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  1. Beautiful 1963 Mooney M20C based at KHFY - 1/3 ($21K) or 1/2 ($31.5K) share - 0-360 1100SMOH w/ $19k engine reserve; McCauley Scimitar 100SIRAN, 4680 Hr TTA. Excellent IFR cross-country machine. 145 kts on 10GPH w/ 970# useful load. Garmin 430W, STEC30 w/ GPSS & alt hold, Lynx NGT 9000 ADS-B In/Out (Traffic & Wx), carb temp, 4plc intercom, 406 ELT, shoulder harnesses, Powerflow exhaust, and STBY Vac. Beautiful Ovation paint scheme, leather interior, 1pc windshield and lots of speed mods. $35/Hr Dry Tach Rate. Flown regularly. PM me for more information
  2. Anyone have a source for rubber doghouse seal part number 600210-7? Not having much luck. Thanks!
  3. Us 250 from Elkins to Monterey VA. Goes up over Cheat Mountain....awesome ride.
  4. Agreed. Definitely watch the weather closely...Airmets for mountain obscuration for that whole region will tip you off. Plan your arrival/departure times to avoid evening and early morning if you want to avoid IMC...sometimes low IMC. I haven’t been to AVL, but have been into KHSP to the north a few times which is one of the highest public access airports in the east (the highest??). Cloud ceilings during the afternoon and fog at both ends of the day are commonly an issue if VFR. Beautiful place to fly though...
  5. All bets are off with tornados....
  6. I went up on the fourth in NE Ohio many years ago. I thought it was pretty cool!
  7. I fly the same aircraft with Boilermonkey. Last time I flew her, she sputtered and popped a little advancing the throttle too quickly on the takeoff roll. Accelerator pump seems a likely culprit.
  8. Any news Chris?
  9. Ha! Probably. Wish I lived closer. I’d help with the recovery. 29U is squawked with a gear issue....
  10. Yep. That was my aircraft. I missed all of the fun, it sound like! I would have helped you measure. I did talk to the airport staff for a while and they mentioned the fence as a formidable problem.... There was a nice Gulfstream sitting on the ramp next to my aircraft when I left. Was that yours? Definitely a small world. Glad you and yours are ok. Nice work putting her back down in the field.
  11. Is that better? I get your point.
  12. Sorry if I offended with the title. Again, glad everyone is ok and yes...great airmanship to put it back down in that spot.
  13. Fair enough. It definitely looks recoverable. I’m just glad everyone is ok.,
  14. I just made a flight into Springfield Ohio (KSGH) this morning. When I went into the terminal, they mentioned that a Mooney went down last night...lost power at 300 feet. Everyone is ok and the aircraft was largely undamaged. Tail number N201P. Was it anyone from here?
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