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  1. Sorry I could have been A little more specific. This morning doctors discovered a tumor that has pinched her bowel. She is completely ambulatory, cognitive, but to sit in their RV for the 18hr ride back is just too uncomfortable and obviously the sooner she gets surgery the less bacteria etc etc etc. My Mom is a Navy Veteran who worked on many flight lines working on many different aircraft. I will contact Angel flight now. Thank you all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. My fellow Mooney drivers. I am throwing this out there just in case. My mother has stage 4 cancer and was on a trip with my father in North Dakota visiting family. Long story short she possibly needs emergency surgery ASAP but our family would much rather her get care from her attending oncologist in Michigan. Is there anyone in ND or MI that would be willing to transport my parents tomorrow? Thank you Jerrod 661-972-7223 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hi I have a 1976 M20F that I would love to have a partner with. I’m in Houston. Please give me a call 661-972-7223.
  4. Lol... Alan was my first phone call last week! Thanks again to him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. So after some great advice I’ve decided to take the cheapest path presented and have set some goals. Once I have 50 hours logged using a yoke mounted system I’ll make the final decision as to move on to another plane or simply keep what I have and go all in. I’ll do a 100% new panel if I do anything at all at that time. Like many of you.... praying an AP system will be available. I ordered a pair of King 170B radios to replace the pair I have. Fingers crossed the radios will correct the VOR and ILS heads that are also not working. I also ordered a Sky Beacon Wing Tip solution and already have a Stratus and Foreflight for the yoke. I have a brand new PMA450B in a box ready for install as well. Once I know if the radios fix some of my other bugs I’ll post my results. Thanks again to you all! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. So far I am sold 100% on an engine monitor. So which one exactly do you guys like? I’ll order one today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. My AP has been hit or miss for over a year... comes and goes. I would anticipate owning this plane 3-5 years until moving on. I’ve done the engine 20hrs ago, tanks sealed, pucks done, so I’ve got some big ticket items completed. I have a paint scheme picked out and interior deposit made. Again, I plan on making this a very solid platform for anyone wanting an F 3-5 years from now. I would expect to be in a 252 by then if I can find one. I am seriously appreciating each and every idea being given. Please keep them coming! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. If you had money to spend on this panel where would you put it? I don’t want to over spend on a plane that is not my forever plane but my panel needs help! Thanks $20k $30k? $40k? Beyond that I’ll probably fly a new bird.... Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Everyone else is missing the major questions... like where exactly are you going and how much beer do you have? If you don’t have enough for the whole MS class you shouldn’t ask the question!!! Lol... Hope your going on that Boston run you’ve been talking about! Have a Safe flight!
  10. Huge thank you to Dave and his beautiful Bravo! We left from Ft. Lauderdale and picked up my Dad in Palatka FL and dropped into Richmond County Airport all before Lunch. The trip home took only 3hr 09min.... My Dad was almost in tears when he realized the bike I kept telling him was for me was not just one bike but a pair of bikes for us both! I highly recommend anyone who needs to lift to ask your fellow Mooneyspace family. Dave and I hit it off immediately and I know we will be great friends now and into the future. Thanks again everyone! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I actually am buying a 2016 left over from the factory! It’s still in the crate. 0 miles. Having been in the industry I know some people and was able to get a smoking deal and unlike a plane rotting away in a hangar this one still comes with a full Honda warranty! Thanks for the the advice however! Always good to get someone who knows more than you to assist you during the “prebuy” bike or plane!
  13. Yes I would like to finish my PPL and have my Dad start. We are working in the South Beach area.
  14. Does anyone have a recommendation for someone getting their PPL in the Miami area? A good school with decent rental units. Not Mooney specific but just a general PPl? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. A huge Thank You to DavidV! We have a tentative plan worked out and I am very excited to get my first experience in a Bravo! This bike is a major turning point in my life. I have owned 8 motorcycle dealerships over the last 15 years. I have not owned a bike that I bought from another dealership or auction in over 20+ years. Having sold thousands of bikes this is the first time I have no intention of selling what I’m buying! The idea is to have a bike to go on long distance trips on with my father. I’m planning to force myself to make time to riding with him while we still can. If any other Mooniacs out there are riders it would be fun to cross pollinate our hobbies and maybe put together some rides that could involve both the motorcycles and some right seat time. Thanks again! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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