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About Cayman44

  • Birthday 12/31/1946

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  • Location
    Granbury, TX
  • Interests
    flying - power and gliders (own Ventus 2b glider also)
  • Reg #
  • Model
    M20M, 27-0021

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  1. I am working on it. My preference is the 5-1792 dial with no screw tabs, but with an alignment key at the top.
  2. Well just saw this Aviation Consumer video on the RV-12iS.. The fuel dials we are discussing are on this RV and attached with the tabs in place with screws with what appears to be an RV added overlay on the top of the dial for older RV-12's. Wouldn't it be nice if we could find a common replacement with no screw tabs and a top alignment key? I'm working on it. https://www.aviationconsumer.com/flight-trial/light-sport-aircraft-step-downs-rv-12is-flight-trial/?MailingID=&oly_enc_id=6022G2662590E8Z
  3. I can wait until I have more information. I have a spare.
  4. I think you are high on the factory cost. If the MSC sells it for $140, they might be buying it at $70 from Mooney and Mooney might be buying it from Rochester for under $35. If Rochester knew that we were all going to extend our gallon lines from what ever model dial we have and then buy from where ever model 5-1792's maybe on ebay at $30-$50 each, they might decide to have an internal attitude check. I should know something hopefully this week. As soon as my ebay 5-1792 arrives, I'll be doing a fit-up into that spare fuel float assembly I have and let you all know.
  5. I'll let you know. I'm trying to find that minimum order number. And will decide whether to go all in or not. I just need to break even. What I really need is to fly more. Two back surgeries in the last year held me back.
  6. Now I understand why Mooney went under - customer support. Customer support gets around and kills all future purchases.
  7. I I would say right there is our problem - the MSC. One should not have to call 4. The one you call should be able to look and interact with the "factory" data base. If the part exists at the factory or some other MSC - the database should tell him that and who to call. If no one has it, the database should tell him the lead time and if a min order is needed. You then decide to put down a deposit and order it. Or go search all the wreckage yards. Wreckage yards usually have access to a global data base of where wrecked parts are. That's how I found auto parts 30 years ago and some mooney parts ten years ago.
  8. Wing fuel dials were hard to find when they were around $100 five years ago. People needed them. Now they are upwards of over $140 and people still need them. If one MSC would order 100 of them, I think they would sell out in short order. Why doesn't an MSC do that? We Mooney owners have a problem and no one is solving it. Doesw anyone know what is goijng on at the factory? Does anyone work there anymore. Why cannot each MSC order direct from Rochester. One would think that the MSC's talk to one another and some would pair up to purchase minimum orders. Where is the global data base that all MSC's can see what minimum parts orders are and what MSC's are putting in needs for parts. Where is the shared information base across the entire country. Or am I just dreaming.
  9. That looks like the correct % dial, for a lot less than separately purchased on ebay, but the assembly is wrong. This is what the fuel float assembly looks like for the M20M.
  10. The Amazon dial with tabs and % full, 5323S01792 is no longer available on Amazon, but found quite a few on eBay. Bought one yesterday to test. However am reaching out to many sources for originals - will let you know. Cannot see the $100 mark up over eBay for what is virtually the same gauge.
  11. I also keep tape and 2 1/2" cardboard squares with me that I tape over the dials when parked in the sun to prevent the black face from bleaching.
  12. Hmmm. The Mooney part # for the M20J wing fuel gauge "dial" is 880024-005. For the M20M TLS/Bravo, it is 880024-009. Are these the same? Lasar now lists the -009 for $142 but is out of stock. I am ready to ask one of the pdf listed dealers in Dallas that I will buy 20 or so for the M20M if that is what it takes. Has anyone tried the Amazon part which is now $40 5323S01792 “JR and found it fits and works full swing - Empty to Full to the same stop points (Different size fuel tanks would have different float gearing so the same guage could be used just with different internal gallon labels. If that is true, I could install it and just use my extended fuel markings I already have. I trust the wing fuel gauges over my dash gauges.
  13. Wide flange studs are available at Skybolt under "SK28S3-5". I needed these for the L/E of the forward belly panel on the M20M.
  14. So hard to find. Any leads to a Totaled, Damaged, Parting out, M20M, M20R, M20S, M20TN, M20U. Even a badly damaged panel or partial panel from a gear up or other would probably work. Grounded until I find one. Thx. Disregard: I found my panel - almost two miles from my hanger. One heck of a wind. Facebook came through and got a call. Lesson learned! And Mooney parts are very precious!!
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