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Found 16 results

  1. On behalf of your Mooney Summit Board of Directors I am happy to announce we have scheduled Mooney Summit VIII for September 18-19 2022. We will base the event at Peter O. Knight Airport (KTPF) in Tampa FL. Airport Day is Sunday the 18th, and stage seminars will be held Monday the 19th followed by the presentation dinner Monday evening. We are finalizing the contracts for our hotel blocks and will open Summit registration as soon as those contracts are in place. We have secured a unique venue for this year’s event that we think you’ll enjoy. Take a look here! We've shifted the event to Sunday-Monday to adjust to venue availability. We have opted for a two day format this year featuring presentations organized in a “PAVE” theme that will appeal to all, as well as Mooney-specific presentations on operations and maintenance. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone again as we hear from some of the best in aviation, socialize and share our collective experiences in pursuit of “Bettering the Breed”. Registration will open soon. Watch for updates here! Cheers, Rick
  2. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/f.html?C=19AYX7E3ZAK1F&K=36OPXPT6PJ7I0&M=urn:rtn:msg:20181121140305654b1f3961064fc9947f88398650p0na&R=WIFQWP027JGH&T=C&U=http%3A%2F%2Fsmile.amazon.com%2Fch%2F47-4343940&H=6NNBUR9MFTVTNH2OSLXRJAUK28IA This is just a shameless plug for those of you who plan to make purchases on amazon. The Mooney Summit is the only 501c3 that gives back to the Mooney community thru the Bill Gilliland foundation and the production of the Mooney Summits and we aim to keep our registration fees at ZERO. Please consider your year end tax deductible donations to include the Mooney Summit, and your Amazon purchases by using the above link or by going to http://smile.amazon.com and selecting The Mooney Summit, Inc. as your charity. We get .005% donation of purchases made this way from Amazon. Thanks for considering this worthwhile Mooney Charity.
  3. Of our 160 registered attendees, how many are Mooney Spacers? This year, our host hotel will move to the Hampton Inn beachfront in Panama City Beach to accommodate our growth, and our Mooney Sponsored Saturday night dinner will be at the Grand Marlin. Our agenda is here Here is a video of the Mooney Formation demo Here are a few pics of last years event Here is how to donate to our charitable Bill Gilliland Foundation to help downed Mooney pilots' families if you cannot come and believe in easing an unfortunate fellow Mooney pilot's families pain Ron, Seth, Lee and I look forward to seeing you again or meeting you this Sept 28th!
  4. The follow will be published in an upcoming local newspaper in Panama City Beach. Mooney Summit really made a real big "splash" in the area. Mooney Summit V The Mooney Summit is a 501 ©3 organization established in Panama City Beach in 2012 by Ron Dubin and Mike Elliott to promote safety and educational seminars to Mooney Pilots worldwide. Before I begin to explain what the Mooney Summit is about, you should probably know something about a Mooney airplane. A Mooney is the lesser known of the big four airplanes certified in the US. Everyone has heard of Cessna, Piper and Beechcraft but not Mooney. And why you ask? Perhaps that the Mooney is a single engine 4-seat niche aircraft designed to fly extremely fast and efficient, with characteristics of flight only experienced pilots can fly. They are all made in small numbers in Kerrville, Texas and named after the inventor – Al Mooney in the late 50’s. They are extremely safe when flown properly and are built with similar safety and performance designs as Boeing jets. A turbocharged Mooney can fly at altitudes as high as 25,000 feet and reach speeds up to 280 mph true air speed. Anyways, now to the Mooney Summit V Our mission is to “Better the Breed”, making Mooney pilots better stewards of our airplanes as well as interacting within the National Airspace. Our meeting this year was held at several locations throughout the city from September 29-October 1 and included 161guests, pilots and spouses from all across the US and even from London, England. This event is gaining in popularity throughout the Mooney community due to the uniqueness of the program. Everything is provided free to all attendees including subject expert speakers from the FAA, industry, and other leaders in aviation. All our food, entertainment, dinners, breakfasts, and even lodging to many of our attendees in 18 beach front condominiums and homes are free. Our Friday evening socials at my penthouse condo at Origin at Seahaven is a very popular event which earmarks the groups return to PCB and features fabulous catered meals and drinks. Earlier that day was airport day at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport which features experts in formation flying and other topics followed by a formation flight of 5 Mooney’s over the airport and city. This event was open to the public and put on by Lee Fox and Bucko Strehlow. Saturday and Sunday conferences were held at the Seahaven Conference Center and were led off with an introduction to the city by Mayor Mike Thomas. The topics discussed were very informative and helpful. These included the safety and regulations of flying to Cuba including FAA paperwork, overwater flying and safety equipment required. One speaker spoke passionately about a recent experience which occurred over Canadian airspace where he completely passed out due to Carbon Monoxide poisoning and crash landed the plane. This occurred in an isolated area during the winter months and required survival tactics similar to the techniques used in the current movie, “The Mountain Between Us.” The importance of having a CO detector in a plane (as well as in homes) was an important take home message. Engine