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  1. As our numbers have grown in the Pacific and Mountain Northwest, I'm pleased to announce that the NW Mooney Caravan will host two formation clinics this year in Pendleton, Oregon (KPDT). May 14 - 17, 2020 : Beginner 2-Ship / Mooney Caravan Qualification Our first ever basic clinic for beginners and 2020 Mooney Caravan Qualification will be May 14 - 17, 2020. This clinic is intended for qualifying pilots who are new to formation flying to fly in the 2020 Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh. This is also the Northwest recurrent training event for previous Mooney Caravan participants who plan to attend again in 2020. Registration is now open for this clinic: https://bit.ly/NW-Mooney-Caravan-2020 September 10 - 13, 2020: Advanced Clinic Our Third Annual Advanced Formation Clinic will be held September 10 - 13, 2020. The advanced clinic is for those pilots who have attended at least one basic clinic who wish to learn more additional maneuvers 2-ship maneuvers necessary to progress into more advanced formation flying. No beginner instruction will be offered at the advanced clinic. Registration is now open for this clinic: https://bit.ly/NW-Formation-2020 Aircraft of similar configuration and performance such as Cirrus, Bonanzas, Arrows, Tigers, RVs, etc are welcome to attend either clinic. Andrew "Sausage" Soleimany NW Mooney Caravan Squadron Lead 4321as@gmail.com
  2. Registration for this years Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh is now open. This is the 22nd year of the event. All the details regarding schedule of events, qualifications, and fees are on the website www.mooneycaravan.com Also on the website are descriptions and dates for our formation training clinics. Now is the time to register and plan your training clinics. This event keeps getting better every year. Come join us arriving at the worlds largest aviation event.
  3. Mooney Caravan: 2018 Flying Monkeys Formation Clinic 4-6 May 2018 Join us for a weekend of fun, flying, and fellowship in the Air Capital of the World! The primary goal of the formation practice session is to introduce the basic 2-ship formation procedures required for participation in the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh 2018 formation mass arrival to AirVenture Oshkosh. For those pilots proficient in basic 2-ship formation they will have the opportunity to both refine their fundamentals and work on 4-ship procedures. Experienced formation pilots will be paired with new pilots to serve as safety pilots. Location: Newton City/County Municipal Airport, Newton, KS http://www.airnav.com/airport/KEWK Dates: May 4-6, 2018 Host: Dave Marten (Mooney Caravan) davemarten77@gmail.com (605) 390-8044 FBO: Metro North Flight Support (Main Terminal) Arrival parking is on the main ramp located immediately in front of the terminal. Ground School: Formation Academics will be held FRIDAY evening at 7:30 pm at the Comfort Inn and Suites (host hotel) Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guidehttp://www.mooneycaravan.com/training **Friday evening Ground School will maximize flying on Saturday. Hotel: Comfort Inn & Suites at a discount rate Call for reservations: (316) 804-4866 Breakfast is included 6-9am. Schedule: Friday 4 May: - 1600-1800: Arrival Social in airport terminal - 1600 thru 1800: Shuttle to host hotel - 1930: Newbies: Initial Formation Academics. Saturday 5 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief – flight assignments (Mandatory for ALL pilots) - 0830-1030: Sortie 1 (brief, fly 45min, debrief) - 1030-1200: Sortie 2 - 1200-1330: Lunch at Airport - 1400-1530: Sortie 3 - 1600-1730: Sortie 4 ***Group Dinner/Social 1830 Sunday 6 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief - 0830-1200: AM window fly for those interested Mooney Caravan: www.mooneycaravan.com Registration: David Marten davemarten77@gmail.com A nominal clinic fee will cover snacks/beverages, printing, and admin costs
  4. All you flyin Texas wranglers for the airborne trail drive to Oshkosh sound off. Texas Wing leaving San Antone grazing area for Granbury then across injun country to pickup a few more strays and flyin monkeys. Possible chuck wagon stop and water the herd along the Missussip before turnin north to Madison for the night. Checkin with trailboss Bucko.
