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Found 7 results

  1. Is anyone familiar with the airports/hangar situation in the Austin, TX area? There's a good chance I will be moving there from Los Angeles in the next two months and I'd like to get a jump on finding a new home for my bird. Any help would be greatly appreciated! -Don
  2. Hey folks, After a lot of thought and discussion with others, I've decided to put my 231 up for sale. Unfortunately I'm at a point in my life where I can't fly enough to justify ownership. It's been an absolute joy but I'll be glad to see it go to someone who can afford the time. The details: 1979 Mooney M20K 231 - fresh annual (April 2017), 3128 TT, two total owners (I'm the 2nd), complete logs, and hangared in Southern California for its entire life until last October (now hangared at HYI near Austin, TX) Airframe: Brand new fuel tank reseal by Houston Tank Specialists (Nov 2016), 2006 paint (factory colors), 2006 windows and windshield, wingtip and tail strobes, PreciseFlight speedbrakes Engine: 405 hrs SMOH, 405 hrs SPOH, Turboplus intercooler, PreciseFlight standby vac system, installed new in 2015: turbo, GAMI's, Merlyn wastegate Avionics: EDM830 w/fuel flow, Collins AMR 350 audio panel, TDR 950 transponder, (2) VHF 251 comms, (2) VIR 351 navs, Apollo GX55 GPS, Collins DME, Century 41 autopilot w/altitude hold, sigtronics 2pl intercom, electric trim Extras: Custom sun shades, also will consider selling Stratus 2, RAM iPad mount, and two Bose headsets with the plane The plane flies great and the engine monitor indications always read healthy. Last two annuals were performed at a Mooney service center in Southern California. I've attached pictures to this post (note: I took the pictures when I dropped the plane off for the annual, so it's a bit dirty and I am not a professional photographer by any measure!) I'm asking $85,000. If you are interested please contact All American Aircraft at (830) 261-4147. Best, -Don N231BZ-vref.pdf
  3. The 4th Annual Mooney Caravan Formation Flying Clinic is back at KHYI on March 31 to April 2, 2017. FBO: Redbird Skyport at KHYI: (512) 878-6670 Contact: Bucko Strehlow 8 Corby Lane San Antonio, TX 78218 (210) 887-0144 bucko.strehlow@gmail.com Purpose: Train pilots to safely perform formation flying using classroom briefings and actual aircraft in actual conditions. The clinics provide a professional learning format, with pre and post flight briefings, along with skilled observer pilots helping to conduct the clinic and riding in the training aircraft. The Mooney Caravan organization is dedicated to facilitating a safe and enjoyable formation mass arrival flight into AirVenture Oshkosh each year, as well as developing opportunities (such as these clinics) throughout the year to get together and fly our fantastic airplanes. Our participants share a strong sense of camaraderie and the friendship’s born via our common interests in aviation and Mooney aircraft, spanning the continent and the entire year between Oshkosh Caravan flights. The enjoyment and enthusiasm which we all experience at AirVenture doesn’t wear off; we keep it going throughout the year! Why you should do it (Check all that may apply): 1. Because IT WILL BE A LOT OF FUN !!! 2. To learn new skills and make yourself a better pilot. 3. To be able to fly into Oshkosh in an organized group (with the Mooney Caravan), and with more safely than using the FISK arrival. (Note: this is totally optional. A lot of you may not even be going to KOSH this year, but this will hopefully plant the seed and you can join us in the future.) 4. See #1 above- IT IS A LOT OF FUN DOING THIS TYPE OF FLYING. Sign Up Deadline: Friday, March 17, 2017, which is two (2) weeks before the actual clinic. This is to allow us to get enough Observer/ Safety Pilots for the course. These pilots may be coming from California, Arizona, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas, and we need time to organize how many are required. Also, please note that attendance may be limited, so it is best to SIGN UP EARLY. Also, if Safety pilots are limited, some preference may be given to pilots planning to fly in this year's Caravan. Cost: $ 100. This is due at Sign Up. This covers dinner on Friday and Saturday nights. It will also be used to buy beer and sodas for the dinners. Hotel: Still deciding. (Negotiations on room rates are presently ongoing.) You will pay for your own hotel room, and are free to either stay with the group or to make your own arrangements. A list of participants will be provided about a week before each clinic so that you may make arrangements to share rooms, if you wish. Transportation: You fly there and we will get you back and forth on the ground. Anyone getting a rental or having a personal car available would be appreciated and