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About drake15d

  • Birthday 05/15/1987

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  1. I bought an '83 M20J having never flown in a Mooney before. I absolute do not regret my decision. Buy for the mission. Mooneys are lightweight, fast and efficient over long distances. It's not a freight train, so if you have a large family you will need a Bonanza probably.
  2. Thanks for the help gents!
  3. The bracket seen is still good and is on the right side. The left side (broken side) is identical. I posted this hoping it would jump out at someone but it seems like that isn't the case. I looked at the part you are talking about mooniac but that is not it unfortunately. Just sounds like it will have to be fabricated.
  4. Thought about it but it pretty thin aluminum. Not sure if it can be welded. And it was rusted in the first place so I need a new one. Didn't know if it was an obvious part to someone else.
  5. The green part, thin piece of I think aluminum. It is a bracket that holds the inner gear door on.
  6. And my apologies. The photo is turned.
  7. So I have searched through a couple of different parts catalogs and cannot find this specific bracket. It is the piece of metal that matches the two holes on the inner gear door fairing that also attaches to the strut itself. Please help me in identifying it and let me know if you have a spare you'd be willing to sell (left gear side broke). Model aircraft and part number would be great. Thanks ahead of time!
  8. I would agree with you on that. The gear itself is pretty robust, so I think it's the doors. In an emergency situation, anything goes that could produce a safe outcome. Better to walk away from a messed up bird than not walk away at all. Side note, the lower inner gear door bracket just broke on my M20J 201. Old age just got to it. Luckily it was tied out on the ground and not in flight, so I still have the door. Thumbs up for pre-flights!
  9. Your gear extension speed is 140? I have an '83 J and mine is 130.
  10. Every once in a while I will practice the power off 180 that is required for the Comm check ride when I am in the pattern by myself. Good refresher that takes some coordination, visualization, and skill (if there is a nice crosswind).
  11. Agreed. My J's cowl flaps are a bear to close if I don't do it right at level off. If I wait even 1 minute I find myself struggling.
  12. My J hates anything less than 6k. You'd need a Mooney Mite.
  13. I have a J and I concur with the operating costs at abouot $80/hr (includes maintenance reserve). I mostly fly by myself on 2 hour trips max, she makes me even more confident in IFR, and it does pretty good at 11,500' as well. I fly off a $1,500 a month budget. You'll be perfect
  14. Why would anyone ever want to sell their Mooney?
  15. Anyone have a digital copy or link to the maintenance manual for a '83 M20J? Time to do that oil change.
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