performance and analysis of evaluating potential engine problems was a lecture from Ron New, Savvy Aviation, Las Vegas, NV Saturday evening all the participants and family members were treated to a dinner at the Runaway Island restaurant compliments of Mooney International. Awards, silent auctions, and speakers from the Mooney factory were the highlights of the evening while underneath the glow was the appreciation of the factory’s continued support for the existing fleet of all the Mooney’s in the world. Early Sunday morning was the second formation flight, this time over the beaches from pier to pier. Most beach goers who saw the event probably noticed the one thing that is unique to Mooney’s – the design of the tail that looks like it’s on backwards. But backwards it is not, the tails unique design gives the plane its wonderful and sexy appeal while outperforming all other planes with their normal looking tails. Other events during the Mooney Summit V included a free companion flying course given by a local certified pilot instructor Ron Jarmon. Non flying spouses were given an entire day instructional course on how to land a Mooney in the event of the pilot becoming unable to land. They were taught such things as who to call on the radio for help, how to navigate to an airport and the proper ways to set up for a landing. Ron also has one of the most advanced flight simulators ever made and housed at the PCB airport and demonstrated this to the attendees. Max Gurgew, a pilot examiner for the FAA from Birmingham, Alabama, is an annual speaker due to his entertaining abilities while educating us on the proper ways to fly an instrument approach to an airport while in the clouds and fog. Bruce Landsburg is the nominee from President Trump to serve as Vice Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board and spoke on true confessions of pilot errors. Another speaker spoke on ditching procedures and survival techniques over long distance water flying. The Mooney Summit has established the Bill Gilliand Foundation to provide emergency crisis intervention and financial assistance for downed Mooney Pilots’ immediate families. Unique in general aviation, Mooney owners are not only bonded together by the planes we all fly but as well as this foundation for the caring and compassion towards Mooney families. Bill Gilliand was a VP of Simon Properties (owners of Pier Park) and was killed in a Mooney accident in 2013. Mike Elliott, the co-founder of the Summit, was a passenger in the plane but survived. We decided to make this foundation a tribute to Bill and his family. As we came to a close on that Sunday October 1, the weather was low overcast clouds and very windy. But this did not dampen anyone’s spirit as we all talked about the return of the Mooney Summit VI from September 28-30, 2018 and how this conference has become, in five years, the largest gathering of Mooney owners in the world. Ronald S. Dubin, M.D. You can also review a past newspaper article on the Mooney Summit V http://www.newsherald.com/news/20170930/mooney-pilots-land-in-bay-for-5th-annual-summit
  5. Hey all, Just got back from another fabulous Mooney Summit. Hats off to the leadership and all the speakers for making this a memorable and meaningful event. I can say that unlike most conferences you go to, there was not a “throw away” session in the bunch here. Every single talk and activity was of the highest caliber and provided useful information to make our flying more safe and enjoyable. And what fun to meet more Mooneyspace folks in person! My only real concern/question is, what the heck is in the rain in PCB?! We got rain overnight Saturday into Sunday, and when I got home this afternoon I noticed some deep rain spots in my paint that are not just on the surface. Photo attached...if you look around the access panel you’ll see my new spotted spotted coat. And that was AFTER trying to get them out with a vigorous rub of Wash-Wax-All. I ended up testing a small section with some Flitz to see if a buffing compound would help and it did, but that’s going to be a lot of work. Did anyone else who was down there see anything similar? Is there an acid rain problem in the Panhandle? I’ve never seen anything like this before, especially so suddenly.
  6. Registration for the Mooney Summit V, Sept 29th - Oct 1 is now open. Please go to www.mooneysummit.com to register. We look forward to another fantastic event with fantastic Mooney pilots and attendee's!
  7. We are pleased to announce there will be a silent auction for the Mooney Summit this year! So far we have these items a Lynx NGT 9000. Winning bidder will be responsible for installation by an authorized L3 service center A Lightspeed PFX headset A Full USA pilot pack from Jeppesen And I am hoping to announce still yet another fantastic item! The proceeds will be used to produce the Mooney Summit and to fund our foundation to aid downed Mooney Pilot's families. We are a 501(c)3 charity. Stay tuned for the procedures to bid from Neil or Becky Cohen!
  8. We have been asked by the Mayor of Panama City Beach if we would do a fly over the beach on Sunday as we depart. Lee Fox, Bob Belville, the Nesbochicks, Paul Steen, Kevin Paul, Bucko and others that are Caravan qualified will have a very cool departure formation flight demo for not only everyone on the beach, but our attendee's as well! This is our first step to unification of the disparate Mooney benevolent groups. Thanks Lee for getting this all together! We look forward to a fantastic show! Perhaps MARS, PIG and a few of our Tyndall friends will join us with their F22's....
  9. Mark your calendars, our next Mooney Summit will be Sept 29th- Oct 1, 2017. Stay tuned for more info here and at www.mooneysummit.com Anyone who has any suggestions to improve the program, please feel free to make your suggestions here!.
