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    Tucson AZ
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    M20J 201
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  1. Thanks. That was very helpful. Mooney has them in stock. Probably only a couple hundred each
  2. Hi and Happy New Year, Wondering if anyone has a part number and source for the spacers at the front seat back pivot point? See photos. Thanks.
  3. Hello thank you for responding to my post.  My daughter found a CFI that works at her school and is also a Mooney owner.  She met him today by chance.  He's agreed to both train her and ferry the plane back to Az.

    I will keep your contact information just in case the plan falls through.  Also, she needs a CFI because her instructor may possibly go to the airlines at some time in the near future.

    Thank you for your assistance and kind offer of help.


  4. Hello, I am in Phoenix, a CFI, Ferry Pilot, and Mooney owner / pilot. I would be happy to discuss the possibility of assisting your daughter getting the Mooney from FL to PRC. Give me a call. 970-227-3417 Regards, Bryan Baker
  5. All, In reading through the POH emergency procedures for an Electrical Fire - In Flight, the POH says turn Master OFF. Then it goes on to say that stall warning horn and gear warning horn not available with master OFF. I also know that you won't have a GEAR DOWN, or any other annunciator. However, it does not say that the electric gear down will not work. My assumption is that it will NOT work since it's electrically powered which is probably the safest assumption. However, I would like to know for sure for my own knowledge. I guess if I had a raging electrical fire, I'm putting it on the ground no matter what / where / how. Thanks
  6. All, Does anyone have, or know where to get a copy of the M20J type certificate? I did a cursory search of Mooneyspace and didn't see anything and also did a google search that would take me to the FAA but then it dead ended with type certificate procedures. My questions are related to the equipment required in the AC for it's certificate to be valid. Going beyond the TOMATOFLAMES minimums to be M20J specific. Thanks, Bryan
  7. Got it adjusted yesterday!! Took about 20 min total. Now comes on below 11". Much, much better. Thanks for the help.
  8. Does anyone know if it's possible to change the gear warning MP setting? Currently, my gear warning horn goes off below 18" MP. Would like to drop it to about 14 or 15 because it goes off in the downwind when I'm still doing 90kts. I have to slow up for 172's in the pattern all the time and it's really annoying for the horn to be blaring the whole time.
  9. Checked the breaker. Was thinking similar on ground / power but god knows where.
  10. I'm based at DVT. Yes, there's a fair bit of student traffic but no worse than any other area airport. There's a LOT of terrain in the PHX area and no precision approaches (except PHX) which is another good reason to go VFR with flight following. The Phoenix approach folks are great. As previously said, the MEA's from ABQ to here are pretty high so without O2, your altitude options are pretty limited in poor weather meaning you'll probably be at icing levels in bad weather. The winds here this time of year are negligible most days. The foreflight overlay previously mentioned is helpful if you fly in the area a lot but just coming in and out there's not a lot to worry about. It's a straight shot into DVT from ABQ and you don't have to dive for the airport as much as SDL. You'll call into the airport on the North Freq of 120.2. When you call for landing clearance to DVT, request "South parking" and they'll usually accommodate and switch you to 7R/25L and 118.4. Let me know if you have other questions.
  11. Does anyone have a manual / wiring diagram for the International Avionics 500D0024 annunciator panel? I've only got a Gear Down annunciation light after engine change and don't know why. No Gear Unsafe, low fuel, low vac, or any other annunciation light. Never went behind the panel during engine change and just have a bunch of white wires from the annunicator coming into the firewall. I think a couple got incorrectly connected during change. All the analog gauges and the JPI work just no other annunciation panel lights. Really don't like not having gear unsafe, low vac, etc. Also have a homeless grounding wire that could be the source of my troubles (see photo). Neither issue show up in any of my engine removal photos (of which i have dozens but I guess it's a couple too few). Thanks, Bryan
  12. I thought about that but thought if grounded, it would just go straight to pegged and not hang out in the middle for several seconds. If my oil pressure wire was grounded, it would peg immediately. But will check that for sure.
  13. Mooney Christmas everyone. In my 78 J, when I turn on my master (engine not running, boost pump off), my fuel pressure gauge goes up, hangs out a bit at mid point then pegs. Sometimes it comes back down for a bit, then pegs again. While engine is running and in flight, it's just pegged. I have a JPI 830 that shows fuel "flow" is fine but doesn't show pressure. Looking for wisdom as to whether it is likely the gauge or the transducer? Is this a airworthiness item? Transducer appears to be an 880045-501 which would be a pretty easy and inexpensive fix. The gauge, not so much. Thanks, Bryan
  14. Further research and guru consulting has illuminated me to the fact that the upper deck sensor inlet is to provide additional pressure to the system for flying at higher altitudes. Without it, the fuel pump diaphragms would cativate not provide sufficient fuel pressure. The line from the intercooler provides back pressure to the diaphragms to keep them from cativating. Probably part of the reason for the service ceiling increase with the system. Found out that Tempest Aero Group can rebuild the fuel pump but because no cores exist (checked a number of places), I have to send in my existing core for rebuild. $1,100+. ouch. The one thing that I don't know yet is if, with a standard fuel pump in use until the rebuild if it would be an airworthiness (safety) issue or just a reduction in limitations. I suspect that it would be both.
  15. Hello all, My J has an aftermarket turbo normalizer setup from a now defunct company. The system has a line that goes from the inter cooler to the fuel pump that was modified by the company to accept the line at the top of the fuel pump. See photo. On the documentation, it’s called deck pressure sensor outlet and appears to put additional pressure into the crankcase. In overhauling the engine, I have a new fuel pump that is different than the old one and of course not modified with the above mentioned outlet. The old fuel pump is 29 years old. So the questions are; since the system is a fixed wastegate, what is that line doing? Is it common on these types of systems. Is it necessary? Is there an expert that knows about these systems? We are struggling with the engine swap at this point. Thanks for any input.
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