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About Jstickler76

  • Birthday 11/02/1976

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    Daytona Beach
  • Interests
    Anything aviation.
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  1. Just curious. I need to have my fuel selector rebuilt. What did they charge for an overhaul. Thanks
  2. Here is the current state of the panel! It’s been taking awhile due to my schedule but making progress.
  3. I have been doing most the work myself in my spare time. And my A&P goes behind and checks my work.
  4. Did it have the battery mounted in the empennage? Looking for the battery bracket/box
  5. Here is the panel going in my 65.. nothing to fancy just a simple refresh.
  6. I will stay alert and plan on making the trip.
  7. Thank you! I have looked into the SB. for water and such. And all those areas are being addressed. Thankfully I have a great support group on the field. So if you swing into KOMN. Stop in and see Ormond aircraft. These guys love life. You mentioned engine monitor. I felt the same way. If I am going to fix this plane what is the most important? That was my initial concern so I opted for the JPI 900. J
  8. Hello, I wanted to take a minute and introduce myself. I moved to the Daytona area a year ago. I am based at KOMN. I spend most of my days at the field instructing and working on my planeand making airplane noises. I am a CFI,CFII. MEI here. I Currently own a 65 M20c. I bought this neglected bird a few months ago. It sat outside untouched for a few years. But the overall numbers were good all low times. And the previous owner did the major (engine,tanks) repairs before he had some medical issues. I had to send out the carb it was clogged. A few days later I had her running. That was a major hurdle. Then it was onto the next item. I have a fresh panel being built. It will be sporting a Garmin 430, Stratus ESG, dual cdi, ps engineering audio panel and a jpi 900. Keeping the steam gauges till a later date. While that work is being conducted. I took on the daunting task of replacing all the firewall insulation. The plane had the eyelids removed and placed on with a few screws. Water manage to get in and sit on the floor. Luckily no carpet installed. I should have taken the hint from the upholstery shop on the field. What a pain. But now all that is done and man what a difference. In the next few weeks it should make its first flight in 2+ years. Well that's just a little about me. I look forward to bouncing around here for a while. So if you see me on the field stop say hi. I would love to talk. Jason
  9. Ok so I love this mod for many reasons. However I noticed that the battery was moved aft do you have any pics of that mod as I am trying to do the same. Thanks
  10. Thanks for your help. This will make future task in the engine compartment so much easier. And if anyone has this done please jump in.
  11. Just to make sure I follow you. So if I did block 8 on a 337. Would I have to have a drawing, weights and balance, then have a field approval. If so do have any experience with this modification. I am a novice and my mechanic helps me and signs off on my work. Just trying to do my part. Thanks.
  12. Hello all Mooney owners. I currently own a 65 m20c. I have been searching the last couple of days for any STC on relocating the battery behind the back seat. I have a tri prop and would like to balance the airplane out. I have seen the newer models located aft and to make it easier to access the mags and other parts of the engine. Any guidance would be extremely appreciated..
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