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About Cervelorod

  • Birthday 04/30/1968

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    Moses Lake, WA
  • Interests
    Flying, wrenching, cycling
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  1. Looking for some CI-156's or CI-196's to replace mine. Avionics shop said one has a cracked base, and I broke the other today forgetting to latch the luggage hatch completely. Thanks, Rod
  2. Yes and No. We are not using the complete B-11 system, but parts from the original PC wing leveler system and parts from the B-11. I think the main difference is the servo control valve. Why would Brittain not sell me the paperwork for the STC if they could, and provide us the guidance on the field approval if it would have been unnecessary under that STC. Either way, Brittain provided a great service, and for less than 1 S-Tec servo I have a VOR tracking navigation system. I'm happy and don't care.... LOL Rod
  3. Never installed in an F model according to Brittain.
  4. Finished the ground testing and flight testing today and our IA put the magic signature on the 337 that brings our F model back into airworthy status with the Brittain Accu-Trak navigator installed. It's only navigation source right now is the KX-155, but it did a stellar job tracking VOR radials in the gusty winds today in testing, and Frank(?) at Brittain said it would take several flights to dial in the sensitivity just right... It will be great on the longer VFR flights to have a wing leveler than can be trimmed out and on IFR flights to track VOR to VOR. Brittain was fantastic to work with, and kudo's to our IA and the Spokane FSDO who was great to work with and very encouraging to us to go forward... Rod 68 M20F
  5. Long shot but do you have any F model interior door handles kicking around anymore?




    1969 M20F

    1. M20F-1968


      I do have two.  Not sure what kind of condition they are in.  I'll look next time I go to the hangar.


  6. Talked to him on the phone Monday and they are closed for the foreseeable future. ;-( rod
  7. I'm still trying to procure myself some travel boards for my F, and not having any luck. Would anyone who has a set be willing to trace them on some paper and mail it to me. I have a willing accomplice with a wood shop who wants to help, but not having access to a set for a template we cant go forward. You can contact via PM, and I will gladly re-imburse any expenses... Thanks, Rod
  8. The guy he used to use has retired and he hasn't sent anyone for a check ride in a couple of years. The DPE that the other FBO uses put my buddy through a 7 hour PPL check ride. I'm afraid a commercial ride might take 2 days... I saw that list, but wondered if anyone here had used an examiner who has at least been in a mooney before. thanks Rod
  9. I'm within 3-4 weeks, based on my schedule, for taking my commercial check ride. I don't have a DPE close, and am trying to find an examiner. I have family in the boise area and that would be ideal for me. Does anyone have a recommendation of a DPE in Boise, Meridian, or Caldwell area? I am taking it in my M20F. thanks, Rod
  10. Looking for a spare fuel tank access panel, pn 210099-1 from my parts manual. Going to embark on a strip and reseal with our A&P and would like a spare panel to "practice" replacing nut plates on... Thanks, Rod 1968 M20F "Orange Crush"
  11. SkyJump, were you able to scan the outline of the boards themselves or just the scale for travel? I don't have access to a set of boards to copy. I can print out the scale's on Oracal vinyl though... Can you email me what you have? cervelorod at gmail dot com Thanks, Rod
  12. When we were in the same spot on ours, the seller didn't want the pre-buy done outside of his hangar. When I questioned him on it, he didn't want his airplane declared "un-airworthy" far from home, we don't proceed on the purchase because of the findings, and then he would have to figure out how to get it home. What if previously undetected spar corrosion was found, and now there is no way to get it home, except maybe in pieces. In the end we found a reasonably knowledgeable IA who did the pre-buy on site and used our own A&P to repair the few items that were identified. In our case, the owner had not flown the plane in a few years because of a Medical issue, and I don't think he was ever intimately involved with maintenance, so he had no idea what might be found, and the unknown is really scary.... Rod
  13. as I've told my daughter who's thinking about law school, the lawyers always win.. ;-) Is there a way to purchase them commercially made? Rod
  14. I need the technical drawing. The boards would be very easy to build. Rod
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