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  1. Koropates, I have to change my pilot inboard track and looking from the bottom it is impossible to get to some location with bucking bar... so I was thinking to use a Cherry Max , but are they approved by Mooney? Thanks!
  2. Thanks Oldguy, finally governor installed with bracket, and new cable is connected to the arm....
  3. I have to buy a new oil line from AVAIL.. And for fuel pump I’m far to check it the pressure but right now I’m looking how to connect the hose to fuel servo because the output from the pump looking right to the firewall......
  4. Thanks Oldguy but the only way how now the small bracket is fit it’s like that (picture). Im confused how I will attached the cable in this case? thanks
  5. Guys please advise , we have installed governor and now couldn’t figure out how to install a small bracket that doesn’t feet to the arm.... seems like a governor arm is flip over...? enclising picture here... Any advise? Thanks ! Mikhail
  6. Thanks everybody , got it out and fix the problem!
  7. Hello guys ! Have anybody drop down a CB panel on M20J? Looks like it is riveted....? Any tips are appriciated ! Thanks
  8. Aerodom,

    Would it be possible to order a flesh mount for dual G5 and ship it to TX? 

    Also Im interesting if you manufacting a flash mount for JPI EDM800?

    Thank you very much.


  9. When do you switch HSI to GPSS mode? What is the purpose or that? thanks
  10. Guys, anybody can advise a good mechanic to help with engine conversion in DFW area? I'm based in Hicks, T67. Thanks a lot
  11. Governor is fine but one of the blade I can fathering by hand....So removing the prop tomorrow and bringing to the shop..... I was looking to overhaul the engine+prop in the next 4-6 months, I guess prop will be done first....
  12. Find the problem it is prop itself.... removing tomorrow for prop shop... Thank you everybody for suggestions!
  13. Yes , checked it with True Tach, tachometer is pretty accurate....
  14. Fuel flow full throttle 16gph. MP reading 28. Engine off MP reading 29. PA reading 580ft
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