I wanted to put the mooney on my prop, my 12 year old daughter said to do it. I did, I kinda like it. I have never seen this on a prop before. Maybe I will start a trend. I painted these on, I wouldnt trust a decal. What are your thoughts? Roast me if you want to.
I have a 66E and I have redone entire interior, Last thing is the yokes. How do you get these things off? I see the set screw and the bolt that goes through top to bottom. Any suggestions? thank you in advance.
I just got back some pictures from my bird. I had Scotty at Precision Avionics in Griffin Ga. to do this for me. Since last pictures I added the EDM 900 and the PS8000BT audio unit as well as the I pad Doc for my Mini I use with FLY Q. I like it, I have waited 2 years to see this come together and I cant wait to pick it up now.
Chris Ford
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