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  1. Marks, I also have a J that has to put in right aileron to fly straight, but my plane is rather slow and I think its because of the rigging issues. Do you recall what your airspeed was when you had your issue and did you get it resolved?
  2. Sfurr201, You and I are in a very similar boat with speed. If you don't mind, I would like to chat on the phone and see what you have done vs what I have done and see if we can't solve this speed problem. My number is 619-723-7155 and my name is Shawn. Thanks
  3. Llcrt

    Slow J

    I have not solved the problem yet, but I do suspect a worn cam or fuel flow issue. I will verify the camshaft soon. It's either going to be good or not. If it is good, then something with fuel flow. This has been very time consuming and expensive
  4. Llcrt

    Slow J

    Do the tracings give me a clue about what? As long as I'm running rich of peak, all cylinders are pretty close to one another as far as temp goes. Its when I start peaking out on EGT is when they start seperating
  5. Llcrt

    Slow J

    High oil temp is usually around 215 with cowl flaps open during the summer. Half the time, I have to level off in my climb just to get more air speed and let the oil cool down once it hits 230, then resume my climb. Oil pressure is between 65 and 73 depending on grade of oil and temperature. I never thought of a mis timed cam, I will have to look into that. I have chatted with Don and I am looking forward to pay him a visit for my next annual and see if we can't fix some of these issues. I sent my oil cooler to Pacific Coolers, very nice people, fast turn around. It helped a couple of degrees, but thats it.
  6. Llcrt

    Slow J

    True airspeed is being calculated by using information the plane gives me with current conditions, then i bounce that against my gps ground speed. Typically only 1 to3 MPH off due to wind variations. The timing marks are very interesting, I'm not sure if the mechanics used a buzz box or not, I've only seen a box with lights, what the difference, I don't know.
  7. Llcrt

    Slow J

    There has to be a way to measure the cam, I'm thinking about pulling valve covers and measuring how much the rockers move then give Lycoming a call with my findings. Mags are timed correctly, they have been off 3 times in the last 8 months, so unless i have 3 different mechanics doing it identically incorrectly, i will have to say they are good. Airflow inside the cowling should have no affect on the planes speed, but it will have an effect on the oil temp which it does. Like I stated earlier, I think the oil temp is a result of my slow speed. The engine is doing 100% of the work, but only getting 80% of the forward speed which equals to more airflow. I haven't done an oil analysis yet, however, I drain my oil through a coffee filter with a magnet in the bottom of it. Both the coffee filter and magnet is clean as is the engine oil filter. The prop "should" be the correct diameter since it was replaced during the engine overhaul, so it also has right around 600 hours on it. Im pulling the last of my hair out trying to figure this out. lol
  8. Llcrt

    Slow J

    The EDM has been calibrated for pressure. I have not visually verified the butterfly is open all the way, however, the throttle linkage goes all the way to the stop on the throttle body and the rpm does get up to 2750, haven't ajusted that stop yet. Home field is 650 feet and take off fuel flow is right around 17.5 to 18 per hour depending on the conditions for the day, All these thing have been checked several times. This is why I'm thinking its a worn camshaft. Something I can't easily verify, but can definately slow the plane. I just need to figure out how to verify a camshaft without pulling a cylinder. any ideas? Also, if it is worn, its uniformly worn. All temps in the air are only a couple of degrees from one another until I approach LOP. If it is a cam, that will suck, this engine only has about 600 hours on it since overhaul.
  9. Llcrt

    Slow J

    The plane has an EDM 830 for a very accurate Manifold gage and Tach. I typically cruise between 7500 and 9500 feet full throttle, 2500 RPM, 75 ROP burning between 9.5 and 10.2 gallons per hour. At cruise, MAP is around 22 to 23 inches.
  10. Llcrt

    Slow J

    mags were just overhauled, again!! lol, ram air is working good. It doesn't really do much unless I am above 140 MPH indicated, then I gain .1 to .2 inches. I have the new challenger air filter, it didn't do much for me. If i had an induction leak, I would think that it would show up on the EDM with a split in temps, but not sure. Also, my oil temp is very high, not low, I've done just about everything you can think of to bring it down. In a shallow decent and picking up a few knots of indicated airspeed, she cools down. Pretty sad, but unless the air temp is in the 50's or below, I have to fly with cowl flaps open to keep the oil temp under control, unfortunately, this does not help my speed issue. Also sad, is the fact I can drop my landing gear any time I wish in level flight as I am only doing 120 kias.
  11. I own a 77 J model that will only true out at 160ish MPH or 140 knots. It appears to be making good power, about 27" manifolf pressure on take off at 700 feet. Typically in the Tesas summers, she only climbs at about 700 fpm, and the oil temp really starts to heat up. I think my high oil temp is a result of my lower speeds. The only 2 things I can think of to do now is to re-rig my flight controls because my right flap stays down ever so slightly and the ailerons are working to roll the plane back to the right. Could be a little bit of drag. The other thing that I was thinking was maybe a worn camshaft, but I have no oil in the filters when I cut them open and the engine appears to be running smooth. Anybody have any ideas?
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