  5. Mooney Caravan: 2018 Flying Monkeys Formation Clinic 4-6 May 2018 Join us for a weekend of fun, flying, and fellowship in the Air Capital of the World! The primary goal of the formation practice session is to introduce the basic 2-ship formation procedures required for participation in the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh 2018 formation mass arrival to AirVenture Oshkosh. For those pilots proficient in basic 2-ship formation they will have the opportunity to both refine their fundamentals and work on 4-ship procedures. Experienced formation pilots will be paired with new pilots to serve as safety pilots. Location: Newton City/County Municipal Airport, Newton, KS http://www.airnav.com/airport/KEWK Dates: May 4-6, 2018 Host: Dave Marten (Mooney Caravan) davemarten77@gmail.com (605) 390-8044 FBO: Metro North Flight Support (Main Terminal) Arrival parking is on the main ramp located immediately in front of the terminal. Ground School: Formation Academics will be held FRIDAY evening at 7:30 pm at the Comfort Inn and Suites (host hotel) Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training **Friday evening Ground School will maximize flying on Saturday. Hotel: Comfort Inn & Suites at a discount rate Call for reservations: (316) 804-4866 Breakfast is included 6-9am. Schedule: Friday 4 May: - 1600-1800: Arrival Social in airport terminal - 1600 thru 1800: Shuttle to host hotel - 1930: Newbies: Initial Formation Academics. Saturday 5 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief – flight assignments (Mandatory for ALL pilots) - 0830-1030: Sortie 1 (brief, fly 45min, debrief) - 1030-1200: Sortie 2 - 1200-1330: Lunch at Airport - 1400-1530: Sortie 3 - 1600-1730: Sortie 4 ***Group Dinner/Social 1830 Sunday 6 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief - 0830-1200: AM window fly for those interested Mooney Caravan: www.mooneycaravan.com Registration: David Marten davemarten77@gmail.com A nominal clinic fee will cover snacks/beverages, printing, and admin costs
  6. The Mooney Caravan/Red Star Pilots Assn Gunfighters Formation Clinic will be in Yuma AZ February 1-4, 2018. This is the premiere and longest running Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic. See the attached sheet for details. Come join us for intro/basic formation training and get qualified for the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh this summer. For those who have the basics, get recurrent training or advance your skills into 4-ship formations. Again, we are partnering with the Red Star Pilots Assn. This brings in the option to train for a FAST card and fly with dissimilar aircraft. The clinic is well organized with a Air Boss to assign flight make up and airspace for deconflicting training sorties. Yuma is blessed with perfect weather in February. As this clinic is based on MCAS Yuma, you will get daily airshows with a variety of military aircraft. Meals are covered in the registration fee, will be based out of the Holiday Inn. Millionair FBO is our host, a superb facility. Review the attached info sheet and follow the instructions to sigh up, registration deadline is 02 JAN 2018. Please respect the deadline, we need time to plan for the swag, airspace, and training/safety personnel. This is a popular event, last year had 35 aircraft. They came from each coast and Canada. Get in position and sign up now. Gunfighters Yuma Clinic 2018.pdf
  7. We are in the process of planning a Formation Flying Clinic at KECP. In order to do this, we need to have a fairly accurate idea of how many people would like to participate in a Formation Flight clinic in order to be qualified to participate in the Mooney Caravan and the Formation flying Demonstration at the Mooney Summit VI. We need this info to plan for Safety pilots, etc. While this is not part of the Mooney Summit, we have heard from so many of you that you would like to have a clinic in Florida, we have engaged the proper people and it looks like it can be a reality.
  8. Mooniacs; The Mid Atlantic Group of the Mooney Caravan (MAG) will host a 2017 East Coast Regional Mooney Caravan Clinic scheduled for the weekend of 23-25 June (rain dates of 8 or 15 July) at KLYH (Lynchburg, VA). The Clinic will provide mentoring and qualification to new and returning pilots to fly the Mooney Caravan to AirVenture 2017 at OSH. The schedule is to arrive at KLYH NLT 1100 on Friday, 23 June, with that afternoon devoted to ground school and demo flights. Returning Caravanners are encouraged to attend the ground school as a refresher. Qualification/training flights are scheduled for Saturday extending into Sunday according to individual requirements. Please use this link to register: Click Here to Register for LYH Caravan Clinic You will be met at the FBO, attend the ground school and a demo flight, then scheduled transportation will take you to the Fairfield Inn. You need only show up, we’ll do the rest. Expect a registration fee of $80 for a really nice tee shirt, lunches, and to cover incidentals and gratuities for