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  1. Garmin Aera 796 GPS with XM antenna, yoke hardwire mount and all accessories included when purchased new. Unit has all current data base updates, $550 includes shipping in the continental United States.
  2. Garmin Aera 796 GPS with XM antenna, yoke hardwire mount and all accessories included when purchased new. Unit has all current data base updates. $875 includes shipping continental United States.
  3. You are correct, it has the Acclaim Type-S prop. 170 knots TAS at 9-11,000 ft 12.5 -12.8 gph.
  4. I knew the day would come but it’s a difficult decision for sure. I’ll still be flying, Lord willing, just not flying to my favorite Mooney.
  5. The time has come for me to sell my Ovation N21625. I no longer have a business use for this amazing Mooney. I purchased this plane from Henry Weber the Mooney dealer in Lancaster, PA in 2005. Indy Air Sales is helping me with the sale. They are located on my field KAID (Anderson, IN). My guess is they will have it posted to their web site tomorrow. Useful load 964 lbs. Dennis
  6. My 1999 Ovation upgrade, just finished. Very blessed! Before: During: After:
  7. Hello Lee, I’m sorry to tell you that I just sold it. About a year ago my unit also became erratic at times. The problem in my case was with the fuel flow transducer. After it was replaced it worked perfectly. Absolutely no problems after replacing the transducer. Dennis
  8. Hello Lee, Yes, I still have the Shadin Miniflow with the fuel flow transducer. Dennis
  9. Hello Mike, yes it’s been awhile. You’re right about the value of working Moritz gauges.
  10. I have been asked if I would sell the Flightstream 210 alone. Not yet, maybe later, I just posted everything an hour ago. Dennis
  11. Panel is currently being painted. Will post when it is completed.
  12. Selling the following items removed from my Ovation (28v). Shipping is included. See photos below. Last photo shows original panel. Thanks for looking! Dennis 1. Jeppesen Skybound. $25.00 2. Mid-Continent DC-AC Inverter Model MD 26-28. $50.00
  13. Just donated, looking forward to no adds and the ability to list some Avonics removed from my Ovation. Thanks! Dennis
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