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About Alhall

  • Birthday 01/30/1946

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    Bluff City, TN
  • Interests
    Planes,Boats,motorcycles,and Guns
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  1. Have a M20C at 0A4 Johnson City will show it about any time 423-571-5055
  2. Has anyone checked the muffler? It could be blocked some way.
  3. Retention springs are used for more than ground operation. There what retracts your flaps by pushing the flap up and forcing the hydraulic fluid back thru the system. They are what holds your flaps up. If one was to break or come loose it would have half the force when retracting and also be In a bind. One flap may hang slightly down but both are fastened to the same actuator.
  4. It sounds to me that one of your flap retract springs may have broken. Drop the panel that covers flap shaft area and you can see the actuator shaft springs,shaft, and the whole mechanism.
  5. Bob what is the leaver with the knob next to the trim wheel? My 64 does not have that.
  6. When I did mine I removed the floor from the front. The floor is riveted to an angle that is bolted on each side. The bolts are hard to get to. I removed I think about 10 rivets on each side the propped the floor up with pieces of wood.
  7. I suspect one tank expanded and the other siphoned through the vent or the cap with a hose.
  8. Pro seal buy small tube from Aircraft Spruce and hand mix small amount by hand. Remove screw apply sealent and install screw.
  9. When the Prop(hub) AD came out Hartzell offered a swap for a new Prop for 5k some M20c will have that AD free prop with the B hub.
  10. Love my Johnson Bar. I also know a 130 lb 70 year old lady flying an M20E with a Johnson Bar. Just saying
  11. When it's in the 20's I use a small preheater I made from a ceramic heater and aluminum dryer hose. Stick the hose in the cowl flap for 10 or 15 minutes. Works good. Al
  12. The Slick no's installed on mine are 4370 and 4347. The 4347 is the duel point mag.
  13. Just saw one on barnstormer.
  14. Robert I was talking about the line from the carb to the firewall. I'm pretty sure mine had an orifice fitting at the carb. Who knows I could be wrong. Al
  15. The line going to the instrument has a small orifice at the fitting. Would be easy to have a restriction at the beginning of it. Al
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