the hotel/FBO staff. We have some great dinner events planned. We selected KLYH as it offers a centralized location, 150’ runway, control tower, no restrictive airspace, proximity to the hotel (5 minutes), and most importantly, a courtesy van. Restaurants are within walking distance, and we have negotiated a reduced rate ($109) at the Fairfield Inn. Use this link to reserve your room: Book your group rate for Mooney Pilots Be advised that there are a limited number of Kings and Queens available so you would be best served by reserving early if you want a choice. The Mooney Caravan offers a unique opportunity to learn a new flying skill, become a more proficient pilot, make friends with a like-minded group of pilots, and fly a formation mass-arrival at OSH. This is serious fun, and I encourage you to explore this opportunity. We will be in touch with you closer to the event with more details, but in the meantime if you have any questions or just want to discuss the Caravan please call me at 703-304-7406 or email at jpr6353@comcast.net. Jim Rigoulot
  9. Mooney Caravan "Flying Monkeys" / B2Osh "Beechnutz" Midwest Formation Clinic Mooney Pilots, The " Flying Monkeys" Midwest Wing of the Mooney Caravan invites you to follow the yellow brick road to the Land of Oz for our 2017 Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic! This year we are co-hosting with our Bonanza friends, the Beechnutz! Join us for a fun weekend of flying and fellowship as we mix it up over the Emerald City! No matter whether you're lacking a heart, brain, courage, or perhaps all three we can train a Monkey to fly. So leave the Wicked Witch and Toto at home, grab your ruby slippers and let's FLY! Date: April 20-23, 2017 (Thursday - Sunday) Location: New Century Airport, Olathe, KS, KIXD http://www.airnav.com/airport/KIXD Hosts: Craig Wilcox of theB2Osh Beechnutz, 816-885-6472 craigwilcox737@gmail.com James Oliphant bandguy@sbcglobal.net and Dave Marten davemarten77@gmail.com 605-390-8044 and the “Flying Monkeys” of the Mooney Caravan FBO: Advanced Jet Center, 913-768-1500 Facilities: Public, Controlled, Formation-Friendly Controllers Runway 18/36: 7300’ x 150’ / Paved / Lighted / Approaches Runway 04/22: 5100’ x 100’ / Paved Hotels: Group discounts at two local hotels. Contact Craig Wilcox 816-885-6472 or craigwilcox737@gmail.com to reserve a room. Transportation: Beechnutz Bus and/or Rental Vans. $30 Bus Fee covers all clinic transportation. Rental cars also available from Enterprise, booking and discount thru Advanced Jet. Pick up and drop off at airport. Registration Fee: $80 Covers snacks, drinks, all lunches, Saturday Steak dinner, Line boy Tip and CAF donation. Registration: Please register thru the B2Osh website https://www.b2osh.org/MbrPgm/Events/EventsOne.asp?R8r06=ILJ or via e-mail to the hosts listed above. Make checks payable to: "Beechnutz Formation Flying Club", 2130 Lowman Road, Smithville, MO 64089 Program and Event Details: This is primarily an Advanced Clinic for pilots wishing to train in 4-ship formation flying. Practice sessions will begin with 2-ship formation evaluations, then progress to 4-ship formation training, including element takeoffs, landings, crossunders, rejoins, and multiple position station keeping. Pilots will fly with Safety Pilots as required. By the end of the clinic, pilots should be proficient in all 4-ship flight maneuvers, and may be eligible for an FFI checkride. An FFI Check Pilot will be available. Pilots new to formation flying are also welcome, and a separate Basic 2-ship ground school will be conducted. Flight composition and events will be tailored to the flight members to maximize training efficiency. Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide and watch the Ground School video on the Mooney Caravan website training page.http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training Schedule: Thursday 17:00 - Mandatory Ground School, CAF Briefing Room Friday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Saturday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Sunday AM Fly, Depart 11:00
  10. Mooney Caravan "Flying Monkeys" / B2Osh "Beechnutz" Midwest Formation Clinic Mooney Pilots, The " Flying Monkeys" Midwest Wing of the Mooney Caravan invites you to follow the yellow brick road to the Land of Oz for our 2017 Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic! This year we are co-hosting with our Bonanza friends, the Beechnutz! Join us for a fun weekend of flying and fellowship as we mix it up over the Emerald City! No matter whether you're lacking a heart, brain, courage, or perhaps all three we can train a Monkey to fly. So leave the Wicked Witch and Toto at home, grab your ruby slippers and let's FLY! Date: April 20-23, 2017 (Thursday - Sunday) Location: New Century Airport, Olathe, KS, KIXD http://www.airnav.com/airport/KIXD Hosts: Craig Wilcox of theB2Osh Beechnutz, 816-885-6472 craigwilcox737@gmail.com James Oliphant bandguy@sbcglobal.net and Dave Marten davemarten77@gmail.com 605-390-8044 and the “Flying Monkeys” of