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Daniel Low

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  1. I have been to two of them and found them very useful. You do get 2 hours of dual but more important, the instructors are expert at Mooneys and there is a lot of information concerning flying and owning these planes.
  2. I had long ago replaced my turn coordinator with an electronic attitude indicator (as soon as the FAA allowed it). I never liked the turn coordinator as the only electric gyro in the plane and thought that an electronic AI was much better. I am glad I did that because I flew a long time with my so-so mechanical gyro waiting for an electronic option that would connect to my KAP100. I hope to shoot some practice approaches this weekend to get the feel for the workflow and operations. The biggest learning curve will likely be to know where to look for what and transfer my old habits from the many instruments to the two 275s. I kept the electronic AI as a redundant AI, which along with my stratus AHRS provides a "tie breaker" if one AHRS goes awry.
  3. Just installed 2 GI 275s in my 1986 M20J (picked up the plane today) to enable me to not have to replace the KAP100 autopilot. One flight so far, the autopilot works great with the 275. I will shoot approaches this weekend. With the magnetometer and OAT, the system provides heading (vs track) inputs and standard rate turn indicators. Total cost with two of the Garmin USB chargers was under $17k and I can replace my KAP100 if it ever breaks.
  4. I am having two installed and coupled with my kap100. Including the OAT the install is >16000. Hardware prices are retail.
  5. I replaced my turn coordinator with a second AI many years ago, an electronic one from RC Allen. It has been 100% reliable. I would recommend all 6-pack pilots replace their turn coordinators with an electronic AI. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Correct. I have no oil leakage. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. This is what I have. I installed it about 10 years ago and no issues whatsoever. It pays for itself by not requiring repeated replacements and the peace of mind of not having a dry pump. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I apologize, I looked at the website and didn't find the stc. I have a 337 and the boombeam was installed at a Mooney shop, so they may have gotten field approval easily. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I believe I have the landing light configuration. The boom beam light was stc'd so paperwork wasn't a problem. Installation is relatively quick, the light is a drop in, but there is a power supply that was installed on the firewall. The light is unplugged at the power supply to enable the lower cowl to be removed.
  10. I am at SMO and am looking for a 50% partner in my 1986 M20j. Happy to send specs and discuss. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I have both the boombeam and halogen recognition lights. I installed the recognition lights before the boombeam was available and because I was having problems seeing the taxiway at night. The recognition lights worked well, they especially helped when turning and taxiing by obstacles. They got hot, though, so I put some reflective tape inside the wingtip lens to help reflect some of the heat away. I was still not happy and bought a boombeam when they became available. One word: amazing! The difference in light output allowed me to see like I was 20 again! Landing, taxiing, no problem. I now only use my recognition lights when I want another plane to spot me, the heat problem keeps me too nervous to keep them on full time. I will likely replace with LEDs in the future, but the boombeam will stay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. About 5 years. My daughter was 10 when we started (Olympia) and finished when she was 15 (Washington DC).
  13. Daniel Low

    51 Capitals

    The 51 capitals we visited, mostly by Mooney
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