pacific Coast Avionics they quoted 6 weeks and completed it in 5 weeks. It took an additional day to verify all the configurations with test flights, tweak the config, and everything worked after that. While I'm not sure they do them all that fast, and maybe not anymore, mine was several years ago, but it certainly is possible.
  6. Definitely true, it happened to me. My checkout was with an instructor who kept telling me to keep my speed up and I couldn't land the plane safely until I flew with Don a few months later. It definitely pays to have an experienced Mooney instructor for transition training.
  7. Mike, thanks for clarifying. I guess I was referring to the comments that implied (at least to me) that the government was forcing this and I hadn't seen that. I agree that 100LL will go away in California if not other places, it is a matter of when, and I think that is generally a good thing. I agree the fuel should not cause damage when used and to me at least I would say a fuel that caused damage was not commercially viable and therefore not commercially available but that is just my opinion which is worth exactly nothing. Just as the court agreement was driven by a lawsuit, it can be held off by one to clarify the commercial availability if people want to push back.
  8. Maybe I missed something but where is the mandate? Yes, RHV isn't selling 100LL, hasn't been for 2 years now and while I'm based there I haven't been told I have to buy anything, I've been buying fuel elsewhere. AFAIK, the California government has not banned 100LL, there is a court case brought by environmental groups that led to an agreement that when unleaded fuel was avail;able, FBOs would stop selling 100LL. Obviously this is not to say there won't be a government mandate but I haven't seen one yet. Please let me know if I missed it, I'd like to read about it.
  9. Great to hear, now I just need to get my plane back from annual and then get that scheduled. Thanks for the pirep. Yes, several Mooneys at RHV but not sure how many. I wish I knew more of them.
  10. Definitely this!!!!
  11. I'm mid 60s and still have no issues, we've had 100 year old Mooney pilots (but rare obviously) so I think the question isn't age but fitness and flexibility. Personally I find it much easier getting into and out of my Moonday then into a Cessna high wing as I keep hitting my head on something with the Cessna, says something about me I guess.
  12. Sure, I can get you some. Not sure how though as you can't ship it (or any other fuel for that matter) via any of the normal shipping methods. Edit: Sorry, I just noticed you are at KSQL, if you want to meet up to take a handoff I can get the fuel at RHV. Also, KWVI is selling it at self serve with no checking for STC.
  13. I upgraded mine when the TXi first came out. For me it was a lot of work as when the G600 was installed with the GNS 430s there wasn't HSDB and when the TXi went in it was with GTNs so there was a lot of rewiring and a new panel. Really depends on the exact configuration you are starting with. In my case I reused the AHRS, ADC, and magnetometer. You can also get the internal ADAHRS with the TXi so that would change some things as well.
  14. There should be a grounding strap from the engine to the airframe in all Mooneys I believe. There certainly is in mine. (Guess I was slow, Mike beat me to it.)
  15. I actually tried that for my last renewal, many years ago at this point, and they never cashed the check.
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