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Rick Junkin

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About Rick Junkin

  • Birthday 01/30/1961

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    Kodak TN
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    M20M TLS/Bravo
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  1. I agree. I’m planning to wrap and reroute that wiring. I almost looks like it was a temporary “in progress” bundling of the wires during the installation that didn’t get revisited to be secured in a final configuration. EDIT: I’ve been having some flakey A/P behavior, this very well could be part of the problem.
  2. That’s already on my to-do list. I have lots of spiral wrap on hand.
  3. No worries! I was using a 24V -S2 with two Gill LT sealed batteries (I had switched from Gill flooded 243s) and it seemed to work fine but I knew it wasn't optimum. I have that charger, Model 244CEC1-AA-S2, available at the same price. I just installed 2 new sealed Concordes and got the -S5 charger for them.
  4. It's yours Matt, but first let's make sure it's the right model for your application. It's a -S2, the red blocks in this application chart on the cover of the instruction manual. It's calibrated specifically for flooded batteries. If you have a Gill sealed battery you'll want to look for the -S3. The -S2 will work but it won't give you an optimized maintenance charge. If you're satisfied it will work for you, DM me your shipping address, email and phone number and we'll get this done! Cheers, Rick
  5. 12V BatteryMinder Model 128CEC1-AA-S2 purchased in 2015 and used through 2021. Used and stored in a climate controlled hangar. Comes complete with the original battery terminal clamps. $175 shipped.
  6. I found the battery ground wire riding on the rudder push tube when I was changing out the batteries. Looks like it's been that way for awhile. Does anyone have a picture of how this wire is supposed to be routed?
  7. I’ve heard good things about Desser Elite retreads and have one ready to go on the nose. I plan to put them on the mains when the time comes. +1 for AirStop tubes.
  8. I set this page up on the MFD in front of my wife’s seat to answer all of the questions she has had on our flights to see the kids and grandkids. How much longer? What time will it be when we get there? How fast are we going? Do we have a tailwind? Are we going to have enough gas? Where’s the closest bathroom? Now she sets the XM radio to her favorite channel and answers her own questions.
  9. It’s on the cover page of the addendum itself. You’ll probably need to ask your avionics shop which one they referenced. The latest one I’ve seen for the M20J/K is Rev 5 that came out in February of 2024.
  10. What's the revision number on your GFC500 Gain Addendum?
  11. @AndreiC Did you make it to St Louis on Friday? Hopefully you were tied down well and you were in a safe place when the storms went through! My daughter was keeping me updated on the two EF-2 and one EF-1 tornados that went through the south metro area.
  12. Thanks Dan, we’re really enjoying the capabilities of the new equipment. I had to keep the vacuum pump to drive my speed brakes, but I was able to remove the backup vacuum system. The short answer to the weight question is my BEW INCREASED. Which really means the calculated W&B I was using was in error by about 50 pounds and I had been flying overweight for the last 10 years. There had been some significant improvements made to the airplane before my ownership (new custom paint, new interior including leather seats) with no associated W&B adjustments which may be a good portion of the discrepancy. My current BEW as weighed after the new panel is 2405. This was a net GAIN of about 10 pounds in BEW from the previous W&B calculated and recalculated over the years since 1989. I double-checked the scale data and new W&B calculation and it is correct. Now, before the comments of, “See? That’s why you should NEVER weigh your airplane!” start, I’ll say this. I am extremely happy to have accurate, verified W&B data for my flight planning. I was legal to fly with the previous W&B numbers, but they apparently were wrong and allowed me to overload the airplane without knowing it. Not cool. My calculations of the expected post-mod BEW considering only equipment removed and equipment added showed I should have seen a BEW decrease of 43 pounds (74 pounds of old equipment removed, 31 pounds of new equipment added). I was really looking forward to that increase in useful load. So, I am working to reduce the PIC load by 25% (the self-loading ballast in the right seat has already reduced by 10%, good on her!) so I can comfortably remove the 19 pounds of Charlie weights in the tail. I removed the rear seats and gained 30 pounds of useful load, so once the Charlie weights are out we’ll be at a very respectable 1035 pounds useful load. And that’s a Bravo with TKS Cheers, Rick
  13. Just saw this thread for the first time today. I'm a year and a half late to the party, but here's mine.
  14. My mechanic repaired the split with red RTV. It has held up well.
  15. You will be fine, I didn't mean to dissuade you from going in there. 90% of the time you'll find it pretty quiet. Just take a good look at the airspace and the field notes before hand and be head's up once you get to the pattern. Plan to head west out of the VFR pattern if things don't look/feel right and that will keep you out of the Bravo. Just be mindful of KSUS class D to the west if you execute that pattern bailout option. It's more like a private airpark environment. There is a grass runway 90 degrees to the main hard surface runway, and the tail draggers will also land in the grass parallel to and west of the hard runway. All of the hangars are individually owned and on land leased from the airport owner so the folks based there tend to be a pretty tight group. Many of them are retired and the airport is their hangout. Lots of warbirds, and there's a museum on the field. Give them a call before you go and they can tell you where to park and what fees they have now. I think it was $5 a night with the first night free with fuel purchase.
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