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  1. I would look for a shop that is used to working on spray planes... They repair damage like this all the time...
  2. Got a very similar message. Asked for pictures and crickets.
  3. I'd be interested in the Artificial horizon, vsi, and dg... $250 plus shipping? James
  4. I had hoped @GeeBee would make some owner produced parts for us...
  5. Moving to Manitowoc in March and looking for a hangar for my Mooney. Airport manager doesn't know of any, but I'm hoping not to put my nose gear truss (and attached Mooney) in a community hanger until I can get one built.
  6. I used Novus 3-step plastic polish on my '62. I've been wanting to try it on the '67, which has windows very similar to yours in foggyness. I was amazed at how clear my '62s windows became with just some elbow grease... Not really that much! If I get it done, I will try to post before and after pictures.
  7. How about going straight to the source: https://www.vansaircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/FAB-320-360-540-Air-Box.pdf
  8. I really appreciate the info on mounting options. It is an interesting thought to just mount it in front of the yoke far enough to miss the hands. I should also keep the kneeboard option in mind or the passenger yoke as well (this is honestly where I mount my ancient android). My Android Tablet is acting up, and I really need to invest in an upgrade, but I really wish I could test fly ForeFlight before deciding. However, I'm in the middle of nowhere and I don't know many other pilots around here, none of them use ForeFlight to my knowledge.
  9. I have been using an 8" tablet for my moving maps for years. I am thinking about moving to a 10.2" standard ipad to move to Foreflight. Will it fit decently between the horns of the yoke, or do I have to go with the ipad mini? My second, and related question is about the move from android to apple. I have been using Naviator on Android for years, I love it. I have just heard SO much about Foreflight that I would like to "test drive" it and see if it really that much better. I'm not trying to start a religious war here, but I'm curious if anyone here has used both and if Foreflight is really that much better. All of my devices are Android. (I've been a fan of Android since Star Trek TNG...) I have NO other reason to move to IOS and quite honestly, I am quite averse to doing it, but if Foreflight is that much better, it would seem to be worth it. Please, if you are just a fanboy, don't reply, I've run into enough of those. Thanks.
  10. Just a brief examination of the SI shows this: At the engine level, an EIS may be installed replacing one or both of the engine’s traditional magnetos as a minor alteration documented with an engine logbook entry. Current FAA guidance is that the required airframe electrical system alterations needed for a single EIS installation may be accomplished by either minor or major alteration. The installer can decide which type of alteration is best for their application. Lycoming is providing the following recommendations based on this guidance: 1. If the installer considers the airframe alteration a minor alteration, this Service Instruction, FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-1B and 2B, and other Advisory Circulars or applicable information can be referenced in the airframe logbook as acceptable data. 2. If the installer considers the airframe alteration a major alteration requiring an FAA Form 337, this Service Instruction, specific sections, chapters, and paragraphs used from FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-1B and 2B, and other approved instructions can be referenced in Block 8 of the Form 337 as approved data along with the appropriate airframe logbook entry. If the installer does not have sufficient approved data to substantiate the alteration, they should obtain approval of their acceptable data by an Aviation Safety Inspector (field approval) or appropriately rated Designated Engineering Representative https://www.lycoming.com/sites/default/files/SI1569B-Installation_Operation_and_Maintenance_of_Lycoming_EIS.pdf I would like to see chapter and verse from the FAA, not from Lycoming... But from what they are saying, it sounds like they believe it could be done... I just completed my Surefly installation paperwork and they didn't mention this possibility in their installation documentation... We filed the 337. I would have LOVED the E-Mag!
  11. Sadly, they don't have the nose gear tool, if you look closely...
  12. Looking to get my hands on a set of gear rigging tools. Thanks!
  13. I'm very interested, what are we looking at for cost for a set? Thanks!
  14. I should note that I have one on the way. Thanks!
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