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  1. Thank you everyone for the help. I've found a plug that works.
  2. Still trying to figure out how Mooneyspace works. I'm used to Facebook. lol I'm traveling right now without the Mooney so I can't remember exactly what it looks like. I was surprised when I called Spruce and they had no idea what plug I needed. So thats why I'm here.
  3. Where can I purchase a Mooney Aux. GPU Power Cable/plug for a 1981 M20K?
  4. Does anyone know where I could get a used or new turbo plus intercooler for a 1981 m20k before Oshkosh next week?
  5. I have a Mooney 231 with a king 200 autopilot and garmin 430. When in coupled nav mode the cdi deviation needle is always consistently delected a few needle widths to the right. same with approaches. I went through the config process of showing the garmin where 150 degrees is with no improvement. Any ideas?
  6. 3.2 gal per tank above flapper m20k
  7. Also the higher the throttle setting at a given fuel flow the leaner the mixture. So once your lop a higher mp at a given fuel flow should result in cooler temps because the combustion event is slowed by excess air.
  8. The POH charts are fine. I just find them a bit tedious and the quality of the print/graphs is poor.
  9. Skybound, I like to run about 2550-2600rpm. I like the higher rpm because I believe the internal combustion pressure is better utilized mechanically later in the stroke. In my opinion that results in lower cht's. The true air speeds are typical of published airspeed vs altitude at 75% power. After all you are developing 75% of 210hp. Doesn't matter which side of peak your on and LOP is cooler and a safer place to be.
  10. If you have a wastegate, inter cooler,gami injectors and engine monitor just start at 33 mp full rich and quickly pull the mixture back to 11.5 gph. This is 75% power lop.
  11. With the inter cooler, merlyn wastegate, gami injectors and jpi engine monitor all I do is pull the mixture back to 11.5gph starting at 33mp and full rich. It's called the big pull. When you get to 11.5 you are at 75% power and LOP. Should run cool. If not pull the mixture back a tad more which increases the air vs fuel ratio and slows the combustion event.
  12. Does anyone one know where I can find a takeoff distance chart vs the POH graph for a 231?
  13. Does anyone know how I can find and or replace my worn out stc'd mod works throttle cable for a 231? My email is dham1956@gmail.com.
  14. I am interested in your stormscope but new to this forum and unsure how to contact you.
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