pressed into service. Homework: Download and read the "Mooney Caravan Formation Guide" prior to attending the clinic. It can be downloaded from the mooneycaravan.com website from a link in the "Training" section. Newbies: Watch the Video of the ground training (filmed at an earlier San Marcos/ KHYI Clinic) also in the training section of the website. I know: there is a lot of information there. The important items will be reviewed at the Basic Formation Ground School on Friday morning, but you need to have read the Guide so that the information presented at the briefing will be somewhat familiar to you. Note: If you have not read the Guide prior to coming to the clinic, you may not fly in the clinic. So, sign up if you are coming by sending your $ 100 to me at the above contact address, along with your email and phone information. Also include your ratings (SEL, IFR, Comm'l, etc), approximate flying hours, Mooney Model, home base, and whether you'll be flying with the Caravan into KOSH this year or in the future. If you are like me, I originally was going to go to Oshkosh years ago but was planning on landing at a satellite airfield because I did not enjoy the VFR/ FISK arrival. Having done multiple Formation Flying Clinics in Yuma, AZ, El Paso, TX, Kerrville, TX, and San Marcos, TX, I have now flown with the Mooney Caravan and arrived in style and safety for the past three (3) years. Warning: This type of flying is very addicting: I have flown over 100 formation hours in 2016 alone, and almost 30 hours so far this year (2017) as part of multiple formation elements (2 ships, 3 ships, and 4 ships). Texas has a lot of people interested in this and a lot of opportunities abound to fly together. Tailwinds and High Speed; Bucko M20-E
  4. Great Texas old school flyin. http://rangerairfield.org/ https://www.facebook.com/events/490208994489923/permalink/611779655666189/#
  5. OK all you Mooney Pilots; There will be two (2) Mooney Caravan Formation Flying Clinics in Texas coming soon. REGISTRATION FOR EACH CLOSES 10 DAYS BEFORE EACH RESPECTIVE CLINIC. This allows us to get the required Observer Pilots available and plan designated practice areas and routes. The first will be in Kerrville, Texas (KERV), starting on Friday, May 1st, through Sunday, May 3rd. Mooney International will be helping to sponsor this event, with factory tours being offered, a dinner hosted, and a chance to learn how to really develop a new skill set in flying your airplane. The second clinic will be in San in San Marcos, Texas, starting Friday, June 12th, through Sunday, June 14th. Locations: KERV (Kerrville, TX) on 5/1/15 to 5/3/15 REGISTER BY APRIL 21st. KHYI (San Marcos, TX) on 6/12/15 to 6/14/15 REGISTER BY JUNE 2nd. FBOs: Kerrville Aviation at KERV: (830) 257-8840 Redbird Skyport at KHYI: (512) 878-6670 Contact: Bucko Strehlow 8 Corby Lane San Antonio, TX 78218 (210) 887-0144 bucko.strehlow@gmail.com Make your plans TODAY! Let me know you're coming. Tailwinds and High Speed; Bucko M20-E
  6. Hi Folks, I may be getting a long term contract in Midland Texas area starting this fall. Has anybody got hanger space for rent in the area for a 1967 M20F? If so how much per month? I'm looking at possibly 2 to 4 years for the contract. Thanks, Paul K
  7. So its time to try out the new engine in an air race. We still hold the record for a Mooney 201 and the FAC3RG class at 187.78 mph. I don't think this engine is going to perform as well, but we'll see. However, this record is for the most part due to lack of competition - it can be beat! It can be beat by you! If you've never done an air race, you should come. I am going to reiterate my usual reassurance about what cool events these are: 1. They are just like flying a long cross country around some waypoints. Some people do it WOT, some at cruise speeds, you can just do it for fun. Though WOT is better. 2. They are totally safe - they sequence race starts with the fastest plane first and provide for good separation and clear radio calls at each turn point. Occasionally there is a very controlled pass, but most planes stay in the same sequence they started 3. Altitudes are safe per the FAR's. 4. Its a fun group with a very mixed demographic and all sorts of airplane types. 5. Lots of trophies are awarded. Come be my competition! Or if you want to just come out and watch the start, that can be fun too, but not as fun as racing. The Lone Star Air Rally was the first race I flew last year and it had me hooked at an instant. They have modified the course this year (I heard it called the "Texas Twister") with a lot of turns - usually an air race might have 4-5 turns, this race has 10! We'd love to see you there - let me know if you have any questions about air racing: http://lonestarairrally.blogspot.com/
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