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Not sure how to word this so here goes.... if you haven't read my introduction on the "Introduce Yourself" thread please do. 
In addition to being a Fire Dept. Capt. for the last 24 years, I for a number of years owned a high end
race engine shop. (Nascar, IHRA,NHRA) Anyway, when you build custom race engines, fabrication becomes
a way of life. A person with my background might, if they chose to, be able to make some of the parts for their
plane at a substantial cost savings. The Lexan used to cover the landing lights for instance is made out of Lexan
identical to what is sold at Home Depot. Speaking of landing lights, they are very similar to ones sold by Oreilly's
auto parts that say "aircraft" on the back of them. Mooney's price for Lexan landing light cover around $350!
Don't know what Home Depot gets for theirs....I swear! Sometimes fiberglass wheel well fairings crack. These can
be repaired legally, in place with a little fibergalss cloth, resin, body puddy and spray paint. Mooney's price for a new
fairing $300. Also, under the direct supervion of my A&P I was able to rebuild my brake actuators that were leaking
for a total cost of $6 worth of O-rings. Anyway, before you pay Mooney's price for something you might PM me and if I
know of a more cost effective alternative I will be glad to help. I assure you nothing on my plane is "rigged". I do it
right or not at all but that can often be done without spending $350 on a piece of Lexan with holes in it. Also I currently
live in an apartment so I do all this without a garage, hangar ect. so you don't have to be Mr. Tool Time for many
small repairs on your plane.

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