the Mooney Caravan FBO: Advanced Jet Center, 913-768-1500 Facilities: Public, Controlled, Formation-Friendly Controllers Runway 18/36: 7300’ x 150’ / Paved / Lighted / Approaches Runway 04/22: 5100’ x 100’ / Paved Hotels: Group discounts at two local hotels. Contact Craig Wilcox 816-885-6472 or craigwilcox737@gmail.com to reserve a room. Transportation: Beechnutz Bus and/or Rental Vans. $30 Bus Fee covers all clinic transportation. Rental cars also available from Enterprise, booking and discount thru Advanced Jet. Pick up and drop off at airport. Registration Fee: $80 Covers snacks, drinks, all lunches, Saturday Steak dinner, Line boy Tip and CAF donation. Registration: Please register thru the B2Osh website https://www.b2osh.org/MbrPgm/Events/EventsOne.asp?R8r06=ILJ or via e-mail to the hosts listed above. Make checks payable to: "Beechnutz Formation Flying Club", 2130 Lowman Road, Smithville, MO 64089 Program and Event Details: This is primarily an Advanced Clinic for pilots wishing to train in 4-ship formation flying. Practice sessions will begin with 2-ship formation evaluations, then progress to 4-ship formation training, including element takeoffs, landings, crossunders, rejoins, and multiple position station keeping. Pilots will fly with Safety Pilots as required. By the end of the clinic, pilots should be proficient in all 4-ship flight maneuvers, and may be eligible for an FFI checkride. An FFI Check Pilot will be available. Pilots new to formation flying are also welcome, and a separate Basic 2-ship ground school will be conducted. Flight composition and events will be tailored to the flight members to maximize training efficiency. Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide and watch the Ground School video on the Mooney Caravan website training page.http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training Schedule: Thursday 17:00 - Mandatory Ground School, CAF Briefing Room Friday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Saturday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Sunday AM Fly, Depart 11:00
  11. Hi I have posted a video of my flight from Madison to Oshkosh. I was in the middle of the pack somewhere (Golf element). Sorry for the jarring abrupt cutoff at the end. I used Videoblend and couldn't smoothly transition out the sound... I left on Wednesday to beat the weather so couldn't make the Thursday get together as I originally planned. Flew out with Mike "Flash" Knobler who was great company. We flew in loose formation for about 70% of the journey back home. Flight out of Oshkosh was fine up to Valentine, NE. After that, Wyoming was miserable with up/down drafts and the auto-pilot struggling (so I decided to hand fly the plane). Landed at Ogden where it was 100F, but dry! Next day flight to California was smooth and wonderful!
  12. A Mooney Caravan Formation training was held on Saturday and Sunday in Chino California. It was a chance to get myself and Dan Lubell [both newbies] trained for the mass arrival into OSH. I have to say from start to finish I was very impressed with the professionalism, attention to detail, focus on safety and the nurturing learning environment provided. Day one was intense for me as I had never really flown formation. My CFII, Mike Jesch was right seat with me and Larry "Joker" Brennan was right seat for Dan. Flight #1 I was lead. Flight #2 I was wing.ici It was a tad turbulent as we practiced around Lake Matthews, but with the amount of focus needed, I hardly noticed. Flying lead was challenging, but far easier than flying wing later. The formation take-offs with no flaps was interesting, but I didn't have problems with it. I was very concerned with a 90 kt., no flap, formation landing. Truth be told, I hadn't done a no-flap landing in a very long time, or no flap take-off for that matter. The no-flap landing was a non-issue, other than the sight picture being different. The no-flap landing in formation at 90 kts approach speed also turned out to be pretty easy. It was a bit strange to be watching another airplane versus out the front window, but I did it. Second part of day-one was a four-ship formation with me being in #5 photo plane. Our lead was Steve Blyth from B2OSH. Day two was a three-ship element for me, with me being #3 [as we will be in the Caravan]. The briefing was very thorough and I had a B2Osh safety pilot [Steve] with me. Day two just was really awesome. I think that I took the lessons from Day one and applied them to Day two. I was able to come in closer and feel more in control of the situation. We flew for just under and hour then came back to base. The de-brief was a time to own up to our shortcomings, hear about the things we did well, and learn from one another. All in all, it was a stellar weekend and I am so very very happy that I was able to attend. So to all those lovely people in my Mooney Family who kept saying "You've GOT to fly the Caravan!" I give a hearty... YOU ARE SO RIGHT. Thank you to Larry and Mike for organizing, and to all who attended. See you in OSH.
