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eman1200 last won the day on December 2 2019

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    '75 M20F

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  1. I went back to the hangar and it looks like a new pin was installed, I have no idea how that happened! Magic! Works like new now. I just have to crimp the pin to make sure it doesn’t wiggle loose.
  2. That’s really what I’m hoping for.
  3. I’m more trying to figure out if you can have one gps nav source feeding multiple devices (ie aspen AND g5).
  4. What’s feeding the aspen?
  5. my aspen did brick lol. I really like the aspen over 2 g5's but as I mentioned the gfc500 and aspen don't play well together....yet. I'm just trying to map out options where I slowly get everything installed. I'm not moneybags so I can't just do everything at the same time. I'm leaning towards just replacing the aspen with a pro max for now. it's about 1/3 the cost of going g3x/g5 before I even get to the autopilot.
  6. It’s actually just the metal “rod” that goes thru, not the spring itself. I was gonna try the aviation isle at Lowe’s to replace that.
  7. 1) The spring latch thingamajiggy on my oil door ('75F) looks like there's a broken piece. I'm poking around McFarlane but didn't see it initially. Has anyone repaired or replaced one of these? 2) I have an Aspen/GTN650 and the rest are steam gauges. If I add a G5, can I connect the 650 to both the aspen and G5? I'm wondering if I add the G5 now with the plans to eventually add the GFC500 autopilot down the road. Also, if I add the G5, can I legally get rid of some of the steam gauges and fly with the Aspen/G5 combo? I'm not the biggest G5 fan but I know garmin/aspen compatibility is limited at this time. Thanks!
  8. And ‘sometimes’ those factory part numbers can be found online with new part #s, sometimes not. Like an alternator part # I had but was no longer made, I could still trace the old part to the new part #. As for doing this particular work myself, the plane is already at Wetwingologists. He doesn’t strike me as a “let me see if I can fix it” guy, he’s a “replace it with new or I’m not signing off on it” kind of guy. Therefore I just wanted to see if I could compare prices online. Thanks!
  9. I have but admittedly I'm not great at reading it. but also I can't really seem to find much online on say part #610150-001/002. but thank you for the link.
  10. thank you. so for the drain valves did he charge you the roughly $50 (maybe plus markup) or significantly, incredibly more than that?
  11. I’m trying to see if the quotes from the wetwingologist dude are in line. Part #s will help me do that.
  12. hi. can anyone help with part #'s, '75 M20F? thanks!
  13. my plane is down for maintenance otherwise I'd be hammering out these flights.
  14. thanks!
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