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About Jetdriver

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Professional pilot here, I've used Letitia Archuleta as my AME for years and almost everyone I know swears by her. In point of fact I like her so much that I drive down from Logan instead of doing it up here.
  2. We installed one on our M20F and while the installation took longer than expected the results are very worthwhile. Significant improvement in heat retention and significant decrease in ambient noise level. Sent from my SM-S918U using Tapatalk
  3. Hello Mooney Hive Mind! I am getting ready to undertake my longest trip yet (UT-FWB) which is about 6 hours of flight time (with no autopilot, pray for me). I am curious what are the must bring items in your kit for longer trips? I have the usual quarts of oil, travel chocks and tow bar, tank sump, paper towels, travel john, etc. I also carry survival gear and a PLB any time I'm flying over the mountains which is pretty much always in Utah. Any specific tools or supply to bring along? Lets hear what you got!
  4. Hello all My wife and I are planning a trip to Branson next month from our home in UT in our F and I am looking to see if anyone has flown into PLK or BBG recently. Any good reason to choose one over the other? I am particularly concerned about the availability of MX, should it be necessary, at either airport. Does anyone know if there is anything available?
  5. I bought a new one from Precision Propellor Service in Boise last year. Was about 3 AMU as I recall, didn't strike me as too outrageous.
  6. The friction lock is good, in climb the rpms are still coming back even with the lever full forward almost like the prop was on the stop and it was running out of power.
  7. Hello all I own a 75F and at takeoff with prop full forward and leaned for max power I am still only getting 2660 (should be 2700). 24-25" mp indicated. As I climb out that rpm is decaying to where I'm only making 2600 or less. My home field is at 4500'. Prop governor is new as is prop cable. Prop has recent overhaul. Engine only has about 120 since OH. Any thoughts on what this could be?
  8. Haven't got the final bill yet but was told to expect about 3.5k. But that was also nine months ago. We shall see...
  9. Unfortunately ended up not being able to use the used bracket. The holes were just far enough out thar upsizing them wasn't an option. Had to wait for Mooney to make it for me, which ended up taking 9 months. Just got the part last week, still not airworthy yet.
  10. I have been talking with David, thanks. I would say the odds of all the holes lining up are probably close to zero given the hand made nature of our planes, however we should be able to modify it to fit somehow.
  11. I sent them an email and have yet to get a response...I imagine it isn't much more than a skeleton crew down there.
  12. Tried every salvage yard out there no one is willing to part [emoji38]with it. Our suspicion is that the gear was rigged incorrectly and it fatigued that bracket over time. Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  13. Notice the failure point on the left end. Been chasing this part for 6 months now. Mooney keeps telling me they're working on it but can't provide an estimate for completion. PN 950099-001 Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  14. Does anyone have a source on technical schematics for metal work in the F model? Specifically my mechanic is trying to fabricate a landing gear bracket but the details in the IPC leave something to be desired. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks! Scott N6847V Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
  15. Sent him a pm already, waiting to hear back thanks
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