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olympiadesign last won the day on March 13 2016

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  1. I have a 1964 E model with a Bullock Airguard Model 1000 strobe box in the avionics bay. It seems to have crapped out and I can't find any info on a replacement nor service manual. Looking for advise before I bite the bullet and retrofit to something new... thanks
  2. stratus aviation foundation fundraiser: https://rafflecreator.com/pages/12486/-cessna-170b-raffle http://www.stratusaf.org/home www.facebook.com/stratusaf
  3. I have a leaking parking brake valve on my 65 E.. looking to replace it or rebuild but have not found a parts kit for rebuild. I once rebuilt the flap valve with a rebuild kit, but can't seem to find anyone selling kits for the brake valve. Anyhow, any help would be appreciated.
  4. Hi Olympiadesign,

    I have a CNC router and am busy working with a  couple of other MS guys to cut instrument panels.  I have some Mooney templates, as well as all the templates for many instruments, and an Autocad guy to update the drawings.  Cutting is the easy part, the work is all in the drawings and getting the instruments to fit.  Send me an email, and we can discuss further.  supercub180@gmail.com

    I can work with you for a very nominal charge, my goal is to build up a library to the point that I can offer a refined service.  (Its not a product, you and your IA need to control the design process, installation and signoff).



    1. olympiadesign



      Great to know. I will be in touch once we start the process.  Any chance you already have the spec or can cut me a blank for the left side of a M20E We can then mark it up where the cuts need to be made and send it back to you.



    2. Aerodon


      Yes, send me an email to supercub180@gmail.com.


      i have some scrap material and cad files to start something.



  5. Hi, I'm looking to see if anyone has a diagram or CAD drawing of the left side panel for a 65 E model. I am going to replace the panel and add an aspen. I only need the blank dimensions as I am going to eliminate what I can from the panel and use the aspen as a primary. My AP can cut the holes. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks,
  6. Your best bet is to contact Brittain. If you have the positive control system already installed and a heading bug DG that outputs heading info, this will translate the heading info into a trackable heading for the positive control to follow. Cheers,
  7. I am doing well. Thanks for asking. Are you related to Richard Caruso by any chance?
  8. I did have the accutrak system in the old plane. This was to be an add on for heading bug input to that system.
  9. I purchased this unit from Brittain industries to install in my mooney so that I could add a heading bug and roll steer to my positive control autopilot wing leveler in N242TS. As many of you know this airplane was in an accident so I no longer have a need for this unit. It was never installed and is still new in the box from Brittain. I paid roughly $1,000.00 for it with shipping. Let me know who needs one and make an offer. Thanks,
  10. Is the GTN 650 still available? Thanks,



  11. The item has been SOLD. Thank you, I purchased a new GTN 650 in February from gulfcoast avionics which includes the installation tray and factory wire harness that they built for warranty purposes. I ended up not installing the unit (had a mishap in my mooney and the plane is now at the scrap yard and not needing the 650) and am now putting it up for sale. I also have a used WAAS Garmin antenna to go with it. Everything is new in the box as I received it. I also purchased the USA base maps and I know there is some data included that allows you to do the initial updates from Garmin. PM me if you are interested. I have $10k invested. Make me a solid offer and save yourself a few $$'s for an unboxed unit. Thanks, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz...FpYMk5pV25VSHc https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz...mZuMVd3d0FIemM https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bz...XVfNFd3N29BN2c
  12. Thanks everyone. I will be sure to update as I get info from the investigation. I do head to N57 often just to see what you guys are up to. Always interesting planes to see there on a sunny day. I have no idea how the tail ended up as it did. I really can't recall anything between initial impact and then being assisted onto the stretcher. I hit the left part of my head pretty hard on something. Might have been knocked out momentarily.
  13. Hi, and thank you for all of the well wishes, analysis / commentary. I am the owner / pilot sitting here in my hospital bed at 11:30 pm on a Friday night (highly medicated) thanking my lucky stars and the fact that I was in my Mooney. The steel cage did its job ( and I was able to see and kiss my 18 mo daughter today). I will share whatver I recall over time from this experience. First thing that was done to the plane when I bought it two years ago was the addition of shoulder harnesses. Did not leave the ground with me in it until that was done. Without getting into all of the details now I will cover the basics (again, I'm on strong pain meds and in a lot of pain / discomfort at the moment dictating to an iPad ). My main / obvious injuries are as stated by someone else in the thread, fractured l1,l2, pretty nasty cut on left eyelid and black eye / bruising of left eye. Bruised ribs, sprained right hand, cuts, scrapes and bruises on both arms, also wearing neck-brace full time as prescribed for soft tissue and ligament trauma in neck area. No injury to lower legs but bruising on thighs. Again this steel cage of the Mooney and the shoulder harness saved my life. As for the initial reports, I did not exit the plane on my own. Someone helped me out of the plane. My last memory before impact was " I'm coming in a bit steep .. It's gonna hurt...." I ended up putting it down in a pretty clear area with some small brush. I was told that the initial indication of touchdown and where the plane came to rest was about 250 feet apart. What I can tell you is that this was a post annual test flight / flight home to my home base. After a normal preflight and extensive run up multiple times, I decided I would depart 28 and then head home. The engine sounded great and ran strong on rollout through several hundred feet. I typically pull the gear soon after while I am still within a speed that allows me to lift it without excessive force. Once gear was up, and climb established, I pulled flaps, leveled wings got to about 350 agl and the engine went silent with no sputter or warning. At that moment I first pumped the throttle then verified fuel was on and electric pump was on with mixture full rich. After that I picked the grassy area north of the runway as my target, I initiated a very shallow right turn knowing it was down wind but feeling it was my best and only option at that moment. It was the only place I felt I would not hit power lines, cars on a busy road or trees. I held that shallow turn all the way down to my target and leveled the wings at the very end. At that point I was headed downwind and was very low. I pulled back to slow down and flare but headed down wind (gusting 19), I was out of time and altitude so I don't think the flare helped much.... From what I remember it was a pretty flat hit with slight nose down ( reminded me of the visual perspective of being on final aiming for the numbers but never having the opportunity to pull up and transition to a rollout and without flaps and gear for drag) by the time I pulled back and held back pressure I was on the ground. I am falling asleep as I write this and will try to add to the conversation in the near future. Have a good night. And let me know if you have any questions.
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