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Dkmiata last won the day on August 6 2013

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  1. Add me and my son for Monday at 18:00 David Will be camping in the North 40, and staying the whole week. :0)
  2. Happy wife happy life. ;0) I will pay what ever it cost to get it working to keep my wife or even my young kids from hurting themselves getting off the wing. David
  3. RLCarter, Please put me on the list to buy your spare. I do not have a warm fuzzy on or if Bellofram will ever get back to me. You know 4th times a charm :0) Hope you have better luck, David
  4. Hoping to get a response, this is the 4th time trying with MarshBellofram. Sent for a quote for a new diaphragm for our retractable vacuum step servo. Keep fingers crossed. This is what I sent. Hoping that their standard diaphragm will fit the bill. Requesting a quote for: ABC# 4 - 400 - 369 - 400 - D A J - ( none ) Quantity: 1 to 5 5 to 10 Bellofram Design Manual page 11 Class 4 rolling Diaphragm description : " X " = Standard ( Tooling Available ) Standard fabric and elastomer please. CD = 4.00 DP = 3.69 H = 4.00 Sidewall thickness = D Effective pressure area = 11.61 inch squared C = .155 Half stroke SA/SB = 3.45 Hope I get a response. Will let you all know as soon as I get a anything. David
  5. Just as an FYI, I lost my traffic display on Foreflight after the update. On the Map page under the user selections, upper left corner, make sure to verify that Traffic is turned on, right side. I almost needed to to replace a window in the house I thought my second Stratus was starting to have problems like my fist one, which had to be sent back to Sporty's/Appareo. That took two months to fix, and they ended up sending me a new refurbished one. I really do like the Stratus, but it I could have my $900 bucks back, I would saved it to do the ADS-B with my 430 and a new transponder with out capability. Hope this info helps, David
  6. Staying with the previous owners name, "Second Chances." The last owner lost his first wife to cancer. In the year or so after her passing he got the Mooney and found a second chance at life. :^) David
  7. Congrats! You are in for a great ride. David
  8. Did a pre buy with Frank at Chandler, he did a good job and checked everything I asked and then some. David
  9. Good for you! Fly often and fly safe. Just got mine 3 weeks ago David
  10. I am commuting to my job in Farmington, NM from Mesa, AZ. I consider it business flying, but its just more for fun. It just stinks I cannot write it off, but it sure beats the heck out of the 7 hour drive. David
  11. Hank, As much as it pains me, the PC-12 is easier to fly I can be doing 200 kts at 7 miles out and still cross the numbers at 89 kts with flaps 30 I'm based at Chandler, AZ. I need Second Chances for my commute to work in Farmington, New Mexico. David
  12. Thanks again, Well I put 2.5 hours on "Second Chances" this morning. My friend had me do everything I do in the Pilatus PC-12. I kept looking for the autopilot. My left thumb is killing me It was a 135.293 check ride! I got myself so wound up with all the reading I have been doing for the last few months for nothing. Her landings were a non issue, even with a 15 to 17 knot cross wind. I actually crossed the numbers 5 to 10 kts fast and I didn't float into the fence on the other side of the field But now that I'm typing this, I do not think I did a full flap landing! DOH! I cannot thank you all enough for all the great advice I have absorbed reading all the fun topics. I cannot wait to fly her again, but alas, President Obama will be keeping me from flying tomorrow I REALLY REALLY LIKE MY MOONEY M20C! I want to go out to the field and look at her some more Where is that flashlight? David. (A very happy Mooney owner)
  13. Thank you everyone! I hope to fly her soon with my friend ( he is the check airman for the company I fly for), so that I can fulfill my insurance requirements. Can't wait, can't wait! N201MKTurbo, Then you know how bad it is finding a hanger around here . Lucky bugger David
  14. It's kind of sad that she has to sit outside for the foreseeable future. There are no hangers or covered parking at any of the airports near our home in Mesa, AZ. David
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