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  1. Bigairharper. I have a 1992 Mooney Bravo for sale. It us real nice with some upgraded equipment. It is in for annual inspection as we speak. All compressions in upper 70's. 2010TT and about 750 since Bravo conversion. Looks and flys nice. Turbo and most accessories over hauled in the past 100 hours. Aspen 1000 pro, 530W . Auto pilot had complete over haul also at last annual my phone number is 507-298-0919. Call me if you want to discuss more details. Kraig
  2. Looking for a real nice Bravo. I have one gorgeous sale. Pic and details above.  N9155Y. Call me. 507-298-0919

    1. Zibolsk1


      I have a 1992 Bravo for sale. Real nice aircraft. Call me at 507-298-0919


    2. manoflamancha


      Sounds good Kraig my cell is 619-370-4186


    3. Zibolsk1


      FYI. Mooney Bravo is an awesome airplane.  Really don't want to sell but need to because of medical issues.  Looking forward to talking with you.  It just got out of annual.. Nothing left not repaired. For instance. This past year over 10 k invested in over hauling auto pilot and attitude indicator.  



  3. Bravo pilots help me out. If you are not applying full power on longer runways, how are you getting the fuel boost pump yo turn on automatically? Mine doesn't turn on until The throttle is almost full forward. Thoughts?
  4. Lol. I didn't get it at first. Then I went back and looked at my pics. Rotor is extra. Lol
  5. Call me and I can text or email you a few pics. kraig
  6. 1992 Mooney Bravo for Sale. I am regretfully selling my Bravo due to lost medical. This is one awesome aircraft with impeccable maintenance. I have all the receipts. Many, many things either updated, over hauled or new. 2050TT 750 since Bravo conversion and all compressions in the mid 70's Upgrades from standard equipment are, Aspen 1000 pro with flight director and wx available option, JPI 730 engine monitor, radar altimeter, and a Garmin 530W. Original attitude indicator with flight director recently over hauled (5k) Entire auto pilot over hauled and works awesome with gpss steer. (5k) New 406 MHZ ELT, Hot Prop with new boots. Engine block heater. Also new mags, all new hoses, two new batteries, two new vacuum pumps, new baffle seals, new exhaust, recent over hauled turbo charger. This aircraft is all new or overhauled parts except for the engine. The engine is still real strong and well maintained. This aircraft could still run strong for 3,4, 500 hours or more. This is a quick list. Pictures below in next message. price 150K Fresh annual March 2016 call Kraig 507-298-0919 - -
  7. Compression check and baffle check tomorrow. Thanks
  8. Thanks for the feed back. I do have a jpi 730 installed. EGT's appear to be consistent.
  9. Looking for ideas. I had the aircraft in the shop for several maintenance items including new baffles. When I test flew it today I could not keep the number 4 cylinder in check with out reducing power and running rich . The new baffles are definitely suspect. Looking for any other ideas. I believe the probe to be accurate. Number 4 is 50 to 60 degrees hotter than the rest. Help
  10. I'm not exactly sure what the name of it is. It is an add on s to the Aspen.
  11. Why do you ask about N9155Y.
  12. Thanks for the replies. My Bravo is in the shop getting these items looked at as we speak.
  13. Is nose wheel shimmy a standard problem with Mooneys? Mine seems to shimmy and has excessive play in the nose wheel.
  14. I just purchased a 1992 Bravo. It has a high time engine with new mags,hoses, exhaust and turbo. It has basic standard mooney equipment plus a 530w, aspen pro 1000 and jpi730. Looking for info on oil temps, CHT, and EGT temps. Also had three over boost situations. Take off was normal at 38MP and at about 400 ft agl it let loose and over boosted. Engine was surging. Power was reduced almost immediately. Any thoughts?
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