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  1. Good to know. Didn’t think about the holiday. Thanks.
  2. Trying to find a part for my ‘66 C model. The phone numbers listed on Lasar website are disconnected? Are these folks still around? It has been a while since I reached out to them. Dan was always real helpful.
  3. I have 66 C as well. I ordered my shafts from Mooney. I picked up the newer style yokes and just had Mooney make the shafts.. Then I had Aerocomfort to cover the yokes. This photo was when i was getting them installed so ignore the wiring hanging down.
  4. Agree, it’s above my pay grade as well. I was just wondering what others were doing. But you bring up a good point, if I rent the airplane I believe I could use whatever spent for rental rate. So wondering if others are doing a value of say $150/hour, since it does ask for the value of operating. To me, the value of operating the aircraft is the same whether I’m doing a charity flight or going to the beach (includes both fixed and variable cost). From a charitable deduction standpoint it would be different, be it just ask value. Maybe I’m answering my own question.
  5. Looking at the post mission report, it is asking for Hourly Value of Operating Aircraft. What are you guys putting as that value?
  6. I guess another thing that I have thought about. Are these folks realizing the compactness of small planes like the Mooney, or when you show up in a Mooney they are disappointed your not in a TBM or Malibu? I would hope they would be just grateful to get a ride.
  7. I looked at this again the other day. There is a small cut out that allows for the flap to miss the step. But for some reason I recall my step did not extend out when I left the flaps down after shut down one time. I assumed the flaps being extended was the reason the step did not come out. But those two may be completely unrelated. Because like was said, the step does not know if the flaps are extended or not.
  8. I have a retractable step. Step won’t come out if flaps are down.
  9. I agree with this approach. This is something I have been thinking about. Seems like the rear seat would be the best. I am kinda concerned about flap damage though. Do not want them stepping on the flap as they enter or exit from the wing.
  10. They do list the weights of each passenger. So from a weight perspective, not really an issue. I can generally carry a couple folks no problem. Just the mobility part that concerns me a little.
  11. So, considering maybe doing a few Angel Flights. Wondering how feasible it would be for these folks to get in and out of my C model. Anyone else done these flights in their Mooney and if so, any troubles with folks getting in and out? Mooneys are not the roomiest of planes, especially short body C models.
  12. These are the part numbers for the control wheel shafts from the retrofit kit for my aircraft. Be aware, the lead time was several months for mine. You can also call and confirm with Lasar the part number. They deal with the complete kit. 710072-507 710072-508 These shafts part numbers are specific to my year and Model Mooney. Not sure the year and model you have but make sure these are compatible. The new shafts will be about 2 inches longer, so the yokes will be a little more toward your chest than what you have now, but I got used to it. It was well worth it to me.
  13. The shaft was tightened down too tight. Just needed a little adjustment and all is well.
  14. So I had this strange incident today with my Stec 30 Autopilot. About 45 minutes into my 2 hour flight the autopilot was tracking and holding altitude like it normally does. Then, out of no where it decides to take a huge deviation. Flying a heading of say 010, all of a sudden it starts a standard rate turn about 90 degrees right. I just sit there and watch it, curious as to where it wants to go. I let it fly this for about 7 or 8 miles off course before I realize it’s not going to correct itself. It never changed altitude, just track. I then turned the Autopilot off and hand flew it back on course. Once back on course, I powered the autopilot back up, and engaged the autopilot to follow the gps track and hold altitude. Then after a few minutes it would begin to oscillate, chasing the magenta line. Heading of 010, it would turn to about 016 then overshoot the course by .25 to .5 miles, then correct itself to a heading of close to 360 and overshoot again. This went back and forth and never settled in on tracking the line. Anyone ever heard of this phenomenon?
  15. Well after taking a couple trips, still got one small problem. Too tight to turn the ailerons. Have to really have a grip on them to turn left or right. Matter of fact, my stec 30 autopilot will not override the stiffness. I guess it thinks the pilot is trying to override the autopilot. So it won’t turn to track the heading bug and if you turn it off course while it’s trying to tack the gps the ap will not correct itself because its too hard to turn and it thinks it is a pilot override. Not sure what I’m gonna do about that
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