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  1. Hey Bob, The prop on my plane was installed new in 2010 by previous owner. In 2013 I noticed a crack in the spinner. My A&P discovered the service bulletin HC-ASBA-61-332 and Hartzell sent a new composite spinner to replace the existing one. You are correct it is old, but mine was as well and Hartzell stood behind it. Hopefully you will have the same experience. I love my prop and the composite spinner works great. Best of luck. Lee
  2. This link may help you. I had the same spinner which developed a crack and Hartzell sent a replacement. http://www.aopa.org/-/media/Files/AOPA/Home/Supporting-General-Aviation/Advocacy/Regulatory-and-Certification-Policy/Regulatory-Brief-FAA-issues-direct-final-AD-on-Hartzell-aluminum-propeller-hubs/hartzell_sb.pdf
  3. Actually I had no problems, or I thought. My mechanic is cautious with fuel issues and noticed a slight seeping around the fuel selector during my annual. Since I had no other problems, we decided to send it to laser for an overhaul and they sent this photo. They also wanted to know if the selector was a salvaged part.
  4. Leekelley


    It's a Southwest Texas Aviation mod. The plane was modified before I purchased it. They did a great job and I get many compliments.
  5. Leekelley

    N9257v 2013

  6. Henry Williamson at Conway (HYW) is an excellent option. He has kept many mooneys in the air. Plus a nice relaxing time at the beach while you wait!
  7. Have you considered selling it as is? We need to preserve as many vintage moneys as possible. Maybe post some pictures and information.
  8. It's too good to be true. The asking price Is the price of the engine. However it is definatley a beautiful plane!
  9. I don't think that this one had been removed in some time. It will become an annual event!
  10. Thanks for everyone's input and humor.
  11. I knew someone would have a wisecrack!
  12. There are no published service manuals for the selector. But all the orings are standard and it is easy to figure out the correct part. They are not hard to take apart. That's what we thought; however, without service manuals there was the unknown factor, we wanted to play it safe and get some advice before moving forward. Have you experienced this before?
  13. That's the same advice my mechanic gave me, but I thought it check here first since it was the weekend and call laser Monday. Thanks, Lee
  14. It appears to be around the handle. There is a blue stain inside the well and under the floor.
  15. So it's not a simple replacement of o-rings? Thanks for the welcome.
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