don't forget the 252's that are out there; but if you want a LOT of bang for the buck wrapped in a package that flies fast and efficient up high its the Bravo. There is a BIG difference between the original TLS engine and the wet head design that some of those later got and all Bravos came standard. Regardless do not plan on hitting TBO on the wet head either. Most of them that I have seen hit 1200-1800 of the 2000 hours on the published TBO. The Bravo engine is quite unique, it runs HOT, you should change the oil every 25 hours. A good pre-buy with an A&P that is familiar with these engines will help. Look hard at the turbo and all associated gear, if the bird has the high capacity O2 tank with the 15 year life limit be prepared to pay for the replacement. If you are looking at a Bravo with the cool factory upgrade Moritz gauges in the panel note that many of these seem to have conked out and they are expensive to replace so you may want to budget for a JPI. The TKS works great - I use it frequently flying in MN, ND, and MT. Note that it is recommended to overhaul the two windshield pumps and the two main pumps on an incremental basis and they should not be neglected - again it is recommended to connect with an A&P familiar with the system. I have not had any issues with the gear system. Solid plane that is great for frequent 250-700 mile trips. I put 150-250 hours per year on mine and love it!