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Rudest Buddhist

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  1. We can’t find ya :/ walked the perimeter but no love.
  2. Got caught up in a party at Scholler. Where you guys end up parking?
  3. Ms. Buddhist and I will drop by from the Vintage barn. We'll bring our fair share to contribute and would love to chat to some M20C owners!
  4. Great looking plane!
  5. Where are the non-Mooney planes coming in for the fly-in parking? Should I just hide the 182 in the back of the group?
  6. Registered with a +1. See you there!
  7. I'm going to fly a 182 in and pick the brains of C and E owners if that's alright with you guys!
  8. Signed with solidarity from KSMO.
  9. Awesome write-up. Thanks for the details!
  10. I always heard the rule of thumb for twins is “it’s not 2x the cost. It’s 4x the cost”. Curious what actual experience has been though.
  11. Can some of the prior twin owners dive in a bit on cost to operate? I'm no where near TN but I've got a fascination with twins. Although I've only flown a Piper Apache. @KLRDMD mentioned costs close to a M20E, we're talking ~25K all in for 200 hours? @aviatoreb what kind of numbers were you seeing with your Twinkie?
  12. Let me know when / if you decide to sell your M20C. I may be interested. I grew up outside Osseo, WI but live in Los Angeles now. Could be a fun ferry flight to bring it back out here.
  13. Yes sir! Wanted to see if you’d catch that.
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