  13. Mooney Caravan: Kansas Air Capital Formation Clinic 6-8 May 2016 Join us for a weekend of fun, flying, and fellowship in the Air Capital of the World! The primary goal of the formation practice session is to introduce the basic 2-ship formation procedures required for participation in the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh 2016 formation mass arrival to AirVenture Oshkosh. For those pilots proficient in basic 2-ship formation they will have the opportunity to both refine their fundamentals and work on 4-ship procedures. Experienced formation pilots will be paired with new pilots to serve as safety pilots. Location: Newton City/County Municipal Airport, Newton, KS http://www.airnav.com/airport/KEWK Dates: May 6-8, 2016 Hosts: Dave Marten (Mooney Caravan) dandtmarten@hotmail.com (605) 390-8044 FBO: Metro North Flight Support (Main Terminal) http://www.newtonkansas.com/departments-services/airport Arrival parking is on the main ramp located immediately in front of the terminal. Ground School: Formation Academics will be held FRIDAY evening at 7:30 pm at the Confort Inn and Suites (host hotel) Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide and watch the Ground School video on the Mooney Caravan website training page.http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training **Friday evening Ground School will maximize flying on Saturday. Hotel: We have a block of rooms at the Comfort Inn & Suites at a discount rate Call for reservations: (316) 804-4866 Group Rate: “Mooney Caravan” Double Queen Suite $79.00 Breakfast is included 6-9am. A block of rooms is reserved for us until April 22nd. After April 22nd the rooms will be open to other guests. Book early! Schedule: Friday 6 May: - 1600-1800: Arrival Social in airport terminal - 1600 thru 1800: Shuttle to host hotel - 1930: Newbies: Initial Formation Academics. Saturday 7 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief – flight assignments (Mandatory for ALL pilots) - 0830-1030: Sortie 1 (brief, fly 45min, debrief) - 1030-1200: Sortie 2 - 1200-1330: Lunch at Airport - 1400-1530: Sortie 3 - 1600-1730: Sortie 4 ***Group Dinner/Social 1830 Sunday 8 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief - 0830-1200: AM window fly for those interested Mooney Caravan: www.mooneycaravan.com Registration: David Marten dandtmarten@hotmail.com A $50 clinic fee will cover snacks/beverages, printing, and admin costs
  14. Mooney Caravan: Kansas Air Capital Formation Clinic Join us for a weekend of fun, flying, and fellowship in the Air Capital of the World! The primary goal of the formation practice session is to introduce the basic 2-ship formation procedures required for participation in the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh 2016 formation mass arrival to AirVenture Oshkosh. For those pilots proficient in basic 2-ship formation they will have the opportunity to both refine their fundamentals and work on 4-ship procedures. Experienced formation pilots will be paired with new pilots to serve as safety pilots. Location: Newton City/County Municipal Airport, Newton, KS http://www.airnav.com/airport/KEWK Dates: May 6-8, 2016 Hosts: Dave Marten (Mooney Caravan) dandtmarten@hotmail.com (605) 390-8044 FBO: Metro North Flight Support (Main Terminal) http://www.newtonkansas.com/departments-services/airport Arrival parking is on the main ramp located immediately in front of the terminal. Ground School: Formation Academics will be held FRIDAY evening at 7:30 pm at the Confort Inn and Suites (host hotel) Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide and watch the Ground School video on the Mooney Caravan website training page.http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training **Friday evening Ground School will maximize flying on Saturday. Hotel: We have a block of rooms at the Comfort Inn & Suites at a discount rate Call for reservations: (316) 804-4866 Group Rate: “Mooney Caravan” Double Queen Suite $79.00 Breakfast is included 6-9am. A block of rooms is reserved for us until April 22nd. After April 22nd the rooms will be open to other guests. Book early! Schedule: Friday 6 May: - 1600-1800: Arrival Social in airport terminal - 1600 thru 1800: Shuttle to host hotel - 1930: Newbies: Initial Formation Academics. Saturday 7 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief – flight assignments (Mandatory for ALL pilots) - 0830-1030: Sortie 1 (brief, fly 45min, debrief) - 1030-1200: Sortie 2 - 1200-1330: Lunch at Airport - 1400-1530: Sortie 3 - 1600-1730: Sortie 4 ***Group Dinner/Social 1830 Sunday 8 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief - 0830-1200: AM window fly for those interested Mooney Caravan: www.mooneycaravan.com Registration: David Marten dandtmarten@hotmail.com A $50 clinic fee will cover snacks/beverages, printing, and admin costs
