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  1. Happy April Fool's Day!
  2. I just installed the 24V Whelen LEDs on my 24V system connected to the existing dropping resistor. They work great. As pointed out, the no-load voltage will read ~24V. However, the Whelen LEDs draw far less current than the original halogens. Therefore, the voltage will be much closer to 24V when connected to the LED replacements with only a small voltage drop. Alternatively, you may bypass the resistor but either way use the 24V specification not 12V.
  3. Thanks for the info, AdamJD. It appears that Aero-Lites has a 28V version as well. I'll order a few. Tom
  4. Thanks for the response. I hadn't considered that available LEDs may not be dimmable.
  5. Is it legal to freely replace general interior and panel lighting with LED bulbs without documentation? If not, what are the requirements? I am mostly concerned with the trim, flaps and gear indicators.
  6. Pulling a couple cylinders may be cheap insurance. Thanks.
  7. Thanks for the oiling tip, Clarence. I'll see if I can put something together. Shh, the Mooney doesn't know about this yet.
  8. I have an opportunity to buy a Comanche 250 which has not been flown or started in 10-12 years so the condition of the engine is a complete unknown. Other than boroscoping the cylinders, cleaning plugs and changing oil is there a recognized prepping procedure before trying to start the old girl?
  9. Just about exactly what I get.
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