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  1. In the most recent GFC 500 AFMS, the procedure is: Firmly grasp the control wheel Press and hold the AP Disc/Trim interrupt Regain control Manually retrim Pull the AP circuit break
  2. I agree the integration of the G3X/G5/GFC 500 is very well done, offers good redundancy, and is a great value. I had the G500TXi and with the GI 275 the AP can be driven by either ADAHRS (by default from the TXi and if that fails from the GI 275 but not the other way as the TXi won't drive the GFC 500 directly). I believe the TXi and the GI 275 work very well together and are more modern hardware with better display quality. It is definitely a more expensive solution and the extra dollars don't provide much value (other than display quality, IMO) unless you need to use other interface capabilities that are available with those devices.
  3. Good question, I think as long as the software (and STC) support using the G5 or GI 275 as a 'classic' G500 backup, it should work because as Skip says, the GFC-500 is driven by a G3X, G5, or GI 275, the G500 or G500 TXi just displays the annunciations and the flight director.
  4. Or a G500TXi and one of a G5 or GI 275
  5. My MT prop has no paint on the nickel leading edge strip, it came from the factory that way.
  6. Paul is a retired petroleum engineer but as I understand it he did not work with GAMI on the fuel but instead he worked with the FAA on PAFI (might have been in his work capacity) and with AOPA on their advocacy for unleaded fuel.
  7. The one I have I got from Bose many years ago, I haven't tried this one but this seems like it does the job https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pspages/pilotUSA32.php
  8. Barry Schiff once wrote an article (in AOPA I think) that said he tried the full nose up trim in several types and found it is typically about right for approximating best glide. I haven't tried it in my M20J but maybe I will this weekend.
  9. What other equipment do you have? The GTX 345 would also have the USB dongle so you might have to look around. I have never used that to update mine so I'm not sure which connector it has.
  10. I have a spinner that was removed from my 1980 M20J when I changed to the 3 blade MT prop. Let me know if you might be interested, I can send pictures.
  11. Interesting, thanks for sharing, I'll have to watch out for that.
  12. Curious what you find finicky about the GSB-15? I have two, one is connected to each of my GI 275 and neither has been an issue for me so I'm curious what is different?
  13. Artcraft painted mine 16 years ago and I'm told it still looks as good as new (except for a few small chips and a scratch I caused). Teresa is very easy to deal with and recent paint jobs I've seen look as good or better than mine.
  14. You might check with @Speed Merchant if he knows the current status of the LoPresti cowl, he is kinda familiar with it
  15. The FAA registry shows N1156P as belonging to this M20J. Maybe flightaware got it wrong.
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