  15. The 4th annual MCAS Yuma formation clinic will be held MAR 26-29th. Our FBO sponsor is again Millionair. This year is expanded to cover both "Newbie"/recurrent training as will as advanced/4-ship/flight lead training. Our HQ hotel will be the Marriott Springhill Suites with a suite for $89/nt. The $50 registration fee will cover the entire clinic, lunches, social hour, a pack of line up cards, and an event Tee Shirt. Please go to www.mooneycaravan.com and get to the training section. You can download the information flyer. Thursday March 26th is the arrival day with Leader and advanced ground school that evening. Friday will be the advanced day. For Newbies and those needing recurrent training as required for participation in this years Caravan, Friday evening will be the ground school and will train on Saturday. Sunday March 29 will be a Caravan simulation with a mass departure and cross country to a destination for Lunch. This event has been getting better every year. Don't miss this outstanding chance for formation training, friendship and skill building. If after reviewing the flyer, you have questions, and want to register, just email me. Chuck "Cowboy" Crinnian chiefpilot@aviationdoc.net
  16. The fifth annual Mooney Caravan Yuma Formation Clinic is scheduled for February 4-7. See attached flyer for details. This is an outstanding opportunity to receive your formation basic training or recurrent training for the Mooney Caravan this summer. We have tracks for "newbie" basic training as well as advanced 4-ship training and practice. The cutoff date for registration is Janurary 14th. Please review the attached flyer and comply with the registration instructions. This years event will be combined with the Red Star Pilots Assn with their pilots flying Yaks, CJ's, and T-34s. We all have similar flight envelopes so we all should be able to play together. This is your best chance to get formation qualified for the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh if you live on the west coast. Any questions, just email me. Chuck "Cowboy" Crinnian Gunfighters Yuma Clinic 2016.pdf
  17. Yesterday, Yves and I flew to Kingston from Ottawa for dinner at a little place they know. Nice place. But the best part was the formation flying from Rockcliffe to Kingston. C-FQKM +1 departed Rockcliffe at 5:30 pm local and landed in Kingston at 6:10 pm local, after doing the overhead break and landing in trail. Runway 25 was not wide enough for even a two ship element to land. We wanted runway 19, but it was not the active. At first Yves did the lead job, then we switched about 20 minutes into the flight, then back to him for the landing. After dinner, it was a beautiful night flight home. Ute took the pictures. I was kinda busy. Here are the pics. Today, I will register for the Caravan.
  18. New Picture.bmp http://www.eaa.org/en/eaa/aviation-education-and-resources/aviation-videos-and-aviation-photos/eaa-webinars Cessnas, Bonanzas, Cherokees and Mooneys all have coordinated mass arrivals at EAA AirVenture. Aviation fellowship in the North 40 at its finest! Join us for an informative discussion on the most exciting way to experience Oshkosh, flying in and camping with one of the mass arrival groups. Presenters from Cessnas to Oshkosh, Bonanzas to Oshkosh, Cherokees to Oshkosh, and the Mooney Caravan will share their organization’s purpose, objectives, and training requirements. Qualifying for and flying the arrival with one of these groups is a source of pride and accomplishment, but the fun is only beginning when the planes are tied down in the North 40. FREE and open to all. Chuck "Cowboy" Crinnian will be presenting for the Mooney Caravan
