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  1. Thank you, pretty much nailed it there. Imagine... a fixed gear Mooney?
  2. The title may say it all... still educating myself on the breed. I still think I'm looking for an E, but I'd like to learn as much as I can on the unique traits of each model. For example, they built a lot of C's, but ended production of D's after a fairly brief run. I kind of wish Gordon Baxter was still around, I remember he was a real champion of Mooney and he'd probably have a lot to say (still). Thanks.
  3. Yeah, I was trying to work that one out too ; )
  4. Wow, MS is truly fertile ground. Thanks to everyone for all the great information. Of course, feel free to let me know if you see any aircraft that may become available. Also, any favorite Mooney-centric books out there?
  5. Hi there. Yes, I'm in the city. Most of my flying is out of HPN (Westchester Flying Club), and some out of CDW (Essex County, NJ). Are you at OXC, let me know if you want to show off your plane?
  6. Yes, great article. Pia's experience got me started thinking about the older Mooney thing...
  7. DARN! That's the one I was looking at! Congratulations to you and have fun!
  8. Hi all. Just joined your group. I've become fixated on getting a Mooney. While I really want a 201, I'm more realistically looking at getting an E model of late 60's vintage. I'm looking for a little education on dos and don'ts, what to watch out for, how much of a difference does electric gear make? What do some of the model specifics mean, Chapperal, Super 21? That should be a good start, thanks for your help.
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