  10. I just received an email saying the Mooney Summit will be on CAMI's 2018 Schedule to have their remote PROTE reduced Oxygen training in Panama City Beach! I have pushed hard for this with everyone including Tindal AFB, AOPA, the FAA and congress! Those of us who fly at or above 9K really need this training as hypoxia is such an insidious killer. We had to reach out to one Mooney widow already because of hypoxia. Now we have the ability to educate ourselves on how we individually re-act. I know, those of you who attended the last Mooney Summit a few weeks ago will recall Major Mari Metzler (Mars) telling of how alcohol brings out some of the same "tells", but we feel a more professional approach is in order vs. just having more beer and wine at the reception Thanks George, David, Mars, Ron, and all those who have so actively pushed for this to happen! Stay tuned for more details!
  11. The Mooney Summit, Inc. is pleased to announce the formation of the Presidents’ Club. A tax deductible contribution of $500 or more to the Mooney Summit, Inc., a 501(c)3 charity entitles you to annual membership in this exclusive club of generous Mooney pilots. Members recognize the value of our charitable Bill Gilliland foundation to help downed Mooney Pilots’ families in their time of greatest need with crisis intervention and financial assistance. Over the last 5 years, we have had many generous attendees of the Mooney Summit who have contributed in excess of $500 each year. In some small way, we wish to acknowledge and thank them for this wonderful generosity. Dr. Ron Dubin has made this possible with a new house acquisition just 10 steps from the world class emerald beaches of Panama City!. Ron has decided to give the first six President’s club members each year use of his new beach house for a week during the Mooney Summit. This beautiful facility will sleep 6 couples and has 4 kitchens for your use. Located just 5 miles east of the Origin at Seahaven, you will be close to the Mooney Summit activities yet able to decompress and have some when you need to. This savings of the lodging fees alone makes considering joining the tax deductible Presidents club an attractive proposition, in addition to the President’s club plaque and the resultant donation raffle tickets. This is just one more deliverable that sets the Mooney Summit as the value proposition leader in make specific educational events! Thanks for your generosity once again, Dr. Dubin! To become a member of the Presidents' Club, email us at Iwannadonate@mooneysummit.com
  12. Pics from the Mooney Summit IV can be found here https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByEdyRXOYGbuNTR6bzJ3NzFibHc?usp=sharing
  13. In starting the planning (yep it is already happening, because that is how it gets done) What topics would be of interest and who would be a subject matter expert willing to donate their time to present their passion? Kevin Paul and Elizabeth Briclow emailed me an excellent suggestions this morning Engine out emergencies and the psychology of pilots.
  14. Things are coming together nicely for the next Mooney Summit Sept 29th to Oct 2nd. We are excited that this year's Subject Matter experts will once again feature Bob Kromer, Don Maxwell, and Max Gurgew to name a few! Ron Jarmon will have a full motion redbird sim and we are working with CAMI and Tindall to get a portable oxygen deprivation chamber for Thurs and Fri. Keep the dates open, and keep your eye here for registration opening in July!
  15. Registration is now open for the Mooney Summit IV Sept 29 - Oct 2nd! If I have not recently contacted you about your registration and you would like to attend the Mooney Summit IV, please email me mike.elliott AT mooneysummit.com the following information First name, wife/SO's first name if attending, Last name, cell phone #, N number, mailing address, FAAsafety.gov email address, Mooney Model. We request you send the same email address you have signed up for with at www.faasafety.gov so that we can insure you receive proper wings credits for the seminars and presentations. We are accepting 95 pilots plus their spouses/S.O.'s again this year, in the order in which I receive emails and will place everyone else on a waiting list past the 95th. Last year, everyone was able to attend, so don't be discouraged if you are not confirmed right away. Cancellations will and do happen. Thanks all for your patience in signing up!
  16. Sheltair is sponsoring our "OPEN TO ALL" Mooney Pilots airport day on Friday, Sept 30th. Everyone is welcome, you do not have to be registered for the Mooney Summit to attend. The new Mooney will be represented by CEO Vivek Saxenna and Dirk Vanderzee, L3, Avidyne, Weep no More, Bruce Jaeger, and a host of Mooney experts not limited to the likes of Bob Kromer, and Don Maxwell. Did I mention the food is free and Avidyne will be giving away an Ipad and gift certificate to use towards Avidyne products? Lets fill the ramp! With our 95 registered attendees and spouses, plus those that can just come for the day, we should have the largest gathering of our Mooney's ever! Did I mention Free food? Friday Afternoon – Airport day 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM Open to all Mooney Pilots - Sheltair Hanger, KECP 11:00 - Noon Bruce Jaeger, Paul Beck, Eric Rudningen - Improving your Mooney 11:00 - 4:00 PM Oasis Aero – Owner Maintenance clinic Noon - 2:00 PM - Lunch Sheltair Noon - 1:00 PM - Welcome remarks from Sheltair, Mooney, Weep no More, Premier, L3, Avidyne 1:00 - 2:00 Bill Ladigo- L3 - ADS-B the future is on us. 2:00 - 3:00 Avidyne - John Reid - Avionics Technologies and future 4:00 - 6:00 Attendee check In, Origin Lobby
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