  19. Good Times, Great People Hope to see everyone again this year... and some new Mooniacs as well!
  20. Pilots in the SW: Put on your spurs and saddle up! 4th Annual Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic M.C.A.S. Yuma 26-29 March 2015 MISSION OBJECTIVES PRIMARY: Basic formation skills for "Newbies" Currency/proficiency in basic formation skills for the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh. SECONDARY: Opportunity for advanced formation skill training 4-Ship proficiency TENTATIVE SCHEDULE OF TRAINING Thursday, 26 MAR: Arrival day for advanced training. Arrive by 18:00.  Group dinner TBD  Flight Lead Training Seminar  Safety Work group meeting Friday, 27 MAR: Advanced, 4-ship Training and practice. Arrival day for Basic initial and recurrent training/Newbies  Group Dinner TBD  Basic Formation Ground School Saturday, 28 MAR: Demo rides for Newbies Training sorties for Basic Skills (Newbies and recurrent)-ALL DAY Lunch at Millionair FBO Group Social/Dinner Sunday, 29 MAR: Caravan Simulation Day  Group Briefing  Mass Formation departure  XC  Mass Arrival, Lake Havasu  Lunch  RTB ACCOMODIATIONS We will be staying at the Marriott Springhill Suites for a base rate of $89, either King or Double room. 1825 E. 18th St. Call the hotel at 928-783-7853 to make your reservations. Inform the agent of the "Mooney Caravan" rate. REGISTER FOR CLINIC  Fee is $50. Please bring cash (need operating capital for the operations) This covers: o Tee Shirt o Pack of line up cards o Lunch Friday and Saturday o Tip to ground crews o Incidentals o Social Hour o If bringing spouse/other please add $20 to cover Tee Shirt, Social Hour.  DEADLINE: Please register by 15 MAR with me. Need to know your Tee Shirt Size, arrival date (Thurs or Friday), Type aircraft, Formation Experience Level, if bringing additional attendees.  E-Mail me this information, chiefpilot@aviationdoc.net See you in sunny Yuma, Chuck "Cowboy" Crinnian
  21. I just posted the pictures from the December WestTex formation clinic. Unfortunately I couldn't make it to this one, but it looks like they had a great time there. Elton did a great job organizing the clinic. Phil
  22. The recent WesTex Mooney Formation Group provided a Missing Man Tribute to the airport staff and the family often pilot and owner of the FBO that sponsored the Mooney Formation Clinic facilities and fuel discount. It was an excellent opportunity for the Mooney Pilots to show their respect and honor a fellow pilot. Well done Mooney Caravan & Formation Pilots. RIP Tyler Francis
  23. Pilots, It is just a month away and the first ever WesTex Mooney Formation clinic is shaping up to be a premiere venue for formation clinics. We have developed tracks for newbies, intermediate, and advanced skills. Whether you are new to the concepts of formation, need a dust off, or want to further your education, this IS the place to be. We want you “IN”. We have gathered experienced formation pilots from several states to get you safely introduced to the skills of formation flying”. They come to share their passion and experience. Our safety pilots will present ground school and small group didactic lesions as well as facilitate your training in the air. Additionally, opportunities to observe formation flights will be part of our curriculum. With just over a month away this clinic is shaping up to be one of the best Formation Flight Clinics for Newbies, Intermediate and Advanced skill sets around! Our primary goal is to introduce, continue to grow the Mooney to Oshkosh Caravan efforts but the clinic is open to our Aviation Brothers and their appropriate aircraft as well. Mooney Caravan works closely across the US with our Bonanza to Oshkosh Brothers. As of now we are expecting 2 to 4 Top Arizona Warbird Formation Pilots (inside source says one is bringing a Real P51!) We have negotiated a very special low rate of $80 per night King room at the new Holiday Inn, includes all the extras (full breakfast, WIFI, Shuttle service). Maybe most important NO cancelation fees should weather or something else come up! Discount on Fuel at the local FBO! Make no mistake we take ALL Formation Flight VERY SERIOUS… SAFTEY IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE #1. In addition to some of the most challenging and fun flying, there will social & fun activity including: Private Tour of the War Eagle Museum A Pilot Social Event to include a TexMex Meal I’m betting like nothing you have ever tasted, cooked right at the event and you can chase it down with an authentic South or North of the Border adult beverage if you choose! For all that can, do bring your wives! Several of the Girls are joining up for some great excursions (U know the kind that cost MONEY and all!) All Topped off with a Saturday Night TexMex Pilot Social and meal. Cost is $75 (covers food and adult beverages, and more)! Trust me we don’t make any money on these clinics, it is purely a labor of passion and only made possible through a tremendous amount of time, effort from a large number of Pilots that support General Aviation. At this point we need to get the head count and experience level from each of you that are planning to attend so we can organize the safety pilot and Sorte schedule, meals etc.: Please indicate, Newbie, Intermediate or Advanced. # Attending Aircraft info N# It is also very important that you ALL go to the mooneycaravan.com website and download the "Mooney Caravan Formation Guide". Read this so that the briefing on Thursday night will be a review and reinforcement of what you need to know about for the clinic, instead of the first time that you are seeing this information. 5T6 Dona Anna Jet Port (Just West of El Paso) Recommended arrival Thursday. Thursday Night Mandatory Newbies Briefing, Friday, Saturday and possibly Sunday morning if schedules permit and Pilots desire. Lacee PM me your email if you can join us!!
