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AlexLev last won the day on May 20 2019

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  1. Thanks! This one has a AOA and Synthetic Vision as well. He's pretty much offering it for free if I want it, which is really why I'm even considering this project (what can I say, I'm a fan of the steampunk feel of this panel). Currently the single-axis A/P runs from the turn coordinator and 430W. It also does interface with the heading indicator for HDG mode, so yeah - I'm curious if it would continue to work with the Aspen. You're saying I'd need to purchase the EA-100 potentially and it's not that reliable? In which case, maybe it's best to walk away while I still have a flying airplane
  2. Thanks for all this info! I'll have to dig to see about the Pathfinder, since I wouldn't want to change anything if it stops working. It's run off the TC and interfaces with the Garmin currently, so I wonder if I would just keep the TC and AI around on the new panel if going this route. And yeah, I know the right side is a mess, but who doesn't need an ADF and all those fancy instruments to make everything look that much more complicated and impressive...just in case?!
  3. A friend of mine is tossing his Aspen 1000 Pro (I think it's the one with some synthetic vision) in his C210 for some G5s so that he can put in a Garmin A/P. He asked me if I was interested in putting the Aspen unit in my 68 M20G that I've owned for close to 8 years now. I've pretty much kept the panel the same since I've purchased it and haven't really contemplated upgrading any avionics up to this point. Attached is roughly what my panel looks like now. Few questions: 1) Do I need to purchase an STC from Aspen to make it paperwork legal if I were to entertain this? I'll give them a call to see, but what would that roughly run? 2) I'll obviously have to get quotes from shops, but what's a project like this run me? I imagine I'd probably need to fab a whole new panel? Probably at least 10k for install (obv depends on shop, but curious on ballpark labor involved). Lastly; would you do this if this was your plane? I'm honestly fine flying the steam gauges and am happy shooting approaches in actual with my current setup, but it would be fun to transition to more glass. Any advice and thoughts appreciated
  4. Oh hey, I'm based at CPM atm w/my Mooney. Happy to provide mechanic references and help out when I can with tail flights, etc.
  5. This is helpful. Does the alternator just charge the battery or does it supply power to everything electrical? Or does it split the load with the battery? How does that work?
  6. Dan's story inspired me to buy a Sensorcon which ironically was in Buffalo, NY and I just showed up at their factory and got one. After some flying, it started showing 5-8ppm after turning on heat when normally it would show 0 and it gave me clues to my muffler developing cracks which I was able to prevent thanks to it. Thank you, Dan! Could have saved my life! Side question: for those using the Sensorcon: what do you do after it needs calibration? Can you send it to the factory? Do you have to buy a new one? I think it still works, but it's been a while and it says it needs calibration now.
  7. I have a G model I've owned for about 7-ish years. Not familiar with that particular plane you're purchasing, but I'd recommend having Airmods or Weber do a prebuy if you can fly it that far. Have you looked through the logs? Have you requested a CD from the FAA with the planes records?
  8. I own an '68 M20G with a plane-power alternator conversion (instead of the generator). For those technically minded that understand AC vs DC and how the electrical system on the Mooney works, mind helping me understand it? I understand there's a 70A max load for the alternator and it's a 14v alternator. I have a Concorde 12v battery with 33 Ampere hours. The alternator generates AC and converts it back into DC via a rectifier (?) and the buses are fed off DC wires to the battery? Apologies if this is totally wrong, but would love someone's help...also with the battery have 33 Ampere hours - does that mean if the battery dies, and the load I have draws approx 4A, it would take approx 8 (33/4) hours for the battery to die if it's fully charged? How many amp would radios/transponder/GPS draw? Apologies if all these are novice questions, but want to learn/understand the plane and its electrical system better and I figure there's a few more technically minded folks here who could help me shed some light on understanding it.
  9. I had my engine done with them and David in Feb of 2018. Since then, I have about 820 hours on their overhaul. No metal in the filter, but it has been seeping quite a bit of oil lately. My A&P tried to address it at annual and said "I believe the majority of the oil leak was the loose oil line return clamps. They're an oddball type (thumb screw, not a hex screw) this engine builder used so I had to improvise to tighten them all but I got them. Checked oil pan bolts and accessory case bolts too. All those were fine." What he did helped for the first few hours of the flight since annual, but the seepage is back now, so I'll have to see about addressing it. I was quite enthusiastic about Jewell's work (on time, budget), but it's disheartening to hear about your experience and it makes me feel a little slightly less confident flying with their overhaul, although it's held up to a lot of flying for the last 5 years.
  10. Any luck finding anything? https://www.ebay.com/itm/275611357824?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D777008%26algo%3DPERSONAL.TOPIC%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20230105140155%26meid%3Dba951d4ab2574f7dae4de5ebe854a3fb%26pid%3D101666%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26itm%3D275611357824%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380057%26algv%3DRecentlyViewedItemsV2&_trksid=p2380057.c101666.m5481&_trkparms=pageci%3A524419b9-c619-11ed-a27b-223eaf87421d|parentrq%3Af8672fae1860aa71460864e7fffd09e0|iid%3A1 but that seems like a crazy price for a used gear motor...
  11. Thank you all for the good advice!
  12. WHP and Brackett Field both had one for 350/mo.
  13. Thank you! Yeah, no way could I do 1100/mo. I found a hangar for 350/month but like 1.5hours away -- and I typically can average a couple hundred hours per year, so if it's that far away, I'm sure it'd be more of a hangar queen which wouldn't be good.
  14. Thanks. I've been at it. I had a few leads and someone who seemed willing to negotiate with me, but recently went radio silent, but I'm definitely going to keep working on it!
  15. I'm potentially moving to the SoCal area near Long Beach later this year...and I am nervous of not being able to afford a hangar anymore like I do out in Western New York. So I'm curious for those that tie down, how damaging is it to the aircraft in general? Corrosion? Paint? What can be done to minimize this damage? I'm looking at moving in the Long Beach area, which is by the Pacific Ocean too - is this a definitive no-no for keeping a plane outside? I assume the nice paint job I have may wear pretty soon, so I might look into budgeting for a paint job or something sooner than later -- what other considerations to have?
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