  24. Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh XVII: An Invitation to Participants The Mooney Caravan organization is pleased to announce that planning and preparations are well underway for the 17th annual Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh on Sunday July 27, 2014. The Mooney Caravan is a formation mass-arrival to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each summer and first flew in 1998 as a means for fellow Mooney pilots to camp together in the North 40 (see history). This is absolutely the best and safest alternative to the Fisk arrival and is the only viable option if you want to camp beside your friends. This event grew over the years with a peak of 97 aircraft participating in 2000. In 2009, Caravan organizers made the decision to overhaul the organization and flight format in order to improve the safety and quality of the mass flight into Oshkosh. Our organization is dedicated to facilitating a safe and enjoyable mass arrival formation flight into EAA AirVenture Oshkosh each year, as well as developing opportunities throughout the year to get together and fly our fantastic airplanes. Our participants share a strong sense of camaraderie and the friendship’s borne via our common interests in aviation and Mooney aircraft span the continent and the entire year between Caravan flights. The Mooney Caravan is sponsored by Mooney International. Our organization has developed a great relationship with Mooney’s new management team, who will be participating in the Caravan flight and many of our events during EAA AirVenture. Check out Mooney’s new website www.mooney.com. Caravan 2014 Our twelve person volunteer team has been working very hard since last year’s very successful full formation 25-ship mission in preparation for this year’s flight. The 2014 Mooney Caravan is scheduled to leave Madison (KMSN) Sunday July 27 at 10:30 A.M. The Caravan 2014 flight will consist of 3-ship elements (per our LOA with the FAA). The flights will be separated slightly more than the inter-element spacing to absorb and correct for compression and expansion effects as the flight progresses from MSN to OSH. In order to participate in the Caravan flight, pilots will be required to have demonstrated formation flight proficiency preferably by prior formation clinic attendance (strongly recommended) and must attend the briefing at 8 A.M Sunday morning. Most pilots will arrive at Madison during the day on Saturday July 26. There will be opportunities to fly formation sorties for fun and practice during the day Saturday. Saturday evening festivities include the annual Mexican dinner, pilot's "roast" and "naming" ceremonies. The easiest way to demonstrate formation flight proficiency is to attend one of the many formation clinics across the nation organized by our team (see https://sites.google.com/site/mooneycaravan/training) as well as our very supportive colleagues in the Bonanzas to Oshkosh (B2OSH) and Cherokees to Oshkosh groups. With prior coordination, most B2OSH clinics are open to Mooney pilots and all who have participated in these clinics have been warmly welcomed and immediately made part of their community. The learning opportunities have been absolutely outstanding and the experience exceptional. The watershed realization for most participants with no prior formation experience is that it is so much easier being 50 feet away from another plane as compared to 500 or 1500 feet away in terms of station keeping. With basic exposure to the principles of station-keeping (no overlap, wingman never passes lead, establish and constantly reference a sightline on lead, utilize very small control inputs), the learning has been quick and in very short order, pilots were conducting 2-ship formation take-offs, executing a series of turns and returning to a formation landing after 30 – 40 minute sorties with relative ease – and a ton of fun! In one weekend, with a little classroom time and 3 - 4 sorties followed by thorough debriefs of every flight (SOP for formation flying!), pilots are comfortable and qualified to fly in simple formation manoeuvres (most of which are beyond the requirements for the Caravan flight!). At this time, many Caravan formation flight candidates have already attended a clinic. If not, we are offering two more clinics between now and late July as follows: NE clinic - May 31- June 1 Lancaster, PA TX clinic - June 21-23 San Marcos, TX There are also seven B2OSH regional clinics scheduled over the same time period (see http://www.b2osh.org). Please don't be deterred if you haven’t flown formation and can’t make it to a clinic but still want to fly the in Caravan this summer - contact us now! Someone may be able to fly with you to allow you to demonstrate proficiency as we have resources and pilots all over the country. Please visit our website https://sites.google.com/site/mooneycaravan/home to find out more and to register for the 2014 Mooney Caravan. For many photos and videos of recent events and clinics, please visit https://mooneycaravan.shutterfly.com/. Check out our Facebook page by searching Mooney Caravan! I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all past Caravan participants to return for 2014 and to invite all Mooney pilots considering a trip to AirVenture this year to join us in Madison this summer. Chris “Toro” Shopperly President, Mooney Caravan Educational and Safety Foundation www.mooneycaravan.com
  25. I would like to join the Mooney Caravan to OSH this summer. Ideally, I would like to fly my plane from the Seattle area but need a co-pilot. I would also entertain sharing expenses flying with someone else as a co-pilot in their plane. I can meet up with someone along the northern route from Seattle to Madison to join the Caravan. I am pretty flexible. Anyone interested please contact me. Ernie Wooldridge ewooldridge@centurylink.net
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